Club 600

O.k. I won't promise but will try to make this my last post. I figure most of you have watch these grow up so here's some pics of the outside plants I started at the same time as the ones finishing now. With some others mixed in including 2 silverberry 2.0 in the black pots.046.jpg047.jpg048.jpg050.jpg051.jpg052.jpg
say you're cleaning out your closet and you find 200.00 usd in an old jacket pocket.....imagine all your bills are caught up and you have enough food, gas and toys to last you a long time....if you were to buy some seeds what would you buy? ok this really didn't happen but i can afford to buy some magic beans and i'm looking for some input...
There's no need to look any further............................................................
:peace: cof
Well I almost finished the back log since I have been out. O well ill try and catch up tomorrow. Have a good one every body.
Damn I wish I had some freaken money. My ex wife makes sure that don't happen. Great deal. Would love to get ahold of some new beans. Guess I'm out of luck.

If I hadn't bought my scooter last month I'd be ordering some myself.

My next window of opportunity will be the end of September.
I'm hoping we'll have found our house by then and will be moved in.
Going to build a nice little growspace in the garage as soon as the move is over.
And a couple of greenhouses in the back yard next year.
thats a nice feast ! keep im commin! :]

seasoned beef, and ya. done

post up

Damn bro looks so damn good. You don't want to see what I have to eat the next 2 weeks. My doctor put me on a clear liquid diet yesterday for 2 weeks. Jello, brothes and so fourth. It sucks. But if it keeps me out of the hospital. That would be great. Damn stomach problems. Take Care
Damn bro looks so damn good. You don't want to see what I have to eat the next 2 weeks. My doctor put me on a clear liquid diet yesterday for 2 weeks. Jello, brothes and so fourth. It sucks. But if it keeps me out of the hospital. That would be great. Damn stomach problems. Take Care

dang man, hope you get that properly taken care of.

this is why we post food pron, aint like i eat like this everyday, but im in the 600 almost everyday , love seeing our high minded danklicious food around here :]

oh, and them babes
No real food pr0n for me tonight... Probably just a garlic, onion, cheese omelet.... Some cereal and browny for dessert. boring.

But this, this is awesome. There is only one.
Damn bro looks so damn good. You don't want to see what I have to eat the next 2 weeks. My doctor put me on a clear liquid diet yesterday for 2 weeks. Jello, brothes and so fourth. It sucks. But if it keeps me out of the hospital. That would be great. Damn stomach problems. Take Care

That sucks man hope u feel better...
U know I had the same kinda thought well not really....
If u could do one thing for one day and it can be anything I mean anything even if u could make the impossible possible for one day what would u do....dnt answer right away think about it

I was gonna say I wish I could fly for a day, like real fast so I could go all round the world checking stuff out. But then i read about your grandma and her meeting her grandchild, and jimmer and his stepdad and now I feel like a selfish asshole. :)

But yeah... I'd probably say fly still. (truly a selfish asshole haha)