First time indoor these look alright so far?


New Member
Suppose I'm a noob. And actually this is my 2nd. grow, but first wasn't with decent lighting.

My ladies are getting on 3 weeks old, and I am noticing on a few plants this neat looking gold color in the leaves. The leaves look very healthy, but I am curious about this color.
Maybe it is the type of strain that it came from?? (just random seeds taking from different bags throughout the years...when they had any seeds)
Anyone seen this before? Should I be concerned? I just today started using nutes (as prescribed). Was letting the soil do its thing for the first 2 odd weeks.

Overall they look extremely healthy....just 2 out of 6 of them have this gold-ish glow to them.

Thanks for any response!


Maine Outdoors

New Member
They look like they are doing fine, I wouldn't really worry about the gold-ish color unless your leaves actually start yellowing... Good Luck!


New Member
I took another pic out in natural light as suggested (and glad I did). I am starting to think maybe I applied the nutes just in time. I am seeing a little discoloring on some of the edges. The goldish look I described in my initial post must have just been the glow of the HPS's since I cant really see it now outside the grow room.

Thank you all for the responses...and I will be saving the above link on the nutes. Great thread there!

Thank you all :leaf:



Well-Known Member
I took another pic out in natural light as suggested (and glad I did). I am starting to think maybe I applied the nutes just in time. I am seeing a little discoloring on some of the edges. The goldish look I described in my initial post must have just been the glow of the HPS's since I cant really see it now outside the grow room.

Thank you all for the responses...and I will be saving the above link on the nutes. Great thread there!

Thank you all :leaf:
looks good.....


New Member
This just doesnt look right does it? I have read the section on nutrients and still cant really figure out what is going on. Out of 6 plants only this one has this coloring.

I have only given these plants nutes once so far, and they all look great except this one :(
They are 3 weeks old, and I figured the soil would be enough nutes in the first 2-3 weeks...this is why they have only been given nutes once so far.

Can anyone tell buy the pic. what my problem might be here? I really need some help...thanks :)



Well-Known Member
this one might be more sensitive to nutes than the others. mark it down in your note book or keep it in mind for the future.


Well-Known Member
pic one on the first post looks like a cool strain. def a diff structure to it then most plants. looking good tho for the most part man.


New Member
this one might be more sensitive to nutes than the others. mark it down in your note book or keep it in mind for the future.
Thank you, and good advice. I will keep track in my notes of this one. Also reading the other replies, I have a feeling the light is too close to my babies. So I will also be raising the light some. Thanks again on the good advice!


New Member
pic one on the first post looks like a cool strain. def a diff structure to it then most plants. looking good tho for the most part man.
Thanks!! I noticed that to. Looks different from the others. Maybe it will be some super chiilin stuff when its done :weed: Thanks again