Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
can someone like a comment a couple times? im about to hit 66...well you get the other number. i just dont want to hit that number.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I bought a laser pointer today, been LMAO at the dogs and cats. MY little calico sure is quick.
Yeah I had fun with that when I first moved into this house.

My cat would run all the way down the hall and chase the light halfway up the wall.

Funny stuff. Until I realized the wall was wallpapered.

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
Someone attempts to sing and fails...do you applaud the attempt or boo the result?
This happened just the other day. My buddy broke out in attempt to bust out like a heavy metal singer. Not sure which song he was trying to attempt because I quickly & loudly interrupted with my best rendition of Ethel Murman's "everything's coming up roses" (that's who he reminded me of) which soon had us both ROFLOAO so hard we were both in tears.

& here I go again!

Man I love my little buddy, Vinnie :hug: He always know's how to have fun & how to bring it out of others too!!!
& Thanks for bringing it up again Mojo!!

Now I'm going to go call Vinnie to make sure he's still set with the goods!! :weed:


Ursus marijanus
This happened just the other day. My buddy broke out in attempt to bust out like a heavy metal singer. Not sure which song he was trying to attempt because I quickly & loudly interrupted with my best rendition of Ethel Murman's "everything's coming up roses" (that's who he reminded me of) which soon had us both ROFLOAO so hard we were both in tears.

& here I go again!

Man I love my little buddy, Vinnie :hug: He always know's how to have fun & how to bring it out of others too!!!
& Thanks for bringing it up again Mojo!!

Now I'm going to go call Vinnie to make sure he's still set with the goods!! :weed:
tip o'the hat for the gnarly plural acronym. cn


Well-Known Member
OMG. What a pimp line I just heard.....

Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see.

That is pimp. And in all my years of using bad ass pick up lines, I've never heard of this....