Best Places For White People

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You want me to post proof that 50% of the population is in the police force? But why should I do that when I did not say that 50% of the population is in the police force?

Here's the quote!

Australia has mad police who think that the best way to combat crime is to turn 50% of the population into the police force. They want to fight fire with fire obviously. (I'm over exaggerating with the 50% thing) rather than actually using their brains to solve crimes.

What that means is that the police force in Australia want to hire more police in order to combat rising crime using more force, rather than using more brain. (I guess since they are lacking in brains, they will have to just take what they have).

You say I sound like a crack baby, yet you continue your post by implying that you don't think atm bombings and dodgy police raids are a big deal!!! Bro, why don't you just strap on a bomb and blow your self up to prove your points?? that will show em!
You want me to post proof that 50% of the population is in the police force? But why should I do that when I did not say that 50% of the population is in the police force?

Here's the quote!

What that means is that the police force in Australia want to hire more police in order to combat rising crime using more force, rather than using more brain. (I guess since they are lacking in brains, they will have to just take what they have).

You say I sound like a crack baby, yet you continue your post by implying that you don't think atm bombings and dodgy police raids are a big deal!!! Bro, why don't you just strap on a bomb and blow your self up to prove your points?? that will show em!

Things in Oz and other countries are different than the U.S. SC though I agree with you.
More police sounds like communist law and that sucks.
Haven't we learned this lesson b4?
And what are you going to say when I come along and post proof to everything iv said? huh? wise guy?
Quit defending your country. Its not even your country. The planet belongs to everyone, full stop.

Oh btw, echelon... You're clearly Australian right?.. I have a question for you: What's the best country in the world?
And which country has the best weather in the world?

As far as work/life balance go, yeah we've got it pretty good, especially compared to other developed countries... Weather, I love the weather here, wish we had more alpine areas, but the best in the world? probably not... but that one depends on personal preference...

.... Watch this guys, He's Australian, so he's going to answer "Australia" to both answers! That's what all Aussies think and say. Though they don't actually know it, because most of them haven't been abroad.
Oh and Australia has probably the worst weather in the world. (dangerous, extreme, very hot, lots of natural and some man made disasters.) The fact that it's sunny 90% of the time isn't such a big bonus considering that you start burning after staying in the sun for ten minutes.
And when I say burning, I literally mean burning, you can FEEL your skin burn.

damn you're a douchebag... It's not sunny 90% of the time and only in summer will you burn in 10mins... But the heat and dangerous animals keeps douchebags like you spreading rumours about the dangers in AU... Truth is the only real dangers are stupid tourists...

Watch and observe guys, Echelon being an Australian, he's now going to take personal insult to my harsh criticism of Australian weather. Oh and if anyone tells him I was born In New zealand and he decides to pull out the sheep card, Let him know (cuzz I bet he doesn't even know) that Australia has WAAAY more sheep than New Zealand!

How old are you? Facebook is where you need to be if you crave group acceptance.... You've got nothing you're stupidity is actually entertaining... Run Forrest, Run...
You want me to post proof that 50% of the population is in the police force? But why should I do that when I did not say that 50% of the population is in the police force?

Here's the quote!

What that means is that the police force in Australia want to hire more police in order to combat rising crime using more force, rather than using more brain. (I guess since they are lacking in brains, they will have to just take what they have).

You say I sound like a crack baby, yet you continue your post by implying that you don't think atm bombings and dodgy police raids are a big deal!!! Bro, why don't you just strap on a bomb and blow your self up to prove your points?? that will show em!

You are a stupid little child... What country you from?
You want me to post proof that 50% of the population is in the police force? But why should I do that when I did not say that 50% of the population is in the police force?

Here's the quote!

What that means is that the police force in Australia want to hire more police in order to combat rising crime using more force, rather than using more brain. (I guess since they are lacking in brains, they will have to just take what they have).

You say I sound like a crack baby, yet you continue your post by implying that you don't think atm bombings and dodgy police raids are a big deal!!! Bro, why don't you just strap on a bomb and blow your self up to prove your points?? that will show em!

so far the only proof you have citied is your own quote which contained evidence that you are trapped in full retard mode. over exaggerating? something like 50,000 police in Australia and 22 million people that's like 0.2% so you over exaggerated 49.8% on that matter and its safe to say everything else you're on about is also an equally large exaggeration at least.
Why are you guys so offensive and rude?

Sure, I am saying bad things about your country, but im not making personal insults to anyone here, and I'm not making things up either.
Are the people who live on the same piece of land as you, more important despite the fact that you don't personally know MOST of them, than the people you communicate with over the internet who come from different pieces of land?

You are your selves proof of what I am saying, that is that Australia is not a good country.
If Australia was such a nice place to live in then you two Aussies would be kind, but you're not!

You are the proof.

You act like the country is yours. you need to realise that everyone on the earth is here together. None of you made the earth, the earth doesn't belong to you and neither does Australia. You're being so defensive because you don't want people thinking badly of Australia. But believe me, I have lived there for a few years and I know the truth. Why should you defend the people who give your country a bad name?

I know this is gonna piss you off even more, but that isn't the intention of this paragraph. The intention for this is to make you THINK.
Au is like a mini America, They even suck up to the yanks on tv, that's for sure.
And they even copied some of the accent. Grass for instance; The yanks and the brits say grass completely differently.
New zealanders say it the British way (makes sense) but the Australians developed a new accent over the years it seems and they say grass the same way that the Americans say it, but the rest of their accent is more similar to the NZ accent.

If you want people here on this forum to believe you when you deny everything I post, how about you start by not coming across as major negative psycho`s who're okay with atm bombings?
Oh and, its funny how you're all "fine" with atm bombings.. Clearly, of all the things iv said, that is the only thing you have also heard about on the news, or word of mouth, or w/e. yet you deny the rest simply because my words are tarnishing your countries image, as if your country has sunshine shining from its but hole.
Australia can't afford an influx of immigrants so they take a tough stance on the issue, which they should. With the flora and fauna that exsists in Australia and only in Australia the last thing you want is more people to endanger it. Australia is one of the last true wild places in the world and I applaude them for protecting their natural resource.

Humans brought cats, rabbits, goats and other environmental disasters. Wild? I think not. cn
Why are you guys so offensive and rude?
Cause they are Australian. :)

No seriously, it's just because they, especially special-eche, are incapable of having a logical debate in which valid points determine the outcome. Basically by the time they get rude and offensive, you know they got the message and ran out of arguments. See that's what we Dutch do, we are able to talk with (and do business with) everyone, even less advanced civilizations such as Australia without getting butthurt by their ignorance and lack of decency and lack of capability to either watch or understand the news.

I've never been to Australia, but to countries close to it where they get a lot of Australian tourists and I met hundreds of them. I can honestly say there are exceptions, met 2 whole Australians who we went coral diving with. The rest was too drunk, too loud, and too stupid (might have been the drunkenness...) and so rude against Japanese and Indian hindus that I took some distance and went to the other side of the ship to avoid the risk of being associated with those Neanderthals.

and they say grass the same way that the Americans say it, but the rest of their accent is more similar to the NZ accent.
We get Master Chef Australia on TV here and I can't stand the language for more than a few minutes. Especially females sound like they are constantly nagging. It's like going with nails over a black board... Heard Hugh Jackman speak in his own language once and I just can't take the guy seriously any more. Every time Wolverine opens his claws I expect: "That's not a knife..."
Ozzies, exporting that shit (providing the world with food from this tiny country) is what we do best indeed, but we're in the top of many many lists economically and in many other areas. Here's an old example: "The Netherlands is now Australia's fourth largest investor." Ouch... that must hurt. Like the Geto Boys said: Size ain't shit. Maybe you guys should try and educate your kids rather than teach them to refer to aboriginals as 'apes'.

Speaking of ghetto... guess who's back in Amsterdam to sing for all the racists:
fyi: the dumb bitch that thought she could use the popular lingo as if she was from the hood herself got fired, the next day. Unlike in Australia where she would have received a parade and a medal.

As much as I enjoy educating you about the Netherlands and the challenge-less comparisons with Australia. About 80% of the Netherlands is white, about 92% of Australia is white. Pretty sure that answers the OP's question :lol:
This caught my eye. How does that work? History shows that the nicest places to live bred the most aggressive defenders, out of simple need. cn

Basically a good country to live in is one where the people are nice (but that is really just a matter of opinion) That's my opinion, that the culture and the people behind that culture are important if you are planning on integrating into their society.
Thus, nice people = nice place to live. Looking at it in such a superficial way as I just did, it's quite simple theory.
How about Cracker Barrel? Why don't you go join the barrel of crackers? Do you think roi is a "white" board?

I want to learn from everyone, and I couldn't care less what pigment is in your skin or even what shoe size you wear. What an ignorant way of looking at life.
Cause they are Australian. :)

No seriously

Every time Wolverine opens his claws I expect: "That's not a knife..."


This one time I saw some guy get out of his car (which he parked in the middle of the street, literally in the middle. on the median island) I watched him walk to the back of his car and take out a chainsaw! he started it up (in the middle of a concrete city) and he started walking towards some people who had obviously pissed him off. He wanted to scare them or something. I was only a few metres away from him when this happened, and I saw the look on his face. He was a drug user.
Most probably a Methamphetamine user to be exact, also known as "Ice" in Australia.

Sorry guys, No way I can give you proof of that one, Its all in my memory. You'l have to take my word for it. But considering how many crazy things happen over there, i'm sure this won't be hard for you to believe, right? Though, I'm also sure that you two Aussies will deny it because "the land down under" is the best country in the WOOORLD Maate, where the bloody hell are ya? If ya aint here then ya aint anywhere!

.. I actually enjoyed watching mastercheff Australia, I learned a few good things from that show.
Like frozen mango desert.

about 92% of Australia is white. Pretty sure that answers the OP's question :lol:

Come again? 92% of Australia is white you say? No I don't think that is correct at all. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that there are allot more non-whites in Aus.
Come again? 92% of Australia is white you say? No I don't think that is correct at all. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that there are allot more non-whites in Aus.
Hey... I remember reading 92% white, 6% a mix of Indians, Vietnamese etc, and 2% aboriginals in what looked like a decent source, but I have to admit I can find lower percentages just as easy. It seems it depends on who you ask, I hate to refer to wikipedia but: White Australian: 94.91% of Australia's population in 2006. "However, this is ambiguous and may include non-white people who describe themselves in terms of their Australian citizenship, such as indigenous Australians." So yeah the numbers are skewed.
Why are you guys so offensive and rude?

Sure, I am saying bad things about your country, but im not making personal insults to anyone here, and I'm not making things up either.
Are the people who live on the same piece of land as you, more important despite the fact that you don't personally know MOST of them, than the people you communicate with over the internet who come from different pieces of land?

You are your selves proof of what I am saying, that is that Australia is not a good country.
If Australia was such a nice place to live in then you two Aussies would be kind, but you're not!

You are the proof.

You act like the country is yours. you need to realise that everyone on the earth is here together. None of you made the earth, the earth doesn't belong to you and neither does Australia. You're being so defensive because you don't want people thinking badly of Australia. But believe me, I have lived there for a few years and I know the truth. Why should you defend the people who give your country a bad name?

I know this is gonna piss you off even more, but that isn't the intention of this paragraph. The intention for this is to make you THINK.
Au is like a mini America, They even suck up to the yanks on tv, that's for sure.
And they even copied some of the accent. Grass for instance; The yanks and the brits say grass completely differently.
New zealanders say it the British way (makes sense) but the Australians developed a new accent over the years it seems and they say grass the same way that the Americans say it, but the rest of their accent is more similar to the NZ accent.

If you want people here on this forum to believe you when you deny everything I post, how about you start by not coming across as major negative psycho`s who're okay with atm bombings?
Oh and, its funny how you're all "fine" with atm bombings.. Clearly, of all the things iv said, that is the only thing you have also heard about on the news, or word of mouth, or w/e. yet you deny the rest simply because my words are tarnishing your countries image, as if your country has sunshine shining from its but hole.

wow you certainly are a fucking dumbass. firstly you still didn't post any proof to anything you have been dribbling so going to have to assume you were over exaggerating by 49.8% again.

now you are wingding because 2 Australians you are shit canning the country to are rude LOL you fucking halfwit. what else? oh that's right we say grass more like Americans then we do NZ.. wtf are you talking about surely you have to be retarded or still in school.

we say grass like Americans? who fucking cares?? damn you are straight up spastic as fuck
Hey... I remember reading 92% white, 6% a mix of Indians, Vietnamese etc, and 2% aboriginals in what looked like a decent source, but I have to admit I can find lower percentages just as easy. It seems it depends on who you ask, I hate to refer to wikipedia but: White Australian: 94.91% of Australia's population in 2006. "However, this is ambiguous and may include non-white people who describe themselves in terms of their Australian citizenship, such as indigenous Australians." So yeah the numbers are skewed.

and what is this proving? put you 2 retards together and you still cant get a grip on how not to over exaggerate. yeah 94.91% is skewed majorly in your favour dumbass
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