Is the site going to hell?


Active Member
Absolutely I have. That is just part of it, people are quick to be combative and show off. Is it just me? I hope so. The mentorship motivated are fewer and bad advice by know-it-all assholes is everywhere.
I agree with this post a little bit. Im only 2 months old in terms of RIU membership but when I first joined it seemed like I could get the help I needed. But the more I have been getting into my first grow, the more questions I notice go unanswered and most of the replies I get are from noobs like me with 3 words answers that I eventually find out are wrong...


Well-Known Member
Says the holocaust denier who loves being a neo nazi but didn't like the attention that came with it.
I think the neo-nazi's and white nationalists would take offense to you lumping me in with them. Do you even know my views or do you just repeat what you've heard from others without any further vetting? If you want to get into a "shouting match"/ debate, I can already tell I will crush you because of all the unsupported, weak and illogical statements you so enthusiastically spout.


Active Member
everyone is not gonna keep answering the same questions over and over again. get on google and search the question.. shit its not that hard fellas c'mon grown ass men sounding like some women.. my next reply im gonna offer tampons... . Im not trying to be a dick.. n no means but im tired of reading shit where people post threads n no one answers.. well fuck dude how many people probably posted the same damn questions... if u use google shit it will bring up all kinds of the same questions from years ago to now.. i know cause i always search before asking... just saying... have a grow question i know a couple fellas on here that wouldnt mind helpin.. but its them dumb ass questions that people be askin 100000 times


Active Member
everyone is not gonna keep answering the same questions over and over again. get on google and search the question.. shit its not that hard fellas c'mon grown ass men sounding like some women.. my next reply im gonna offer tampons... . Im not trying to be a dick.. n no means but im tired of reading shit where people post threads n no one answers.. well fuck dude how many people probably posted the same damn questions... if u use google shit it will bring up all kinds of the same questions from years ago to now.. i know cause i always search before asking... just saying... have a grow question i know a couple fellas on here that wouldnt mind helpin.. but its them dumb ass questions that people be askin 100000 times
This is the exact shit people in this thread are talking about...I know you say "Im not trying to be a dick" but the fact is you are being a dick! I do agree with the fact people ask the same questions but alot of the time alot of small factors can influence different responses...Different grow setups, mediums, nutes...Its going to generate different answers. Also the same questions can be asked in different ways. Sometimes ill read a thread that answers my question but it may be old and I might want some different opinions!
I know seeing the same threads can be annoying, but its always going to be there...

"c'mon grown ass men sounding like some women.. my next reply im gonna offer tampons..." Thats the attitude nobody wants to see in this community!


Well-Known Member
If you want to get into a "shouting match"/ debate, I can already tell I will crush you because of all the unsupported, weak and illogical statements you so enthusiastically spout.
Please show me some examples. I would love a chance for you to correct me with your giant ego,er I mean wisdom. I guess I can't go into your white seperatist groups to pull anything because the group leader took it down. So please tell me all my unsuppoted weak and illgoical statements that I make. I'll start with one for you to tear down in front of everybody. The Holocaust actually happened.


Well-Known Member
Please show me some examples. I would love a chance for you to correct me with your giant ego,er I mean wisdom. So please tell me all my unsuppoted weak and illgoical statements that I make.
1. I have a giant ego.
2. I am a Neo-Nazi.

There are two right there.
They really just boil down to ad hominem arguments from a weak minded ill informed individual that bases all his or her assumptions on rabid and unfettered group think.

And if one and I mean one other person chimes in on this... this conversation is over because I will not allow another thread to be derailed and degraded as they have been recently.


Well-Known Member
Well i don't know whats going on here, maybe it's the heat of summer messing with peoples minds

i see a well known member recently typing in ALL CAPS threatening to leave this site if he didn't get his own way in a thread

maybe it's the fluoride in the drinking water

there does seem to be an air of hostility around threads of late , of course much of the shit-talking is seasonal and can be attributed to the young summerfags that will pollute the forum when school is out
still this does not fully explain the current state of affairs in many threads

i can only hope folk sort themselves out and stop being such miserable bastards



Undercover Mod
Well i don't know whats going on here, maybe it's the heat of summer messing with peoples minds

i see a well known member recently typing in ALL CAPS threatening to leave this site if he didn't get his own way in a thread

maybe it's the fluoride in the drinking water

there does seem to be an air of hostility around threads of late , of course much of the shit-talking is seasonal and can be attributed to the young summerfags that will pollute the forum when school is out
still this does not fully explain the current state of affairs in many threads

i can only hope folk sort themselves out and stop being such miserable bastards

Yo dawg ima grow 150 plants this summer how much dank shizzy am i gonna get 1,000 pounds?


Well-Known Member
My experience is that when a person politely asks a question, they get their answer.... Add a bunch of extras on it, or act like a jerk and that's what comes back in return...I am definitely an asshole....but only to the ones who ask for it, lotta great folks on here and a lot of excessive threads full of banter so a good eye and mind will help....


Well-Known Mod
Staff member

there does seem to be an air of hostility around threads of late , of course much of the shit-talking is seasonal and can be attributed to the young summerfags that will pollute the forum when school is out
still this does not fully explain the current state of affairs in many threads

i can only hope folk sort themselves out and stop being such miserable bastards

This is what makes me feel so at home here. It's like, "Welcome to Los Angeles", not Westwood or Hollywood or what the visitors see. Where I live it can get a bit edgy :) at times. Like when summer begins to heat up.

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
This is what makes me feel so at home here. It's like, "Welcome to Los Angeles", not Westwood or Hollywood or what the visitors see. Where I live it can get a bit edgy :) at times. Like when summer begins to heat up.
It's not a debate & nothing is up for discussion.
Lost both my brothers within 15 months of each other. First of which was just 4 days before his 22 B-day (3/27). The next just 1 day (6/18/85) after his his 29th B-day (6/17/57). Made things much more intense when his Spirit was set free to fly & his body returned to the Earth on the same date I arrived. (6/21)

That's just a fraction of it & I'm SURE I'm not alone here.

"I hurt myself today to see if I could feel" Hurt-J.C.

"Can't please everyone so to please yourself" Garden Party- R.N.

I really love these.

“The Ego, however, is not who you really are. The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants control, and it is sustained by power, because it lives in fear.”

“If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and the internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge. Those are the three things the ego is doing all the time. It's very important to be aware of them every time they come up.”
(Deepak Chopra)

Seems When things are balanced & put into perspective......Things here aren't so bad here. But It is still VERY difficult sometimes.

It's going to be a cool Summer:peace::joint:

Neighbors like Annie are definitely A+ ............& I honestly mean that.:hug:


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
It's not a debate & nothing is up for discussion.
Lost both my brothers within 15 months of each other. First of which was just 4 days before his 22 B-day (3/27). The next just 1 day (6/18/85) after his his 29th B-day (6/17/57). Made things much more intense when his Spirit was set free to fly & his body returned to the Earth on the same date I arrived. (6/21)

I can not even imagine the pain of that. I am so sorry.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Well I'm new here but I can put 2 cents... As far as online communities go, this is a true GEM. I used to be admin on a very cool peer-review music network, we had thousands of users, MILLIONS of free songs anybody could download... Excellent vibe, little elitism, you could actually get to know people in there.

Since that site went down, I've been looking for something even close to that. THIS place is remarkably similar to me. It's organic, personal. People like to get close and you see that they do. And all of that is a deep compliment to RIU. To me the fact that it is indeed a cannabis forum is secondary, as frigging AWESOME as that is, it's not why I decided to come say a few words every now and then. This is a great crowd.

I can see what people mean with the shitty vibes here and there. It's a real shame it really is, but I guess people the world over are pretty tense at the moment, most of our governments have been dealing us a raw deal, tons of us don't have work, it's emotional times indeed. It's just life reflecting on the community, you can see it MUCH more pronounced on places like Facecooked and Twitt(s)e(R)Us. Places like that are full-on war-zones.

It's cool here. Especially Cannabis Cafe is very chilled. The grow forums are a bit wild, but before pitching in there I am planning my approach to any aggression or other such silliness. My natural response is to come back with some creative little gentle insult, but I am thinking that instead of fuel to the fire I'll do ANNOYING stuff like just repeat the post parrot style, or write my responses backwards or leave out all vowels. That way I'll have FUN with it.

Everything is about how you approach it I guess. But as a new guy, this place is really nice.


Well-Known Member
Ones does meet some pretty amazing people here. :D
yeah, i noticed you found several other people who also migrated over from stormfront (a neo nazi website) and who also enjoy your white supremacy and holocaust denial beliefs (cornerstones of neo nazism).

you must be happier than a pig in shit right now.

edit - i feel obligated to point out to you, however, that the first word of your post does not need to be pluralized. i mean, i know you often brag about going to berkeley and being an essayist for a regional magazine, so i hesitated to correct you since i am just a lowly dropout of arizona state university and did not want to put on airs. but i figured if you were open enough to admit to being a holocaust denying white supremacist, you would also be humble enough to get corrected (yet again) by an ASU dropout (especially since you just stated that you do not have a big ego).


Well-Known Member
Well I'm new here but I can put 2 cents... As far as online communities go, this is a true GEM. I used to be admin on a very cool peer-review music network, we had thousands of users, MILLIONS of free songs anybody could download... Excellent vibe, little elitism, you could actually get to know people in there.

Since that site went down, I've been looking for something even close to that. THIS place is remarkably similar to me. It's organic, personal. People like to get close and you see that they do. And all of that is a deep compliment to RIU. To me the fact that it is indeed a cannabis forum is secondary, as frigging AWESOME as that is, it's not why I decided to come say a few words every now and then. This is a great crowd.

I can see what people mean with the shitty vibes here and there. It's a real shame it really is, but I guess people the world over are pretty tense at the moment, most of our governments have been dealing us a raw deal, tons of us don't have work, it's emotional times indeed. It's just life reflecting on the community, you can see it MUCH more pronounced on places like Facecooked and Twitt(s)e(R)Us. Places like that are full-on war-zones.

It's cool here. Especially Cannabis Cafe is very chilled. The grow forums are a bit wild, but before pitching in there I am planning my approach to any aggression or other such silliness. My natural response is to come back with some creative little gentle insult, but I am thinking that instead of fuel to the fire I'll do ANNOYING stuff like just repeat the post parrot style, or write my responses backwards or leave out all vowels. That way I'll have FUN with it.

Everything is about how you approach it I guess. But as a new guy, this place is really nice.
I got a boner while reading this...

You say you were a part of a music review site, did the site recognize the genius of GG Allin and Andy Milonakis? Can you share reviews and opinions from the site on Milonakis and Allin, I am very excited and waiting to read reviews and opinions