Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! Hopes your morning is going GREAT!!! I was just going through a few of the plants around the house(easier ones to get 2.! Lol. And took a few pics for y'all.
I went ahead & replanted a few last night while I was in the mood. ;) which ended up being the Ice,Purple Voodoo,Heavy Duty Fruity, and I may have left 1 out! Lol. I went ahead & took a few clones off each of the following strains this morn ; Wild Rose,Casey Jones & Belladonna(2) before they get to late into flowering 4 me to take clones from them. I know there all females, and hope they all take. I also took a few leaf cultures & placed in the freezer for a later time. ;) well, if you have any :??: 4 me, just hollar.

Dank. :leaf:

Ps. Sorry bouts all the pictures. But hey, I like growing a lot of strains.. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I like the look of blue mammoth......I want some voodoo too....ah man I got a heatmat for my dome for clones just cheked them thay all dry n ded.......guess that was a waist......cant take no more cuts already over 2 week flowering......oh well.ay fust be plenty more I can try after this grow finished


Well-Known Member
The "only" thing I ever put in "domes" w/heat pads is my clones. Which I stopped even using the dome & heatpad for my clones aswell. To be honest, I think the domes cause more trouble then there worth! As long as you can get a enviroment with alittle higher humidity then the other plants, and you have a good rooting hormone, then you should have atleast a 90/100 ratio of living vs dead clones. I started using "rapidstart" a few months back on my "clones" & seeds even! Have had a 100% germ rate, and 100% clone rate also since using that stuff! I just take and water the clones & germinating seeds with it, and do believe it speeds to process up abit.
I like the look of blue mammoth......I want some voodoo too....ah man I got a heatmat for my dome for clones just cheked them thay all dry n ded.......guess that was a waist......cant take no more cuts already over 2 week flowering......oh well.ay fust be plenty more I can try after this grow finished


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Well, I placed yet another order. Haha.. I have 25 beans of a very hard strain to locate, and a few others I've been searching 4 for a long time!! :mrgreen: super stoked about these!!

Check this picture out of my top new fav.. ;)
Damn she sure looks killer! What do you think guys :??:



Active Member
Hey guys! Well, I placed yet another order. Haha.. I have 25 beans of a very hard strain to locate, and a few others I've been searching 4 for a long time!! :mrgreen: super stoked about these!!

Check this picture out of my top new fav.. ;)
Damn she sure looks killer! What do you think guys :??:
i want that !!!! :lol:


Active Member
No bro, not sacs! Those are normal. Dont cutem down! :):):) surprise, your having a better day than you thought :):):)
hell yea... i was like DAMN :( :wall: .. wheres the whiskey lol....

Just makin sure. i just choped one down today though she was ready... 20130620_094246.jpg

she had some of them pistol balls on here to alot acutally..


Well-Known Member
I've seen a lot, I mean a lot of growers miss informed about this! Less exp growers trying to help "other growers" out & tell them they have a male or males, then go back and look at pics & they where just raised "female" calyx's is all.. :( not saying your wrong by far.. "other growers" I've known over the yrs..

Dang bro! Where ya been :??: I thought you didn't like me anymore, and didn't wanna see my grows anymore.. :(
No bro, not sacs! Those are normal. Dont cutem down! :):):) surprise, your having a better day than you thought :):):)


Well-Known Member
wow that looks epic what is it?
Hey guys! Well, I placed yet another order. Haha.. I have 25 beans of a very hard strain to locate, and a few others I've been searching 4 for a long time!! :mrgreen: super stoked about these!!

Check this picture out of my top new fav.. ;)
Damn she sure looks killer! What do you think guys :??:
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