F.M.I.L.Y's Grow


Well-Known Member
I brown bag PBRs! Street Style! lol

Shwag, it aint happening bro! I want to see what its like to grow a monster. The little lady in the ground in front of her will be SCRoG'd, not big bertha!


Well-Known Member
Good soil out there! How hot is it?

That queen is getting chunky :) She has some nice pointy leaves!

Subcool visited Mendo Dope's farm and they use two of those screens. Do you think you will need a second one?

This baby is smelling pretty skunky already :P

Nice plant Mo, if you look closely on the left side of the shade material you will see its doubled up already! During the peak hours of the day when its the hottest, I spray down the shade material and i swear its like 15 degrees cooler in that shaded area! Today it hit 96F, our hottest part of the summer doesnt come till August!!! Its like a damn desert here and i hate it especially after moving from San Diego! Fuck I miss San Diego!

Peace and I hope your knee is feeling better bro!


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
its worse then the desert fm. you have even more pollution to deal with then me. Awesome job on taking care of her. Those ladys are drop dead gorgeous. do you get any rains this summer. Im going to start an outdoor and im a bit worried about monsoons devestating my crop. take it easy fm, thanks for the info on the soil and im sure you wil be back in san diego before you know it. Cant leave till these ladys are done can you? i wouldnt , yu got to finish this grow out now, its too insanely magnificant.


Well-Known Member
Oh, no - I mean the metal screen around the plant. I guess Mendo uses a second one. I am interested to see how they do it. I figure when it stretches in flower they add a second screen to support the buds and branches.

The knee was much stronger today. Just in time to go under the dentist drill :P He used some good novocaine though. It made my fingers tingle!

Wow 96! I love the shades!

Sun was hot today here. Never got full strength though because of the marine layer.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I am planning for another cage around her maybe in August. She is def going to need something for support. There are actually already 9 Bamboo sticks inside her that you cant see supporting her, it get very windy here too. Glad the knee if feeling better Mo!

Ambz, I wish it rained here but it doesnt really rain till winter time. If it did rain out here in the heat it would probably be nasty muggy and humid as fuck. I prefer dry heat any day over humid heat! I been to Thailand, Singapore and Panama and those places were fucking humid and hot as hell!




Well-Known Member
Thahaha. She's going to be a monster for sure!

Found mites in my shit today :( I've been too busy to transplant and the girls got a little stressed. I introduced some lilac cuttings and dwarf cherry trees and I think they may have brought the devil. Neem drenching foliar style and scoring another round of SNS209, YOU KNOOOOWWWWW. Have a good weekend playa.


Well-Known Member
I too use SNS 209, shit works real good! I just started using it this grow. You too have a good weekend!

Its Father's Day Weekend! woooohoooo



Well-Known Member
This video is pretty dope!



Well-Known Member
Hour and fifteen minutes my ass...

More like 2 and a half. lol
Coming from the border of mexico (2.5 hours) coming from where I live by QualCom is (1 hour 15 mins) Dont forget I drove that ride twice a weekend. Its not that bad if you go at the correct times. Speaking of that when the fuck are you two hooligans coming over my house???


Well-Known Member
Coming from the border of mexico (2.5 hours) coming from where I live by QualCom is (1 hour 15 mins) Dont forget I drove that ride twice a weekend. Its not that bad if you go at the correct times. Speaking of that when the fuck are you two hooligans coming over my house???
no gas money. plus bc is working like 7 days a week right now or something. so i have no gas and he has no free time. so we suck. lol.


Well-Known Member
Coming from the border of mexico (2.5 hours) coming from where I live by QualCom is (1 hour 15 mins) Dont forget I drove that ride twice a weekend. Its not that bad if you go at the correct times. Speaking of that when the fuck are you two hooligans coming over my house???
Ohhhh he got you good BC :fire: