so should i feel bad?


Active Member
okay i have a friend that lives over near me but he has only smoked one time. and another one of my friends that does smoke was over at his house . well i got like an ounce of weed. (60$) and he payed 20 of it. so i scaled out a dub and put it in another baggie and brought it down there that night.well me and my friends were tokin on a joint like we each had a j and we were just chillin. i soon noticed that my friend that didnt smoke much was just kinda sitting there with the j and it was barely burned and me and my other friend were halfway done. i said dude your supposed to smoke it so then he started taking hits but i could tell that he just was drawing into his mouth then blowing it out in a little while so after about 3 minuets and 4 tokes he said oh man im so high i can taste my mouth! and it just seemed so fake so i said i dont think your really tokin i said draw it in and take a deep breath. he did it and instantly started coughing and he threw up so i was like damn. well i left and left the dub there but when i woke up i felt bad i was like shit he dont even no how to smoke and if he tryes hes gonna fuck hiself up and throw up. so the other friend took it brought it to me and we split it i felt like i was doing something good but now im feelin bad cause its like i ripped him off pretty bad so what do you think


Well-Known Member
Um, give him back what he paid for.

He'll muster up the courage to smoke again, maybe you shouldn't have told him to draw as deep of a breath.


Well-Known Member
I personally think steamrollers are better for starters then joints.

but dude taking his weed?

Come on, would you like it if you forgot weed and someone pulled that shit on you??


Well-Known Member
I find that people learn how to smoke in non-pressure situations. Aka by themselves. If you have enough weed and time, you practice on your own like an athlete. lol After they find out the general idea they can figure out what works best on their own.


Well-Known Member
I find that people learn how to smoke in non-pressure situations. Aka by themselves. If you have enough weed and time, you practice on your own like an athlete. lol After they find out the general idea they can figure out what works best on their own.
haha funny shit. i remember training daily when i was a young buck. i just wanted to be the best.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
haha funny shit. i remember training daily when i was a young buck. i just wanted to be the best.:mrgreen:
lol. I went all league my junior year in highschool in toking finesse. I was the hottest around. "If you ain't first, yer last."


Well-Known Member
Um, give him back what he paid for.

He'll muster up the courage to smoke again, maybe you shouldn't have told him to draw as deep of a breath.
Agreed. The least you can do is not rip him off. As far as his smoking technique, I give him a pass. Smoking for the first time is pretty daunting, especially if your 'friends' are having fun at your expense because you don't know what you are doing. This is the dude's first experience with cannabis and you and your crew are acting like predators.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Maybe he should have tried a bong or a pipe, a bit smoother for a first-timer, lol. I would give him his money back if not, then the amount of weed he purchased with you, fair is fair. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your an asshole.
If he payed for it then its his.
If he wants to mouth it, let him mouth it.
Yes you should feel bad.

Go give him back his weed.


Well-Known Member
why would you feel alright about taking someones weed that needs help into the culture by their friends...............doesnt sound like you're to good of a friend


Active Member
good for you bro ive had to do the same thing. i got this kid some kill one time only because i had known him for years and he told me he smoked all the time. before giving him the sack a smoked a fat one with him, before it was halfway done the motherfucker passed out on my dining room floor and hit the ground like a ton of bricks.:spew: he totally lost conciousness and when he came to after a couple good smacks he though i was a paramedic. after that i knew he had never had shit like that before so i pinched his sack for his own good, the kid would've been passin out all over the place and gettin busted my his parents. Needless to say that was the last time i gave him anything, not worth the risk. I know all you guys probly think im an ass but i did it for his own good, the kid couldn't handle his shit.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
good for you bro ive had to do the same thing. i got this kid some kill one time only because i had known him for years and he told me he smoked all the time. before giving him the sack a smoked a fat one with him, before it was halfway done the motherfucker passed out on my dining room floor and hit the ground like a ton of bricks.:spew: he totally lost conciousness and when he came to after a couple good smacks he though i was a paramedic. after that i knew he had never had shit like that before so i pinched his sack for his own good, the kid would've been passin out all over the place and gettin busted my his parents. Needless to say that was the last time i gave him anything, not worth the risk. I know all you guys probly think im an ass but i did it for his own good, the kid couldn't handle his shit.
Who are you to decide this guy can't handle it? That is his stash not to handle and you stole from him. How would you feel if it was you? And for someone new to this culture is gives him a bad perspective of it dont't you think?


Active Member
first or all being ripped off is part of the culture, you know you've been ripped off before, i learned along time ago to see the shit on a scale before taking it. second of all this kid was a fuckin tard and mabey he shouldn't be smoking in the first place, the only time anything like that has happend to me is after about a quarter of mushrooms when i was like 15. And lastly, after the kid came to he decided to tell me about all the xanax, klonopin and vicodin he was on, so he was zooted to begin with


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
first or all being ripped off is part of the culture, you know you've been ripped off before, i learned along time ago to see the shit on a scale before taking it. second of all this kid was a fuckin tard and mabey he shouldn't be smoking in the first place, the only time anything like that has happend to me is after about a quarter of mushrooms when i was like 15. And lastly, after the kid came to he decided to tell me about all the xanax, klonopin and vicodin he was on, so he was zooted to begin with
So if you have been ripped off, as you say we all have (I have never been ripped off, cause I have reliable trustworthy sources and grow my own, lol). Why would you do it to another? Did you like how it made you feel? Probably not, so why would you want to make anyone else feel that way? Why not try to help the guy out and teach/show him how to get high? That sounds like a better idea than trying to rip him off don't you think?:mrgreen::peace: