Well I just e-mailed all our rep's, senators and what not... heres a copy of what I wrote to give ya all a few key notes if ya'd like to follow suit. Just please don't copy paste...
Dear ,
This letter is to voice my concern about the concept of the WLCB being given control of MEDICAL Cannabis grows.
In the passing of Initiative 502 the question has been raised whether or not the Medical Cannabis market would interfere with state taxed Cannabis. Despite this being a feasible concern I must state that the Liquor Control Board has absolutely no business in the regulation of MEDICAL cannabis.
I have been working in compassionate care for several years often working with individual's who are qualified for the use of Medical Cannabis. And as such I have been an advocate of medical cannabis and other forms of naturopathic medicine for some time. But I also understand the recreational user and most importantly I recognise the difference between MEDICAL and RECREATIONAL Cannabis use. And I do not feel that many of the individual's that believe that Medical Cannabis should be regulated by the WLCB would know that difference. In my experience so far many of these individual's seem jaded, and influenced by their personal moral beliefs and experiences.
Furthermore the concept has been brooched that Medical Cannabis should be taxed as Recreational Cannabis. I must say that is rather absurd in my humble opinion. To my understanding there isn't a tax on Vicodin, Tylenol or even Robitussin. Perhaps because of the potential revenue is why this concept has been brooched but it still comes down to taxing the sick is a ethically cloudy business. And further more if the taxes were levied against medical cannabis it will drive the price to the point where legitimate patients would no longer be able to afford their medication. Medical Cannabis (for most) is grown under a higher standard than recreational cannabis. In fact many medical growers go to great length's to ensure their cannabis does not contain any trace of foreign residues, fertilizers and pesticides via the use of specialty organic methods.
And I must ask how is it pertinent or even considerable placing a board in control of recreational substances in control of medicine. What next will we be merging the department of education with fish and game? My analogy doesn't make much sense, and neither does control of medication to a series of individuals with no medical background.
My final point comes down to a question of use. It is not uncommon for an average recreational user to consume 3.5 grams of "high quality" cannabis within a 7 day period. Now if one factor's in a few things for a medical user; such as tolerance and amount necessary for relief and how often the medication needs to be consumed for relief many patients can end up consuming daily 100%-500% of what the recreational user would find sufficient for a week after they have been using regularly for some time.
To conclude I must once again state that as a registered voter and longtime advocate, I am against the WLCB controlling Medical Cannabis.
Thank you for your time,