The horror of global warming!

The Earth has seen CO2 gasses of 2500 PPM millions of years ago. Mother Nature is too powerful for any pitiful amount of pollution man can make. Man is but dust in the wind of time. When the world ends it will be on Mother Earths terms. Not ours

Nobody is saying the world will end. They're saying future conditions will cause displacement
im not spending my life chasing down every tiniest bit of data so that you can feel better about that 20:1 ratio you find acceptable
year of gun ban in aus was peak year now corelation doesnt eqaull causation but looking at the trend it certainly doesnt rule it out

i dont care where they would get it from (mexico) just pointing out the only advantage of gun is impulse

rope is cheap and a safer bet than guns but you have to go thru tying the rope which takes more time (less impulse) than pulling a trigger

im all for making it easier for people to make their own decision in life but i dont think thats handing everyone a gun sand hoping for the best

anyway all of that isnt relevent

I'm just wondering to be clear, are you saying more people commit suicide because it's easier to kill yourself with a gun than without one?
Dirty? nono deadly? it has the potential for danger but so does crossing the street infact i belive im much more at risk crossing the street (you know proportion)
france can do it but they have different constitution base so youz winz?
Please show
word salad? i dont know but i think its butthurt

you need to read up a bit more

if you dont know what actinides are thats down to you

I know about it, pole gag.

I insist you back your claims is all. You are such a scatter brain and quite the troll, so I don't need to trust. Just to verify.

So, what if these 20 reactors are a little better? You still need to burn up a lot of waste and now I am quite sure you have no idea what this waste problem is. It is long term deadly. See? You don't know what you are talking about.

So, we have hundreds of thousands of tons of non-fissile waste. We have know since the 60s it is possible to burn a small quantity of the fuel rod waste, is ALL. You are fucking the straw dog, again.

Acres of 55 gal drums. Those drums contain; tools, clothes, paints, supplies of all kinds. They are not allowed to be transported and so sit on site,

WASTE in this industry DWARFS the re-burnable, bits in the fuel rods. This is not a fuel rod problem. It is on you, that you can't grasp the problem space.

How much a dent have these 20 reactors placed on just One GE reactor's actual WASTE.

NONE. Stop it, you troll. :)

What do we do with that lunch box left behind that can kill you to be in the room with it?

And I tell you what, none of these computer scientists I spare with daily call this word salad. They know they better get it right, and they better make sure.

This diction is above you. And it is why you can't understand it.

Why pretend emotion? You are emotion tampered is why. Just to say butthurt is trolling.
It is contentious, can lead to a fist fight in person, etc. So, Coward troll.

To say you can't understand a simple complex sentence with multiple concepts and an arching structure, mean you are not stoned enough.

And in the USA self rule says low bid, because we are cheap and wasteful all at once, since we can. And we don't know what to do with a pipe wrench that will be deadly to be in the room with for 20, 000 years. So, this is trolling surely.
im not spending my life chasing down every tiniest bit of data so that you can feel better about that 20:1 ratio you find acceptable
year of gun ban in aus was peak year now corelation doesnt eqaull causation but looking at the trend it certainly doesnt rule it out

i dont care where they would get it from (mexico) just pointing out the only advantage of gun is impulse

rope is cheap and a safer bet than guns but you have to go thru tying the rope which takes more time (less impulse) than pulling a trigger

im all for making it easier for people to make their own decision in life but i dont think thats handing everyone a gun sand hoping for the best

anyway all of that isnt relevent

No but you are quite happy to jerk us around with sophistry. You have suggested to me that if i don't know what the fuck you are talking that is on me? You act like we are suppose to know this crossed up shit of yours?

No. Fuck no. You and I both have the responsibility in discussion. So, it it clear you are being a jerk. Now back to sanding my lady parts, so they shine.

I got ya. It's MO. You have time for butt chasing is all.
in a century or 2 when you guys are comparable with us europeans come back to me for this discussion.....

We were Europeans, then we sent ya'll home along with your dillusions of grandeur. After we rid ourselves of your nuisance we were then free, that is economically, to invent most anything that you enjoy today, just fyi.
Walleyes, northern pike, sunnies, crappies, perch...even catfish, on certain lakes connected to a river.

I like it. The tip ups and beer are in true fisherman spirit lol. Crappies are my favorite. We used to put out floating car lights at night to attract bugs and bait fish.....then set like 5 poles each....once the right depth was found the limit would be caught in a matter of hours....way fun trying to tend fish on multiple rods.
I like it. The tip ups and beer are in true fisherman spirit lol. Crappies are my favorite. We used to put out floating car lights at night to attract bugs and bait fish.....then set like 5 poles each....once the right depth was found the limit would be caught in a matter of hours....way fun trying to tend fish on multiple rods.

Oh, man. I grew up night fishing. Catfish. Frog gigging. Flounder gigging is most fun. Pulling a float with a big light..hehhe.
I like it. The tip ups and beer are in true fisherman spirit lol. Crappies are my favorite. We used to put out floating car lights at night to attract bugs and bait fish.....then set like 5 poles each....once the right depth was found the limit would be caught in a matter of hours....way fun trying to tend fish on multiple rods.

Crappie, did someone mention crappie :eyesmoke:

I fish for all that swims, from shark on the beachfront to bluegill in the back of the creek, they are all out to get a hook in 'em by


No but you are quite happy to jerk us around with sophistry. You have suggested to me that if i don't know what the fuck you are talking that is on me? You act like we are suppose to know this crossed up shit of yours?

No. Fuck no. You and I both have the responsibility in discussion. So, it it clear you are being a jerk. Now back to sanding my lady parts, so they shine.

I got ya. It's MO. You have time for butt chasing is all.

That takes grit. :joint::bigjoint: cn
Freak flooding in all of canada. my provice is a giant swamp. cars are submerged. this shit never happens here. montreal got hit this year too, springtime.

now the whole contrys wet. and my whole province is in a state of emergency. canmore (the closest town) is fully under a mandatory evac order. constable russsel was in my shit this morning to leave, i told him to fuck himself. frenchy down the roads staying, so are the hicks.

its crazy tho, the army had to pull my buddy off a roof in a helocopter in high river. and the wildrose party leader was rescued on the top of a manure spreader (lol).

i was in calgary yesterday, downtown was flooded out, stampede is fucked. the saddledome (their hockey stadium) was uo to row 10 in water, both the citys rivers meet downtown. its fucked up. that place was not ready at all. but i dont think that ever happened in the citys history. i seen their bow river, 20 feet higher than usual. and that part of the river is almost 500 meters across. and its moving insanly fast. the whole dogpark is submerged up th the trees, bridge and all.

the whole downtown core is closed. and i just heard, the radio says the part of the transcanada that passes thru their is closed.

amazing such a large city gets so fucked up over a flood. youd think that idiot shithole would be designed better. fucking dirty, stinky city. i go there more often than edmonton. its a faster drive, and calgary is a lot nicet than edmonton
From the man that brought us the 97% "consensus" paper...

Climate change like atom bomb

The planet has been building up temperatures at the rate of four Hiroshima bombs of heat every second, and it’s all our fault, say climate scientists.

Hurricane Katrina and superstorm Sandy are just two examples of how extreme weather will intensify, Australia’s Climate Action Summit has heard.

Humans are emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than any other time in history, says John Cook, Climate Communication Fellow from the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland.

‘‘All these heat-trapping greenhouse gases in our atmosphere mean ... our planet has been building up heat at the rate of about four Hiroshima bombs every second - consider that going continuously for several decades.’’

In a speech on extreme weather in Sydney on Saturday, Mr Cook said about 90 per cent of global warming was going into the oceans, which act like a natural thermometer along with changes in land, ice, and animal species.

Distributions of trees are shifting towards cooler areas such as the poles or mountains, and animal species are responding to global warming by mating earlier in the year.

‘‘This isn’t because animals are getting randier, it’s because the seasons themselves are shifting,’’ Mr Cook said.

120 climate records were broken in Australia this January, including the hottest month and the hottest day.

New colours had to be added to temperature maps to denote highs of over 50 and 54 degrees celsius.

Warmer air holds more water, so Australia will experience heavier rainfall in wetter areas, while dry regions are becoming drier.

There will be more category four and five tropical cyclones, and a ‘‘catastrophic’’ rating has already been added to fire gauges.

Mr Cook said studies have tried to put a number on how much of global warming is caused by humans, ‘‘and the rough answer is, all of it’’. He said for the past two decades, 97 per cent of scientists have been in agreement human activity is causing warmer temperatures.

But he said this is not filtering down to the public, who think scientists are about 50/50 on the issue.

He's not a climate scientist - but has taken the opportunity to plug his paper...
Freak flooding in all of canada. my provice is a giant swamp. cars are submerged. this shit never happens here. montreal got hit this year too, springtime.

now the whole contrys wet. and my whole province is in a state of emergency. canmore (the closest town) is fully under a mandatory evac order. constable russsel was in my shit this morning to leave, i told him to fuck himself. frenchy down the roads staying, so are the hicks.

its crazy tho, the army had to pull my buddy off a roof in a helocopter in high river. and the wildrose party leader was rescued on the top of a manure spreader (lol).

i was in calgary yesterday, downtown was flooded out, stampede is fucked. the saddledome (their hockey stadium) was uo to row 10 in water, both the citys rivers meet downtown. its fucked up. that place was not ready at all. but i dont think that ever happened in the citys history. i seen their bow river, 20 feet higher than usual. and that part of the river is almost 500 meters across. and its moving insanly fast. the whole dogpark is submerged up th the trees, bridge and all.

the whole downtown core is closed. and i just heard, the radio says the part of the transcanada that passes thru their is closed.

amazing such a large city gets so fucked up over a flood. youd think that idiot shithole would be designed better. fucking dirty, stinky city. i go there more often than edmonton. its a faster drive, and calgary is a lot nicet than edmonton

I love Calgary, of all of the places I have lived IMO it is the nicest of them all.
You want a dirty shit hole go north to Edmonton or east to Winnipeg... lol

Im interested to see what will happen with the Stampede. Regardless if/when the
show goes on this flood will have a devastating financial impact. I am confident that
Calgarian's will rise to the challenge and put on a successful event.

Canmore eh? (The std Cap of Can... lol) Much nicer than Banff. I have spent allot of time working in both places
and Canmore tops Banff easily.

You live in a beautiful area man, just don't forget to wrap it...
It's so hot out today that I don't don't think the lake will freeze until at least the 4th of July.
I just thought this was funny... lol


Fucking environmentalists... heh
Global warming is the real big threat to life on Earth. We should make life more secure for the next generation.

You don't know that. This is just an emergent religion. You have faith in Global Warming out of Fear. Obama has faith in Global Warming for the Power.

Everyone loves to say 97% of Scientists.

But, the don't say, "pooled (not polled) in a non-scientific fashion for sample width to get that number."

It is a fraud for the fraud. I can pool 5000 scientists today and get 100% against the politics you call Global Warming.