is this a good vaporizer?


Well-Known Member
Meh, it's a cheap vape.
If you want something real cheap- I guess it looks good for that.

If you want something better, well start by finding something with 2 temperature LCD displays. 1 display to say what temperature you've set it to and 1 for what temperature it actually is.
Also i've used a vape just like it. If you want to use it lots an re-pack one vape after another (like if it's not just you smoking but sharing with others) then it gets a little fiddly when the glass chamber at the end of the "whip" (the tube thing you suck on) gets really hot... you will end up accidently brushing against it or burning your finger tips when you pack it. Also, that end is glass so like's to fall off tables and smash on the floor. This gets trickier to just put the whip down when it wants to unwind and move by itself and you are dodging the burning hot end.

I could say more things but the bottom line is to some extent you get what you pay for. I personally have a volcano digital so never burn myself, repack with ease, never ever-ever have burnt the material using it- even with the temperature right up... and i've been going (working hard around the clock I might add!) for well over a year now without a hiccup.

So ya, if you want the cheapest you can get- looks good for that. If you spend a little bit more, you'll get more features (like maybe a bag filling option, not just a whip). You spend a lot on something like a volcano and you'll never want to go for anything less


Well-Known Member
I have to agree that you get what you pay for...
I have an SSV and love it. I have turned it off twice since I have had it [8 months]. No LED display, no moving parts. Just a bottomless well of goodness. Easy to does require a bit of technique, but I love it.


Well-Known Member
:owow can they make em so good and sell em so cheap? you can buy 10 fo the price of a volcano


bud bootlegger
I have the extreme q and it was worth every penny and then some...$165-eBay
my extreme q is collecting dust under my bed atm.. not a fan of vaporizing, i like my cannabis burned much better as it gives me a way heavier high that i prefer.. :D:D


bud bootlegger
im gonna be running a lot and exercising so id like something that isn't gonna affect my breathing too much
have you ever tried vap'ing before sour d? i thought i'd love it, but after dropping a pretty good amount of cash never trying it before, i found vap'ing simply doesn't give me anywhere near the same stone / high that i'm used to from a pipe or especially a bong..
not trying to talk you out of anything, just sharing my experience with vap'ing is all..


Well-Known Member
I bought a cheap vape on eBay, cheaper than the one you posted a link to. Once I dialed in the temp, I can leave that thing on for hours and it's still perfect temp. It's not high tech, and doesn't fill bags with vapor that you can sit and puff on, but it does the trick just fine. "Whip" style vapes have been around for a long time, and the technology isn't exactly what I would call advanced. That being said, I found my 28 dollar whip style vape to be solidly built, work very well, and be a great value. Glad I didn't spend more than 28 bucks on it, cause much like racerboy, I VASTLY prefer a combusted high.


Well-Known Member
I started out on an Aromazap. It's just a heater in a wooden block with a insulated plastic straight pipe. Even with that crappy unit I knew vape was personally the go for me. I also used a Ubie glass vape pipe (cheap but will break quick with thin glass that get's heated.. also a bit of a bitch to use) but didn't bother to buy a another pack after the first broke. I then got a unit which is the same type as the OP listed. A heater box with a fan blowing into a whip... actually i'm not sure if the OP's link had a fan? Some you just suck it through on your own and others blow into the whip while you suck... the latter is far superior and less likely to burn it. When the first whip one I bought broke down I got another one like it. I think I spent roughly $140 australian dollars but that was maybe 5 years ago or more.
Then I got a volcano and now it's all on a whole different level. Ever since the first vaporizer I bought, I enjoyed it as much or more than smoking. I tried to get other smokers to try it but most were too stubborn to even give it a single go, let alone have a few to find the way they like it to get it to go for them (as in temp settings or packing style or what not).

I can't remember how often I still burnt a pipe while I had the other vaporizers but ever since I got the volcano i've quit smoking. I had no choice in one way though- I smoked so much that I would wake up in the morning and cough slime out of my chest. People would of thought I always had pneumonia or something with all the coughing I did. Sometimes I would even feel short of breath and like I couldn't breathe all the way down to the bottom of my lungs.
I breath so much better now and don't cough anymore unless i'm actually sick (rarely ever).
But the taste! i could never go back now to smoking, even though my lungs are fully rehabilitated. I found that out the hard way after vaping for so long and then having a pipe... it was like I licked a f-ing ash tray! YUCK... you don't realise how bad a taste you've gotten use to smoking until you stop for while, especially after using a vaporizer that makes it taste just like it smells.

I don't find it too heavy- and i'm actually a fan of sativa high over indica stone. I'm right now scheming how I can integrate the most pure sativa possible into my indoor grow- so believe me when I say I don't like 'couchlock'. But you know i've explored the temperatures and there is a big difference there. Right now i've got it set on 174 celsius. The other day (to name one occasion) I tried it on full heat which is something like 224c... that was couchlock. It was like taking a sleeping pill so wasn't very nice at all (in my opinion). Everyone will have to find the temperature that suits their preference for taste/high/stone and also change it according to the bud in it sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Vaporizing works well its just a cleaner version of smoking. Yes it is healthier for u although, sometimes I find I use more meds than normal trying to achieve what I'm looking for.

lungs thank me when I use it though, its stellar for a wake and bake IMO. Doesn't leave a drag out buzz, good for day functionality.