Is the site going to hell?


Well-Known Member
You are welcome to stay. You are the king around here....people follow your lead. Think about it.
Burger... you're kind of starting to sound like you got sand in your vagina. Loosen up guy.
The site isn't here to serve your needs. If it isn't what you want then maybe try out some new sites..
it is what it is... no "RIU sucks" thread is going to change that.

From what I have seen and heard.... RIU is the site that lets most things fly... mods don't babysit and don't enforce the golden rule. It's sort of free for all. I like it... you don't get banned for speaking your mind (assuming it is appropriate, ex: racism). If this place is too rude for you... try at opengrow. Opengrow is a great forum and everyone is really nice. No one talks shit and there are many great growers. A nice little bonus would be Sannies genetics.. That might be your kind of place.

I'm still available to answer your questions. I'm pretty confident I can give you as good of advice as anyone on mj growing forums will. If you are looking for what I would call some of the best growers then try to get in to riddlem3. But be warned. It's not all sunshine and rainbows over there. Pick up some extra tissues... those guys throw the word idiot around quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
1. I don't believe in Jesus
2. Monkeys don't believe in Jesus

so by your logic...

I really don't care what people think of me. You can take me out of context all you want, but the people that "know" me either don't believe that about me or don't care.


Well-Known Member
Burger... you're kind of starting to sound like you got sand in your vagina. Loosen up guy. The site isn't here to serve your needs. If it isn't what you want then maybe try out some new sites.. it is what it is... no "RIU sucks" thread is going to change that. From what I have seen and heard.... RIU is the site that lets most things fly... mods don't babysit and don't enforce the golden rule. It's sort of free for all. I like it... you don't get banned for speaking your mind (assuming it is appropriate, ex: racism). If this place is too rude for you... try at opengrow. Opengrow is a great forum and everyone is really nice. No one talks shit and there are many great growers. A nice little bonus would be Sannies genetics.. That might be your kind of place. I'm still available to answer your questions. I'm pretty confident I can give you as good of advice as anyone on mj growing forums will. If you are looking for what I would call some of the best growers then try to get in to riddlem3. But be warned. It's not all sunshine and rainbows over there. Pick up some extra tissues... those guys throw the word idiot around quite a bit.
Look, I don't expect shit. I started this thread to ask a simple question. I want it answered. You don't my sunshine move to Seattle. I can box with the best of them. I can ruin threads. I appreciate your take on this situation but I am entitled to call it as I see it. If you want respect than earn don't know anything about me except within this narrow context. You want to be a chickenhawk, call me names, tell me where I belong than do it. There are a lot of people that are helpful around, this site is great and that is why I dont want to see a bunch of bullies start the avalance that destroys it. If you ever need help, you are welcome to message me. If you don't like my style or think I am a crybaby start a thread entited Fuck Burgertime. I just started a thread called the Octagon....for people who duel about off-topics and want to fight. Maybe you might want to check it out. I notice people tend to respect the respectful, if that is problematic on RIU as you see it than we have been in hell this whole time.


Well-Known Member
Look, I don't expect shit. I started this thread to ask a simple question. I want it answered. You don't my sunshine move to Seattle. I can box with the best of them. I can ruin threads. I appreciate your take on this situation but I am entitled to call it as I see it. If you want respect than earn don't know anything about me except within this narrow context. You want to be a chickenhawk, call me names, tell me where I belong than do it. There are a lot of people that are helpful around, this site is great and that is why I dont want to see a bunch of bullies start the avalance that destroys it. If you ever need help, you are welcome to message me. If you don't like my style or think I am a crybaby start a thread entited Fuck Burgertime. I just started a thread called the Octagon....for people who duel about off-topics and want to fight. Maybe you might want to check it out. I notice people tend to respect the respectful, if that is problematic on RIU as you see it than we have been in hell this whole time.
I'm not trying to tell you where you belong. I just suggested opengrow because it is almost totally free of hostility. People don't jack threads either.

Alright, alright, you want your thread to stay on topic. You want to run the show since you started the thread. Cool. I answered your questions (or, survey?). I'll be on my way.


Well-Known Member
From what I have seen and heard.... RIU is the site that lets most things fly... mods don't babysit and don't enforce the golden rule. It's sort of free for all. I like it... you don't get banned for speaking your mind
Agreed, a big plus. Hats off for RIU for taking that approach.

(assuming it is appropriate, ex: racism).
:lol: :lol: (funny cause a white supremacist neo-nazi wannabe liked your post...)

If this place is too rude for you... try at opengrow. Opengrow is a great forum and everyone is really nice. No one talks shit and there are many great growers. A nice little bonus would be Sannies genetics..
As much as I like Sannie's seeds, and although I'm sometimes active in Sannie's way older Dutch forum, Opengrow cannot be labelled a "great" forum, unless you prefer forums where people barely post. People can be as rude in his Dutch forum as here at riu, and no one talking shit or jacking threads on his international forum has a lot to do with it still being a very small and manageable forum. Sole reason I'm bitching about your suggestion is that I find it poor to recommend a forum on a forum. :)


Well-Known Member
:lol: :lol: (funny cause a white supremacist neo-nazi wannabe liked your post...)
Oh no!! You must have missed it where he made an ultimatum that if one more person comments about that he is done posting in this thread because he shall not let this thread be derailed. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Damn it, I did miss that. Would have enjoyed typing that even more. Better late than never though, thanks! :lol: