Trichomes....cloudy to amber ration?

It's not just that they are clear. It is that they are clear, full sized and in the greatest numbers.
It's like this... I'm not saying one thing is better than the other.. All I am saying is that if you want the most THC from your bud... the best time to harvest would be just before all of your trichs turn cloudy. That's "in theory". You will never see your buds at 100% clear and hours from turning 100% cloudy. But that would be optimal. You want the closest thing to it.

Your 2 week old ladys are not ready in that case. Take a look... you have tiny little heads and in less numbers than you will have at harvest time.

It's really not that complicated... Large swollen clear heads are the most potent... when they turn cloudy they are starting to degrade... when they turn amber they have degraded quite a bit. Since not all glands mature at the same time you want to choose the time when you have the most mature clear heads.

If your goal is to harvest as much thc as possible then this is your method. If that is not your goal than try something else.

I harvest with cloudy trichs present because that time when you have the most swollen clear mature trichs is also a time when you will have cloudy present.

Everyone is a pro on RIU... bad info is more readily available than good info on RIU.
Just check out Dr Mahlberg... come up with your own conclusion.

Why go looking for info on these forums when Mahlberg wrote so much on the subject? Read the article that Kite High posted. It will answer your questions..

Hell in that case my 2 week old ladies are ready. They are icy and cleae trichromes. Hmmmmmmmmm why must everyone have opinions.

I thought you wanted a 50% amber to tear down. Why must all the pros lie to us and say clear is bad or wont get you high.

Seems to me that amber is like the Christians, been around forever and old folk swear by it. Clear is like scientist, mr.knowitall scientist who creates more theories on stuff.

Damn I high and irritated that there is all kinds of bs out there. All I want is the truth. I have clear tris on my week 11 flowers. Should I pull if I want a couchlock high??????????????
I dont get why people would rather have a certain color trichomes then mature bids...:confused: If you pick the buds when they are mature (when the buds itself turn a darker color from the bright green) then your trich's will be at max potency...

not ready..........


notice the difference? it's pretty easy to see once it occurs.

It dont take a rocket scientist or a microscope to tell when the buds are mature and ready to pick, one day they are bright green the next they are not and look like yummy candy. Nuff said......
It's not just that they are clear. It is that they are clear, full sized and in the greatest numbers.
It's like this... I'm not saying one thing is better than the other.. All I am saying is that if you want the most THC from your bud... the best time to harvest would be just before all of your trichs turn cloudy. That's "in theory". You will never see your buds at 100% clear and hours from turning 100% cloudy. But that would be optimal. You want the closest thing to it.

Your 2 week old ladys are not ready in that case. Take a look... you have tiny little heads and in less numbers than you will have at harvest time.

It's really not that complicated... Large swollen clear heads are the most potent... when they turn cloudy they are starting to degrade... when they turn amber they have degraded quite a bit. Since not all glands mature at the same time you want to choose the time when you have the most mature clear heads.

If your goal is to harvest as much thc as possible then this is your method. If that is not your goal than try something else.

I harvest with cloudy trichs present because that time when you have the most swollen clear mature trichs is also a time when you will have cloudy present.

Everyone is a pro on RIU... bad info is more readily available than good info on RIU.
Just check out Dr Mahlberg... come up with your own conclusion.

Why go looking for info on these forums when Mahlberg wrote so much on the subject? Read the article that Kite High posted. It will answer your questions..

This is all very easy to verify, I'll simply harvest a branch early and compare the 2. I read Mahlberg's stuff several years ago, just never got around to a lab experiment.
This is all very easy to verify, I'll simply harvest a branch early and compare the 2. I read Mahlberg's stuff several years ago, just never got around to a lab experiment.

To verify for own taste, sure.
Perhaps Malhberg made a mistake?
All I am saying is that according to Mahlberg the most THC comes from a clear gland.
I'm personally not challenging what he found. Whoever wants to, go for it.

In the end all that matters is that you get what you want out of it.

LBS and LBS come from CO into our state... it's second rate compared to local. That is where I need to be. Harvesting peak THC is an incredibly easy way to keep the CO buds from bringing down local prices. All the buds that come in are obviously being harvested by the same method as most on RIU, and are available at very low prices.
They call our local "boutique buds".. the only real difference is a little less handling and an earlier harvest. So, I'm getting what I want.

I'm not looking to carry the flag for this fight. I hope you all harvest the best buds for you and yours.

I've been sick for the last couple days... I hear I've been a pompous asshole. Apologies.
Ill try it. But hell ive never heard the clear trichromre idea till I got on here. I own a microscope and even at 2 weeks I have iced out buds w erect seollen penis heads, now the hairs are bright white so is it still ready? Wish I could get a pic. Hell I may need to get a hold of a seed breeder.

Sorry guys I dont trust doctors for doctors subscribe shit that kills as many ppl as it helps. Ill trust a ganja specialist though.

I dont want to ruin my harvest for hear say. You guys keep telling others to test other ways, if you were so sure how about you put it out there that thats your theory. Ill harvest some clears tonight and smoke in 1 month. If its shit ill. Be one pissed off asshole.
DJ Short or FDD? I like FDD too, but I'll go with DJ..
When I want some hilarious Random Jibber Jabber I'll go with FDD all day. As far as growing... i'll go with Mahlberg and DJ Short.

I read through FDD's thread as your eye rolling comment suggested...
I don't know about "cripsy leaves" as a signal that plants are done. Sounds like someone has problems with leaf necrosis to me... I like nice healthy leaves through harvest. That goes for just about any plant, really. It sounds like needs of the plant are not being met..

Everything I am saying is right on with the thread topic... we are in the newb section..

DJ says it himself.."As far as trichomes are concerned, the tall ones with swollen, clear, bulbous heads are what to shoot for."

To each their own...

Harvest Your Herb
by DJ Short

There are several important points to consider when choosing the optimum time to harvest your cannabis crop. There are different factors to consider between indoor and outdoor plants. There is the difference between Sativas and Indicas in bloom duration and final effect. There is the difference between early and late harvest to encourage head to body high respectively. There is the issue of chemistry because what we are really considering in terms of the "ripeness" relates directly to the chemical nature and state of the plant at harvest. Last, but not least, is the concept of "the window of harvest", where I will begin.

The Window of Harvest
This term indicates the period during which the plant is at its optimum state of ripeness. The window "opens" when the plant is first ripe. Somewhere along the line the plant becomes over-ripe which signifies the "closing" of the window of harvest.

For most Indicas grown indoors, the window of harvest is about two weeks long * give or take a couple of days for various strains. Indoors, if going directly from an 18/6 hour vegetative light cycle to a 12/12 hour bud cycle, most indicas take about eight weeks to fully mature.

As to outdoors I can only speak from experience at the 45th parallel and the bloom times there. At the 45th parallel I've found most Indicas to be at peak harvest starting at the beginning of October, sometimes very late September, and running until the end of October, sometimes running into November during mild years or in a greenhouse. My favorite time to harvest a nice Blueberry Indica outdoors is in the second to third week of October.

For Sativa grown either indoors or outdoors, the window may be open much longer. Some Sativas take up to thirteen weeks to mature indoors. Outdoors many will go well into November and even December, if conditions are right (again, this is near or at the 45th parallel).

Head High or Body Stone?
An important consideration has to do with one's preference for a "head" high or more of a "body" high. A good head high can positively influence one's mental state much like a psychedelic; whereas a good body high is more similar to a narcotic effect. Generally, head highs tend to be more up and body highs tend to be more down. Suffice it to say that a good healthy mix of the two is a fine goal to achieve.

Sativas and early window harvests tend to be more of a head high, whereas Indicas and late window harvests tend to be more of a body high. Given this rule of thumb you can pretty much come up with what you want. That is, if you prefer a very psychedelic head high, then an early harvested Sativa might do best. If a very narcotic body high is desired, then a late harvest indicas would probably do best. For that best-of-both worlds high, experimentation with late harvested sativas and early-to-mid harvested indicas usually proves interesting.

Magnify your Buds
When we speak of various highs experienced by different products, we are noting variations in plant chemistry. The chemicals we enjoy are produced within the glandular stalked trichomes, along the surfaces of the bud flowers (calyxes), bracts, leaves and stems, starting in or around the fourth week of the bud cycle. More and more of these trichomes develop as the plant matures.

I highly recommend that the serious cannabis student acquire a 30X power, illuminated magnifier. These can be found at most local electronics stores, often for under fifteen dollars. With the aid of the magnifier one can learn more about the detail of trichome development and ripeness.

As far as trichomes are concerned, the tall ones with swollen, clear, bulbous heads are what to shoot for. The denser the concentration, the greater the potency.

The Cycle of Plant Maturity
Starting in the third or fourth week of the flowering light cycle, glandular stalked trichomes will begin to form along the surfaces of leaves, flowers, bracts and stems. At the same time, more and more flowers (also called calyxes) develop into densely-packed floral clusters.

The pistils of the young flowers are bright white and turn reddish brown with age. The pistils and flowers develop from the bottom of the bud to the top. The older, lower pistils are the first to turn reddish brown. For most basic indicas this usually happens by the sixth week in the flowering cycle. It is about this time that the calyxes begin to swell.

Calyx swelling is a major indicator of peak maturity. The lowest, oldest calyxes swell first and the swelling works its way up to the highest, youngest flowers on each bud. At peak maturity about 90% of the calyxes will almost look seeded, they are so fat. Three quarters to 90% of the pistils will have turned reddish brown as well. For a basic Indica this takes well into the seventh week of the flowering cycle.

By the end of the eighth week most of the calyxes will have swollen and a surge of trichome development has coated most of the buds. It is now that the development of a very discerning palate comes into play to determine the finest harvest time. Remember - patience is a virtue and often a discipline.

The ripening signs for most Sativas are highly similar, except extended over a longer period of time. Occasionally, some Sativas have windows of peak harvest that actually open and close. That is, for a week or so the plant may exhibit signs of peak ripeness. However, a week later the plant may have a growth spurt, which lowers the trichome-to-fibre ratio and overall potency for a little while. Usually a fibrous growth spurt is accompanied by a corresponding trichome increase. Again, time and experience are the key elements in this regard.

Changes in Chemistry
As the plant matures through its window of harvest its chemistry changes. As the window closes, the more desirable compounds begin breaking down into less desirable ones. Primarily it is THC breaking down in CBNs and CBDs.

Which particular combination of chemicals is the most desirable is purely a matter of taste and choice, developed over time and with experience. Set and setting also play an important role in determining which type of product is best appreciated.

Pleasant head highs are often desirable for social occasions, whereas a narcotic late-window Indica may work better as an evening medicinal herb. The main point is that these differences are chemical in nature and more research is needed to more fully understand this phenomenon.
Ill try it. But hell ive never heard the clear trichromre idea till I got on here.

That would be... the RIU phenomenon. It blows my mind, everyday.

I love RIU... toke and talk is great. Love the members... but the fact you don't see it on RIU doesn't mean much. Not much at all. Sorry to be a dick.

Let me say it again.. I love RIU.

This site is more of a social circle than anything. It's a fucking great one too.
That would be... the RIU phenomenon. It blows my mind, everyday.

I love RIU... toke and talk is great. Love the members... but the fact you don't see it on RIU doesn't mean much. Not much at all. Sorry to be a dick.

Let me say it again.. I love RIU.

This site is more of a social circle than anything. It's a fucking great one too.

Hell yeah brother couldnt agree more, and when it comes to this culture its all about the relations with like minded people. A lot of us get into arguments, but thats because we feel passionate about our beliefs about a certain topic. It gets a little hairy but no matter what, no matter how different ones point of view is on something compared to another persons here. We are all trying to help, thats because we all have hearts. We come on here hours on end everyday, going through threads that peek our interest. We meet new people and add on to our alliance of cannabis enthusiasts. A good family has fights, a good family helps each other anyway we can. We stay on these forums for one reason, because its our home. :hug:
Lets settle it, I have a cool idea if theres someone willing to do this.

Anybody reading this thread currently have a home THC test kit and uses clones?

Its as simple as growing 2 of the same strain clones, using the same of everything to grow them. Then pull one using DJ's shorts method and one using FDD's. And do a journal (which i believe would deserve to be stickied somewhere) documenting the grow and end results with the THC test kit. :lol:
i believe it has been done already with professional laboratory equipment
also home THC test kit? are you kidding me?? never heard of them before, i wonder how accurate they are
. Cannabis Test Kit - Test for THC,CBG,CBD and more
[TABLE="width: 448"]
[TD="width: 250"]
[TD="width: 182"]
Kit Contains:
TLC plates
Coloring dye powder
Testing fluids- extraction, developer
Developing container
Plastic reaction tubes (small test tubes)
Capillary tubes & Bulb ( glass tubes to take samples with)
Spray bottle
Reaction tube rack
Pipette-( measuring eye droppers, syringe )
English manual - e-mailed​
.............Similar to Photo thc testing THC test, , THC drug test, drug test kits, thc test kits, test your plant for THC, drug testing, THC drug test kit​
Now re-designed for easy of use, with a easy English manual, updated testing method
The only Independently University Certified test kit for testing Medical Marijuana Plants
This test is in full compliance with the guidelines of the World Health Organization concerning the safety and quality of medicinal plant materials.(WHO/PHARM/92.559).​
The Cannabis test kit is a unique mini-laboratory, Registered trade marked, patented and University certified.(Cannalytics, Cannalyse) The fingerprint kit contains a unique standardized & high performance developing protocol for thin layer chromatography, specific for cannabinoids and a total-extraction specific for Cannabis. The cannabinoids will be separated and identified on special impregnated TLC-plates.

Only a minimal amount of sample (100-120mg) is needed for total cannabinoid extraction.

The Cannabis test kit is a real (photo-chemistry) mini-laboratory! No chemical background is required for proper performances of the test, Great for in-house testing during and after plant growth has finished.
Test not just for THC and delta-9 but delta-8 THC, THCV, CBG, CBNV, CBD as well. All the cryptic's will be separated and after spraying with dye, will be visible as different colored spots on the TLC-plate!

Total extraction means that THC residing inside the resin-producing stalked glandular trichomic cells will be released and there for measured as well. The extraction solvent will disrupt all the cell walls. So, all THC will be released.
In contrast to analytical laboratories where alcohol or hexane is used as extraction solvent which will "wash" only the oil droplets on the trichomes away.
The greenish colour (= chlorophyll, a and b) of the extraction solvent is an indication of the total extraction.

The importance of detection, identification and accurate quantification of the main cannabinoids (THC, CBG, CBD)
grows with the increased commitment by global marijuana user groups, patients, clinical institutes, governmental institutions, for safety & quality standards and labels for all Cannabis products.
This demands the control of the safety (presence of pesticides, heavy metals, dioxins etc.) and quality of Cannabis.

Yeah seriously, be cool to get to try out if ya got a few extra bucks :)
I have chopped one of my plants early with all clear trichome heads, and it was like smoking Diet bud. Just my experience with one of the strains I work with.
amber means the thc is degrading. You do not want amber. Aim for 10% amber, 80% cloudy, and another 10% clear, whatever that means, best to chop once you start to see amber.