The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
Relax boys, with the G8 crap and Obama doing a tour of the place the cops worries are elsewhere. Once this blows over we can get back to our normal, slightly paranoid, selves.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Hi guys , been lying low a couple of days, then I went on a maintenance trip on 3 Scottish Islands Mull, Bute, and Arran and was in Hotel digs for a couple of nights, anyway came back and things looking ok in the closet, heres a picView attachment 2704465should be not a bad return when this lot finishes up in a month or so.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys , been lying low a couple of days, then I went on a maintenance trip on 3 Scottish Islands Mull, Bute, and Arran and was in Hotel digs for a couple of nights, anyway came back and things looking ok in the closet, heres a picView attachment 2704465should be not a bad return when this lot finishes up in a month or so.
Nice F'n job, congrats them buds look nice! You can tell the plant is focusing on bud production with the yellowing of the lower leaves they don't need the fan leaves as much any more the buds are wanting pollen! Side note don't cut them off just let them fall off, you probably already know that already though.

What strain are they again? NL? Man I just noticed you have some serious reps up there which I can understand, not sure if I can rep you but I sure will try. Nope wouldn't let me rep you so I'm giving a rep right here.


Well-Known Member
hardy har, tap of the marnin te yal, been in the uk growers thread a while now thought i should come show off to the alcoholics thread, woops i meant irish. jus some random photos i had in attatchments. Im scottish btw, think u have maybe seen me in here before when i was on a bender


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hardy har, tap of the marnin te yal, been in the uk growers thread a while now thought i should come show off to the alcoholics thread, woops i meant irish. jus some random photos i had in attatchments. Im scottish btw, think u have maybe seen me in here before when i was on a bender

whats the breed of the dog? looks like a cross between a bulldog and an alsation or something... bad pic but looks like a nice brindle on him too...

nice plants too, much training on the big one? lst or topped a few times?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
bitten norman.jpg

so this is the plane that was doing rings of the gaff yesterday.... have a strange feeling theres going to be a knock later this week.....

so that said i`m looking for somewhere to drop off the plants for few days and i`ll start off some veg under the lights and see what happens... now lets hope i can find somewhere to leave them quick....


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2705018

so this is the plane that was doing rings of the gaff yesterday.... have a strange feeling theres going to be a knock later this week.....

so that said i`m looking for somewhere to drop off the plants for few days and i`ll start off some veg under the lights and see what happens... now lets hope i can find somewhere to leave them quick....
That's a right f*ck up ae.
Any idea based on what you know of the plane what department it belongs to?


Well-Known Member
Here's my two Barneys LSD seedlings.
Both were germinated at the same time and opened within hours of one another, hard to tell from the pics but one though is almost twice the size of her sister, both have been given ph'd ditilled water with quarter strength rhizotonic only and are starting to get quite thirsty, last watering on Monday the container each took about 300ml and today they are light as feathers again..CAM00189.jpgCAM00190.jpg

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
its gardai flir plane, was a dept of something or other (can`t remember), had the sparkie out again and we were discussing it, and he wired the shed, reckons it would be ard for them to spot mine as it is only one light hung low in a concrete box, and thats in the shade of the house so either theres another grower here or theres a eat spot sowing on there flir from here, has to be one or the other, i`m confident its not me but when it comes to being raided i`d rather they found carrots and turnips for the plot...


Well-Known Member
Better safe than sorry ae.
Chances are they could be watching someone else especially if it's a town or a city.
I remember when the cops raided a house two doors down from my old house and I nearly panicked and destroyed the plants thinking they got the address wrong, turns out the young guys who lived in the house were dealing and didn't try and hide it too well, they were also noisy and wheel spinning about the cul de sac with the car so I guess they asked for it.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i hope and pray its some one else`s problem fred, but what can i do, like a said earlier yesterday they were so low and flew circles that it was so obviously the coppers and they were turning in a way that was as if they were especially looking at mine...

still nowhere to put the girls so could have to chuck them until i think its cool again... or i might just dump them in ditch somewhere in there pots and get them later in the week..

thats the killer, the ould love tap on the door could come at anytime...


Well-Known Member
Do you trust anyone enough to put them in their shed or something?
Would be a desperate shame if you had to kill them but obviously your freedom is more important.


Active Member
didn know the cops had a plane,ya think the heli be enough for the say ur safe enough 86,if they spotted your grow your door be probally kicked in by now......good ventilation is key,they can fly over my house all they want an id be confident they wouldn pick up anything on flir;-)


Well-Known Member
I didn't know they had a plane either and with the budget cuts the way the are they didn't put it in the sky for fun, apparently they can't afford tyres for some of the vehicles they already have.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Seems like a daft way of going about cop business really, I mean they circle round and show an interest in a location, going round and round until there can be little doubt that they are looking at a potential grow,--- then they fly away and come back a week later ???.


Well-Known Member
whats the breed of the dog? looks like a cross between a bulldog and an alsation or something... bad pic but looks like a nice brindle on him too...

nice plants too, much training on the big one? lst or topped a few times?
topped alot, lst'd alot, can you believe i only pulled 3.7 oscar of that badboy, dog is a staffy, pretty sure its crossbread with something elses but wev had him 3 yr now since he was 6 weeks old. only got a shit phone so camera quality is limited.