Chaotic Blather Thread


Active Member
Hahaha . Yup, sounds pretty chaotic to me lol
It was crazy. A bunch kids hopped up on sugar running around like mini tweekers. Cannabis saved the day. You would think that out of 20+ adults there at least one other one was a toker but nope not a single one. I always hope there is one other person I can sneak away with at a gathering to blaze with but I was flying solo today. "Uh yeah I forgot something in the car I'll be right back"!


Ursus marijanus
I am watching the most wonderful series ... "Connections" with James Burke ... thank you Netflix!

And yesterday I actually saw a coyote cross the road. (It got to the other side.) cn

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i've got some turkey's in my yard walking around and eating stuff, the momma has some little ones fallowing her, they look so cute, wild turkey are alot more appealing to the eye than the ones we eat on thanksgiving, that's for sure.


Ursus marijanus
A month ago I had to brake hard for a small gaggle of them crossing a twisty backroad with remarkable aplomb. I think they must have had some honey badger in'em ... no shit given.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I wrote a song and called it 'Mein Kampfort Zone'. Don't know why I get a look everytime I ask people if they want to hear it. You think I should re-work the chorus?


Ursus marijanus
Three days ago I saw something beautiful in the sky here. It was a bright sunny day, but there was a wash of high thin cloud in places. I saw a pronounced circumscribed halo at about 22º around the sun. It was bright and had rainbow colors, "red in, blue out". Beneath it was a broad swath of color, also "red in, blue out", which if i read these things correctly was an circumhorizontal arc. it was remarkably bright. Piercing the top of the circumscribed halo was a thin but complete colorless circle, the parhelic circle whose center is the zenith. cn



Well-Known Member
Three days ago I saw something beautiful in the sky here. It was a bright sunny day, but there was a wash of high thin cloud in places. I saw a pronounced circumscribed halo at about 22º around the sun. It was bright and had rainbow colors, "red in, blue out". Beneath it was a broad swath of color, also "red in, blue out", which if i read these things correctly was an circumhorizontal arc. it was remarkably bright. Piercing the top of the circumscribed halo was a thin but complete colorless circle, the parhelic circle whose center is the zenith. cn
