Properly made BHO in RI

Your oil looks great!

I'm in the unfortunate position of not having an outdoor area suitable for extraction. Wavegem: What would someone look for in compensation for running product?

I guess what I'm asking is, what would be reasonable (not offensive) to offer someone for using their extractor and expertise?

i have a friend of a friend that has a nice closed loop stainless system (much like yours) that puts out amazing oil. I would love him to run my trim and popcorn.

I ask 100 dollars per run. I can fit 6 ounces of material in my tube, my yeilds vary with material average is 20 grams per run, I have hit 40 though.
I've never seen anything like that? What is that wax from? How do filter it out?

You need to mix bho and ethanol like everclear or something better. Then freeze it for 48 hours then filter.

a complicated way to filter you can use coffee filters.


the hose is attached to a vacuum pump to assist in filtering

The hot plate is not on
Looks great man, I can't wait to get a pump and try some of this stuff. I'm about to move, and I might be able to run butane in my back yard at the new house!

So this festival June 30th at Ripac office parking lot 11am-7pm celebrating 7 years of medical marijuana is great for the community! Everyone go! I am going to be giving out FREE dabs to all patients with a valid card inside. I am serious FREE dabs all day or until it runs out. Wax, Shatter many different strains!!!!!! Big supply
Sounds like a good time I shall also be attending and looking forward to trying some of your beautiful concentrates!
Also coming up on a harvest and will definitely be getting in touch with you about running my sugar, and possibly some flowers. I get around a 23% percent yield generally with this strain.
ebay has exstraction tubes for 20 or so bucks, coffee filter are 5, and butane is 30 for 12 bottles on amazon. if your broke, go for iso alcohol. works great, dont forget to freeze the weed and not sure about the butane.
Even for the cheapest 5X filtered butane its still $40+ a case. Plus you are going to need a vacuum pump and chamber to properly purge your oil much easier. This gentleman is a little farther along in his tech than a glass tube ha. Plus for the time invested and money you would have spent on butane for a six ounce run I think that is a fair asking price.
I did some research and Vector is the cleanest butane to use and as long as its back purged properly all the other solvents will dissipate and also leaving it out is also good. I'm lucky a friend has an oven and the glass comes out perfect. I love my flower but will say I love to dab out also. Clean Oil is the way to go love the setup outside with the pics of wax. Good Karma.."One Love".. Knowledge is Power....


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at least he is doing it right.i cant even count on how many people try to do this without the proper equipment and knowledge.
Anyone have a couple of these?

Ya we rockin now look out for that hexane it's deep red color and I am the only one making it
Yeah, my buddy has a vac oven, I've heard it called the death star. I know he partnered up with someone when he bought it, so who knows, could be you! Small world here in RI.