Rockwool or rapid rooters?


Well-Known Member
This is going to be my first time cloning and I'm only taking 1 cutting. What do you think would be better for a beginner like me to use?


Well-Known Member
Either/or....cloning success is mostly down to your methods imo

I would advise on taking more cuttings though...


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's probably a good idea just in case the one I take fails. I was planning on soaking my starter plugs in distilled water and maybe superthrive is this a good idea?


Well-Known Member
I've never used superthrive, so I'd stick with distilled water and cloning gel/powder. Clones can be delicate buggers until they throw roots, and even then like a very light feed...

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
One cutting? seriously? Take as many as you can and HOPE one lives if you have never done this before.

Whichever you use rw or rr. Just don't keep them too wet.


Well-Known Member
I use SUPERthrive with half water and soak the cutting before you put it in for like 30sec ...if your counting count to 100


Well-Known Member
One cutting? seriously? Take as many as you can and HOPE one lives if you have never done this before.

Whichever you use rw or rr. Just don't keep them too wet.
Yeah I only need one more plant, but I'm going to take more than one now to avoid failure. I'll probably just soak in distilled water for 10-20 mins (or longer if I'm wrong) and squeeze out any excess water then put the dipped cuttings in them.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks, maybe it's better if I just use the rapid rooters I've heard that they're one of the best for cloning. Do you know how you're supposed to store them since I will have extra plugs?

ph perfect

Look at my clones on my pic .... root shooters and rock wool is all I use .... bit of voodoo juice in water helps for perfect root mass ....


Well-Known Member
I have used both, I far prefer rapid rooters. If your taking that few cuttings I would go super anal route. Boil the rapid rooters for a couple minutes, sterlize all your tools, wash your hands.

You don't find this in allot of books. But if you set your cuttings in a glass of distilled water for 24 hours before putting them in the plugs, they won't wilt.