Silk Road Experiences?

I have recently used the road to get dmt in the uk,now i have a email for the vendor and dont need to go to the road again whilst im happy with the product!
i've used 2 vendors since i failed with mhrb, they both operate similar and sent a free sample and then i started small and now i get it by the half gram,i find dmt vendors to be trustworthy just like weed people,basic rules of success denotes they keep the customer happy!
And how do you know the vendor won't steal your money without escrow?
do not do not do not do not do not do not BUY ANYTHING OF SR WITHOUT ESCROW , scammers and theives and 419 scammers flood that god damn website with tons of scams, and just from the idiots on there they can literally trawl for victims and make thousands doing it, do not do not do not do it, DO NOT GIVE AN EMAIL THATS NOT TOR OR related to you in ANY way at all even just one name can get you watched . this is a serious thing, not only could u lose potentially hundreds of dollars but u can lose years of your life in federal time for buying controlled drus off the internet, it IS a federal crime and you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, i rpomise u this. if u get drugs mailed and the minute it crosses states you have just commmited a federal mail-fraud, and by the way, it carries a 3-5 year MINIMUM federal sentence in a fed. facility (aka sheridan many other fed inst.)
australian vendors on silkroad are super expensive, but think if i did live there i would rather pay the extra and have internal mail because lots of stuff from silkroad doesnt make it through aus customs.

Yeh I know man...Its ridiculous and the gear around Oz is usually cut up the wall anyways...If I got some X from overseas I could prob afford to have 3-4 orders seized before it equals the same as Australian prices so as long as 1 order out of 4 get through Iwould still be getting it cheaper than an Oz dealer lol...I hate Aus when it comes to drugs...Shitty quality most of the time and it takes a whole paycheck to have a decent weekend!!
They actually just busted their first SR vendor, He was an Aussie. Had over 10,000 texts of his and he was selling bricks and whatnot. Don't know all the details you'd have to look it up.

Pretty sure that was almost a year ago wasnt it...Some young dude in his 20's. Watched a interview with him and he reckons before the LEO caught on most of his packages got through. He was fuckin with big orders too
I got on the road pertty early. Only bad experience I had was on the 420 event from last year when "tony76" (I think taht was the name) had everyons trust and made away with hundreds of thousands of dollars, and that was when the bitcoin was only $5.

I used to buy 3-4hundred bucks of stuff a week, sell most of it, and make a tiny proffit.

Then I got clean, leaving about $60 bucks worth of BTC on my account.... When they were under $10 per btc.

A few months ago I heard the value had gone up. I check into it and my Silk Road account had over $1000 worth of BTC in it. RELAPSE!!!

Just do research on the forums before you make a purchase you're not willing to lose. Having spent over $5,000 on the website, I can say that if you do it properly, it is safe from LE, and safe from rip off.

Dont Finalize Early.

And I still see no need for PGP. Tyler must be a coke or meth user as the vendors of those substances say their customers are the only ones who use pgp as a whole.

Of course, I never discuss what I am buying, so I see no need for pgp.

Dont most vendors usually want newbies to FE? Can someone give me the full rundown on Finalizing Early? Is it like SR acts as a middleman and until I recieve my goods they wont release the money to the vendor? What happens if it never arrives?
That's exactly how SR works. You pay SR a fee to act as an escrow agent, this allows trust to be distributed. SR trusts the vendors because they've paid a bond or have a large number of successful transactions, SR trusts the buyer because they've paid, we all trust SR because of the huge number of successful transactions that they get a cut of. Yes they could do a big sale to get a ton of purchases in a short period and then not pay the vendors, but there's a lot more value in staying open long term, it's harder to establish trust as an escrow agent than a vendor. I also like to think DPR will retire by selling the name to someone rather than fucking everybody and running. It'd be hard to convert that many coins to other currency or goods anonymously and the biggest losers would be the biggest vendors, ie the people most likely to have the resources to track down the thief and make an example of them. Much safer to have Roberts still sailing while you sit on a beach in paradise living like a king. Maybe he has to write the occasional bit of libertarian philosophy so the new guy doesn't reveal the trick by having a very different writing style. For some reason I don think he considers that work.
So is there a difference between paying using escrow and FE? I thought FE was the vendor gets the money straight up...and escrow uses a middleman! The way MrEduck explained it makes it sound like using FE 'IS' using escrow...And if I finalize early and the goods dont arrive its up to the vendor to decide what he wanna do as he already has the money...
Everything starts in the escrow system, finalizing early is when you release the funds to the vendor without receiving product. Trading out of escrow is doing business directly with a vendor.
Everything starts in the escrow system, finalizing early is when you release the funds to the vendor without receiving product. Trading out of escrow is doing business directly with a vendor.

Ok, I understand...So all purchases start in escrow...And finalizing early is just giving them the money before recieving the goods!
Couldnt some people just do what they do on ebay and say they never recieved the goods, keep the stash and claim the money back?
Ok, I understand...So all purchases start in escrow...And finalizing early is just giving them the money before recieving the goods!
Couldnt some people just do what they do on ebay and say they never recieved the goods, keep the stash and claim the money back?

Every single vendor on there uses tracking, and if it didn't reach the destination, they will know. They may not give you a tracking number, but its there. Besides that, all vendors use a certain system for buyers and usually you'd only get back around 30% of your coins. Some will give more, but not a lot. So the best option is to never and I mean never FE. I basically go like this, I'll order something from someone that doesn't require an FE, and when my product arrives and I inspect it, I'll give them a good review on the product and packing. After I get a chance to try said product, I'll go back and update my feedback to if I thought it was up to my standards. There is a pretty good system in place on the SR, I myself only order domestic, cause I would hate to lose my product and 70% of my coins.