All the current or soon to be current laws. Whats new with weed in CO?

Last number I saw showed a majority of Americans favor legalization, so maybe it is time to end the federal prohibition. States and localities can legislate 'dry' areas, just like they do with alcohol.
There it is:

Feds gotta make a move now if they're going to... It's about to get out of control out here lol. If they'll just stay under their desks until after recreational sales begin in state licensed facilities, then I would be happy, but I really hope Obama and congress has the gumption to protect a states citizens from the CSA of 1970 if the state has legalized cannabis, it's the right thing to do morally and constitutionally. We will get there eventually through the Supreme Court, but I'm tired of waiting... for once maybe our fearless leaders will have the common sense to take it where it needs to go rather than drag it there kickin and screaming and at great cost.

*climbs off soapbox and wanders off mumbling to self*
State, too. Estimates are the State of Colorado will save up to a half a billion dollars by legalizing pot, from enforcement, judicial, incareration, probation, etc. Yet that isn't good enough for them, they still want MORE taxes!
People cant move here and just open up shop. The dispensaries that are open now are gonna be the only one eligible to obtain the permit to sell to regular non patients. It's gonna take a while and a lot of money for "business men" to finally open a shop. It kills me when I hear people moving here to tante what us Coloradans worked so hard to achieve. As a person who was on the front line working his ass off to change minds and achieve this great fest scenes like 4/20 here in Denver turn my stomach. Wish the culture as a whole could grow up.
Wish the culture as a whole could grow up.

420 gatherings are really no worse than "the great american beer fest" and "oktoberfest" and the rest of the get drunk fests. I personally only partake in smaller group get togethers anymore, but i think things like the huge gatherings had a lot to do with moving things into the mainstream and getting 64 to pass. Just my .02 though....
Hey thepaint relax, it will work itself out, I appreciate the work that activists have put in toward ending prohibition and am not totally happy with the details either. It does look like the stage is being set for the big players to come in and dominate the business, but that is not a done deal as far as I can see and it looks like there will always be room for smaller, local businesses too, like what the beer biz is doing. As far as moving here and opening up shop, bring it, where they open there will be jobs. Would be best to have local owned shops, but if someone who lives here cannot afford to put the sign up, and someone with deep pockets from outside does it, the end result is still an operating business that hires people and sells cannabis. I am looking forward to seeing how the locally grown product evolves as far as genetics/seed breeding. Colorado is positioned to be on the forefront of cannabis research and may become the leader in both medical and recreational applications. The legal environment is not perfect but it is a step in the right direction. It is important that 'real people' participate in the formation of the new laws, activists, and not just the business people and the anti forces like the cop/court/jail system. If you have any suggestions as far as how to get involved, please post 'em, maybe you can reach someone here who will step up.
The regulations for seed production and sale are way to strict. Tga was breeding here but the gov trys to make you jump through too many hoops so sub and tga pulled out of Colorado. I understand it will create jobs but people moving here to chase pipe dreams will just muck up the system and make it harder for the rest of us.
As far as big gathering go don't you realize the stigma those idiots that shot up the 420 rally downtown gave all of us? We cant control the actions of others but we sure can take a stand and show that most of us are actually grown up respectable citizens.
The shooting at the 420 rally was a fiasco and the follow up by the media and the cops was/is a cluster. So 1 guy in the audience, shoots a few bystanders, wounding them and then leaves without being caught by cops or other bystanders... So the following day's activities are all cancelled... Something does not smell right. You would think the perp would be caught because of video evidence and a lot of witnesses.
All the majority sees is pot=violence. That's why it's up to us to change that view and allowing shit like that to happen will never change the stigma
I do agree that the image needs to change. Pot=violence perception is a direct result of prohibition and the "gangsta" lifestyle that glamorizes weed as a part of the bad-boy law-breaking image.

One thing the non ganstas among us can do to change the image is to come out of the closet about our cannabis use to show that regular people are also users and it is no big deal.
I hear you Med.... I'll shout that I smoke cannabis from the roof tops just as soon as congress or the DEA give me relief from the CSA of 1970... fucking rat bastard law, it and the one in 1985 that let the man drug test you for the controlled substances listed in the CSA.... But the root of all evil is the CSA... and the federal reserve of course.
I have already started amongst the more reasonable people I interact with. You don't need to step up and declare yourself to be a "pothead". It can be as simple as pointing out how ridiculous the drug laws are and noting that a lot of "people you know" are regular cannabis users who don't fit the stereotype.

Simple declarations like that open the opportunity for a candid dialogue with open minded people - who may or may not consume cannabis themselves. They then can talk about "people they know" and the myth of the stoner in his mom's basement eating Doritos in front if the TV eventually gets called out for the bullshit that it is.
I am putting together a medical cannabis website and if I get 'altered' enough I'll put it up. It is to document my testing of RSO to treat tumor recurrence. Studying the implications of 'going public' with my treatments and not sure about a few things, enough to delay the decision. There is evidence that cannabis cures cancer. Holy crap, what is wrong with the world that does not celebrate this and investigate the evidence to find out if this is what we have been looking for?
I have already started amongst the more reasonable people I interact with. You don't need to step up and declare yourself to be a "pothead". It can be as simple as pointing out how ridiculous the drug laws are and noting that a lot of "people you know" are regular cannabis users who don't fit the stereotype.

Simple declarations like that open the opportunity for a candid dialogue with open minded people - who may or may not consume cannabis themselves. They then can talk about "people they know" and the myth of the stoner in his mom's basement eating Doritos in front if the TV eventually gets called out for the bullshit that it is.

Indeed. I have been doing that for years actually. One of my favorite ways to bring it up is when someone says something about MMJ, I would state that it has been good for CO just from the anecdotal evidence that I don't see vehicles pulled over on the interstate anymore being busted for trafficking weed. Think of the money that saves and since I don't see them anymore, probably means there's less trafficking which means less crime. Every time I've seen a bust like that, and there used to be a great many, it always resembled a tea party with all the cops walking around munching donuts patting each other on the back.
Maybe this isn't the place for this, I don't know. But what I am wondering is about the acquisition of seeds in CO. I assume the Feds are just as likely to seize your gear in customs, right?

I am curious to know if you'll be able to buy seeds or clones from these retail shops. I would love to see an "attitude seed bank" brick and mortar store with a crazy selection and prices that beat what we have to pay to have them shipped from Europe.

Can see making a "pilgrimage" to CO from the east coast if they ever do that and make them available to tourists.