Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
hey danks u should post some of your stuff in group when u got time...would love to see your diff grows and what they are


Well-Known Member
hey danks u should post some of your stuff in group when u got time...would love to see your diff grows and what they are

The way I have to post pics is 1 set, then the other set. Because while one set is out, the other set is sleeping. I have to switch them out between 12/12 all the time, cause I am flowering in my closet right now, while the other set is under light. And then a small grow tent with all the babies ontop, then all the bigger ones on the bottom half. Some in there are vegging, and the ones in there that's in flower cycle I just pull those out when its there time for the dark period. It sucks! But hey we gotta do what we gots to do.. right.. :??: I been checking out "outdoor" buildings, and plan on purchasing a grow tent and just putting it up in the outdoor building, and use the tent for flowering, and the outside of the building area for vegging, or vice versa.


Well-Known Member
sounds good idea.....and about the pics I was on about ones in past present u have already took of your grows diff strains ect.....
The way I have to post pics is 1 set, then the other set. Because while one set is out, the other set is sleeping. I have to switch them out between 12/12 all the time, cause I am flowering in my closet right now, while the other set is under light. And then a small grow tent with all the babies ontop, then all the bigger ones on the bottom half. Some in there are vegging, and the ones in there that's in flower cycle I just pull those out when its there time for the dark period. It sucks! But hey we gotta do what we gots to do.. right.. :??: I been checking out "outdoor" buildings, and plan on purchasing a grow tent and just putting it up in the outdoor building, and use the tent for flowering, and the outside of the building area for vegging, or vice versa.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Hope everyone has had a great day! I had an update all typed out & somehow it screwed up & I lost it all! So I'm lazy right now, and don't feel like typing it all back out. But I did promise pictures of this set of girls. Hope you enjoy the update..




Well-Known Member
What's up? Not to manys people on tonight huh.. :??: odd.. what's is up with that! Lol.. ;)
Oh well's, I will just do another picture update 4 everyone anyways. I sure hopes y'all enjoy these updates.. lol.. I know I like taking pictures of them, and I am going to have to get a new sd card for the phone already! Lol



Well-Known Member
What's up? Not to manys people on tonight huh.. :??: odd.. what's is up with that! Lol.. ;)
Oh well's, I will just do another picture update 4 everyone anyways. I sure hopes y'all enjoy these updates.. lol.. I know I like taking pictures of them, and I am going to have to get a new sd card for the phone already! Lol
now those pics look psychedelic lol oh and also beautiful!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Hope everyone is having a good morning/eve. ;) well checked the box, still nothing :( been waiting forever on a order & another package!! Oh well! I guess it'll come when it comes! Lol. Anyways, thought I would post up some more pics from this morning.
Thanks everyone 4 taking a look, and following the never ending grow.. haha..


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