I found someone elses plants. What to do?

thinking ahead this year I planted in a few different places. So im not terrified about it. I do really like this spot though. Im not too worried about getting shot. lol cause its just not that kinda spot. I really thought about just cutting his so he would go away but for some strange reason I find that really hard to do.
you find it hard, because its wrong and your instinct is telling you that, as you said he has just as much right to be there, move yours or grow side by side, those are your choices
It's a tough call...on one hand he's compromising your grow but at the same time...ya never know who's on the other end. IMO, once people move in...it's time to move on. Knowing when to cut your losses is important. I'm sure you can find many more places just as good if not better...diversifying is key.
if it were me i'd re locate and my fee would be topping some of his plants and using the tops as clones to make up for transplant yield loss make the best out of it and send him a message.
you have a lot to think about, how far away are yours and his/hers from each other????

If you found there's you think they didn't find yours????

as we all know when they start getting gnarly buds you think they won't smell/see ,fukin take them???

who's property are you growing on yours? state? there property? how long you been growin there???

so my point is there is way to many reasons unless it's your property for you to keep going back n forth and risk getting busted or shot..

best thing to do is watch from a distance if there busted then you know you done right.. if there there at the end of there grow and the others are there also go in guerrilla style and get whats your ONLY YOURS and just never grow there again..

or you can just wait until you see your neighbor and yell dea stop and just let them run like hell.. and after that your golden...

so use your own judgement and don't be stupid over a couple plants....
Go to police station and make up some bullshit story so you can get a business card from one of the cops. Staple that to a typewritten note of faked police stationary stating that is illegal to grow on public land and marijuana is illegal and ask him to come down to the station and turn himself in.

Problem Solved.
Yup. Don't touch his plants... but definitely leave a "reminder" that they have been discovered!

Give him some schoolin' on a proper gorilla grow. Leave a "Trespassers will be fucked" sign, or better yet... "hey, get off my lawn" sign.

Send him a message.
place a not telling them your not there for theres, just takeing care of yours. most of the people the farm are straight up. lot more honest them most people I know , you prob will make a new best friend
If you don't know who this other person is then I wouldn't fuck with them. You can get shot over something that isn't worth your life. In northern California there are a lot of shady outdoor growers and rippers. Be smart!
Without hesitation I would chop all of his down.

One of you two are going to have to take a loss here. The loss is finding a new place to grow, why should it be me (and me is you in this case.)

This is not stealing or ripping, this is a direct threat to your hard work and freedom.

If you can make it look like the cops did it, great.
Go to police station and make up some bullshit story so you can get a business card from one of the cops. Staple that to a typewritten note of faked police stationary stating that is illegal to grow on public land and marijuana is illegal and ask him to come down to the station and turn himself in.

Problem Solved.
Are you kidding me, Im sickened at some of the ideas Im hearing put out, and here I thought growers look out for eachother.
Move them around every time you go there... If they are in pots... If not transplant the, every time. They will think they are going crazy.. Then you get a trail cam and find out if you know the person.. Hire an Indian tracker they are expensive but well worth it (and typically carry snakes and sparklers ). Have him locate your mystery farmer.. Then you break into his house at night every other night replacing every lightbulb to a dimmer one until, he is operating solely off black lights..now he knows he is going crazy.. Put more and more sugar into his salt and more and more salt into his sugar at this point too. He's loosing his memory and his sight and now his taste. While you are in his house take all his money and account info... You will be randomly depositing sed money into his account over the next month, he won't remember the transactions. This dude is completely insane at this point, and you also know his name have found his handwriting, now you attach a note to his plant ... In his hand writing, signed by himself. This note will say "remember to get milk" and you will have taken his milk the night before. Obviously he will forget because the placebo effect has taken over and when he returns to his house and sees there is no milk he will believe that he has in fact lost his mind. Now that he knows he is insane nd you know his name you wait at your plot, you know what he looks like because you caressed his face while he slept... When you bump into each other you say yo Adam what's up man I didn't think you would show that voice mail seemed stressed... Then you take cre of his plants with him and split the yield of course.

this is the only logical means to an end.
if i seen any1 ripping my plants up i WILL put a cap in your arse, be aware of this my friend, no need in damaging someone elses crop, how would you feel? you may as well kick the fella in the nuts