Detroit about to go Bankrupt

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
are you yearning for a return to the grapes of wrath or something?

not even trolling, you need to stop setting yourself up for failure. your argument doesn't work all the time, not even a lot of the time.
So, if a person takes your money absent your consent, we agree that it's theft. But if a city takes your money absent your consent, it's not theft? Seems like you are the one that's inconsistent here.


Well-Known Member
So, if a person takes your money absent your consent, we agree that it's theft. But if a city takes your money absent your consent, it's not theft? Seems like you are the one that's inconsistent here.
sounds like you fail to understand consent.

words have meanings, ya know.


Well-Known Member
For consent to be actual consent, it must be given by the party consenting. Rape much?
so these people know about the taxes associated with living in an area, and move there of their own accord, but that's not consent according to you.

you rode that one trick pony to death, it became lame, it is now dead and you are still beating it.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
so these people know about the taxes associated with living in an area, and move there of their own accord, but that's not consent according to you.

you rode that one trick pony to death, it became lame, it is now dead and you are still beating it.

Taxes are not associated with an area. They are imposed by those people holding a monopoly on the use of force in a given area. If something is commonly and regularly done, that simply means it is "normal" in the sense of its predictability. That doesn't explain away the fact the act of taxing is done in a unilateral and mostly non consensual way.

That bump on your leg is where my dead horse just kicked you.


Well-Known Member
so these people know about the taxes associated with living in an area, and move there of their own accord, but that's not consent according to you.

you rode that one trick pony to death, it became lame, it is now dead and you are still beating it.

So hang on a second, and without being racist in the slightest...

So people who "choose" to live in an urban area "choose" to pay taxes...

Yet you keep proclaiming that people who live in the "ghetto" are there because of S/E differences...

So do people choose where they live and what they do, or are people forced to live in certain places because of societal differences?

Is skin colour REALLY the issue here?

You can't suck a dick and claim you're not gay...

(Im a pragmatic libertarian, so if you're into that then good for you...but if you likey the cocky and you werent born "F" they you gay, bro).


Well-Known Member
actually riu is a private website and we reserve the right to delete anything you post, you agreed to that when you signed up :D
Yeah but seriously, politics is the Thunderdrome...

Short mindless advertising/spam babble, wtf are you Nazis censoring the "banter" for?

Even facist Parliments allow discourse without penalty...


Staff member
Yeah but seriously, politics is the Thunderdrome...

Short mindless advertising/spam babble, wtf are you Nazis censoring the "banter" for?

Even facist Parliments allow discourse without penalty...
the only posts i deleted by you were completely inappropriate , telling members to go burn in a fire and fucking die, and the other one i deleted you had extreme excessive name calling
dont take it personal


Well-Known Member
the only posts i deleted by you were completely inappropriate , telling members to go burn in a fire and fucking die, and the other one i deleted you had extreme excessive name calling
dont take it personal
I never told anyone to die in a fire.

I told them to die and possibly to go f**k themselves.

This is the Internet, if the NSA considered it inappropriate then I wouldn't be talking to you...

So what's the issue?


New Member
the only posts i deleted by you were completely inappropriate , telling members to go burn in a fire and fucking die, and the other one i deleted you had extreme excessive name calling
dont take it personal
You would not like Detroit my friend lol .