things nooobs say that just make you lmfao

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How much would it cost to put my balls in your mouth??? Why not help the fucking newbs rather than be nut hugging douche bags. Really it isn't that hard. Use your energy for positive vibes. someone needs a cock sized hug!
IMO it's sort of profession related jokes, like IT people laugh from elder people who lift their mouse in a vertical direction for the pointer to go up. Ofc, for everybody else that might sound rude, but I doubt that anybody in here are being rude or ignorant. And BTW, most of them are really trying to help and always answer when asked or even read other threads and comment. Also I'd say a great place to find out about in forums floating hypes so those newbies would not hook up on them.
IMO it's sort of profession related jokes, like IT people laugh from elder people who lift their mouse in a vertical direction for the pointer to go up. Ofc, for everybody else that might sound rude, but I doubt that anybody in here are being rude or ignorant. And BTW, most of them are really trying to help and always answer when asked or even read other threads and comment. Also I'd say a great place to find out about in forums floating hypes so those newbies would not hook up on them.

SO what should you expect in a place called newbie central??? Everyone to know what their doing???
How much would it cost to put my balls in your mouth??? Why not help the fucking newbs rather than be nut hugging douche bags. Really it isn't that hard. Use your energy for positive vibes. someone needs a cock sized hug!
Hopefully you READ the entire post. I help just don't like it when most get lazy on research and don't READ. Before even asking the question look it up. Chances are its been posted.
Hopefully you READ the entire post. I help just don't like it when most get lazy on research and don't READ. Before even asking the question look it up. Chances are its been posted.

I've read the whole thread yea most aren't lazy it's just a pain in the as to digg up the simple stuff. This forum ifs for helping each other. I've seen less bullshit on the forums for a quitting tobacco and you know their some ornery mother Fockers
Lets never repost anything cause what we need is another dead forum. Give people groups and communities and the first thing that happens is they find ways to create seperation and build belifes on someones ideas. Some people need a punching bag not a keyboard
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