Car Salesmen


So I have been offered this job as a car salesmen, I was wondering is there any fellow car salesmen out there that could give me some insight on what it's like, what to say and what not to say at the interview and what should I expect in the days to come. I have never sold a car before other then privetly. Thanks guys and have a wonderful day.


Well-Known Member
did repo's and collections on cars for about 2 years...

salesman... obv motivated by their commissions = lie or stretch the truth.. or with hold facts... (was a pc sales man once.. :)

Circuit City offered us a HUGE amount of commission for warranty sales.. each item has a profit margin.. we were told to sell to the benefits of the item rather then the actual use of the item... for example.. lets say we had a canon printer.. vs a lexmark (lexmark were P.O.S vs the canon.. canon had many more advantages that made it an easier sale.. however.. we were told to sell the lexmark since the margin was good on the printer and their cartridges.. we would then get a % of each item sold.. it actually showed us our portion on the screen when we were selling items..


Well-Known Member
If you can lie and still seem honest to customers, car sales is for you. You'll work long hours, have tons of bull shit between the other sales staff (VERY competitive) and basically hate life in the not-to-near future......


Well-Known Member
sell something that will last. tell customers at about what time to expect to have smaller parts needing replacement. as time goes on all cars ARE going to have problems. your the doctor for the sick car. don't bullshit their parents. we need to know when to start taking it in for repair regularly.


Well-Known Member
Don't do it! That has to be right up there with operating a glory hole as far as shit jobs go. I did it for 2 months in Tucson, AZ back in 2001 and it was the worst experience. I've never met a more slimy bunch of people in my life as I did when I met the other salesmen. The only thing good I got out of it was an inside view of how the business works. Now, when I go to buy a vehicle I'm in charge of the head games because I know the scoop. In a perverse way I kind of enjoy going to a dealer and grinding on the salesman. It's also fun to grind on the closer when he comes in to take over from the salesman.


Well-Known Member
I agree, allot the car salesman around here are like freaky vultures. You stop and visit the lot one time, and they flock on you like a heard of rabid baboons and if you are dumb enough to give them a phone number, you will be stalked for at least 2




Well-Known Member
Sold RVs for a while, a lot harder to sell luxury items vs cars but same concept... either way I don't recommend it
you're only as good as your last sale... don't wanna sell new as much as used (higher margin in used)
Be backs usually don't come back so don't let them leave without the sale.
Take your headphones with you as you'll have a ton of down time...
One more thing, you might have to piss test but after that it's a pretty good job for smoking some herb cause of all the down time
Good luck


Hey thanks guys, I really apprciate the insight. I am glad they have a get paid garente (SP). I sold car wax for awhile and thats actually how i came about getting this job the guy liked the way i convinced him to buy my product on impolse alone LOL. Try selling a can of carwax to a manager at a highend car dealership BELIEVE me it was not easy but i got the job done even though the dealership washed and waxxed his car for him for free. I am gonna try it for a little while but i will move on if it's that bad. and thanks for the headphones tip I would hate to be out there all day sitting with no tunes!


Well-Known Member
I wanted to add that there is a lot of pressure to perform too........ the dealership sales manager will meet often with you to create sales goals, etc. and if you don't hit your budgeted numbers often, out you go.


I wanted to add that there is a lot of pressure to perform too........ the dealership sales manager will meet often with you to create sales goals, etc. and if you don't hit your budgeted numbers often, out you go.
Ouch that sounds harsh. But I have nothing to lose I don't have a job now anyways other then a temp one witch ends next week