Will Mutilated Hedges Grow Back?.


Well-Known Member
2 nights ago(around 4AM), a lost and apparently very intoxicated driver missed the turn and completely destroyed 3-6 foot bushes...and my bird bath(lol, it was concrete!). These bushes are now about a foot tall and almost completely devoid of leaves.

Will they eventually grow back, or should I replace them?.


Dont want to sound evasive but it depends what kind of plants they are. Do you know what kind of hedge it is? I can give you better info if you let me know.
Dont want to sound evasive but it depends what kind of plants they are. Do you know what kind of hedge it is? I can give you better info if you let me know.

They were planted before I bought the house, so have not a clue on the strain of bush...:mrgreen:

I can take a few pics if it would help.
they will most likely grow back , as long as they werent uprooted and ripped up
They were planted before I bought the house, so have not a clue on the strain of bush...:mrgreen:

I can take a few pics if it would help.
Yes please. As an example...an Arborvitae hedge probably will not ever look the same. A boxwood hedge which grows an inch a year won't either. Nor will a big old yew. But Privet (good example Sunni) will come back in a few years.
Yes please. As an example...an Arborvitae hedge probably will not ever look the same. A boxwood hedge which grows an inch a year won't either. Nor will a big old yew. But Privet (good example Sunni) will come back in a few years.

Site isn't allowing me to upload the pic I just took, will try again later.
The driver needs to make restitution. or was it hit and run? I Hate drunk drivers!!!!!!!!!!!!:fire:

See that goofy paved circle in the backround?. I'm having the city modify it for starters, b/c any drunk on that street won't wake-up until he hits something.

Even those cement zip strips they use for highway shoulder safety would help.
See that goofy paved circle in the backround?. I'm having the city modify it for starters, b/c any drunk on that street won't wake-up until he hits something.

Even those cement zip strips they use for highway shoulder safety would help.

they have tons of those retarded things in italy.. my state used to be the capitol of circles, but the last few years they've been slowly removing them one by one, not really popular around here in housing areas though..
they have tons of those retarded things in italy.. my state used to be the capitol of circles, but the last few years they've been slowly removing them one by one, not really popular around here in housing areas though..

That's what the police said when I made the report, please remove this crappy circle so our fire trucks and snowplows can work through.