Well-Known Member
why may i ask tho mogs with the space,equipment u have that u dont just grow 1 selllable strain? i no for fact i certainly wouldnt be ticking or owed near 4k with my weed people carnt buy it quick enough i wouldnt even entertain tick, top weed sells its self, maybe stick with them auto n tick lmao
ah thats easy , mogs is a complete tart when it comes to smoking , i like a nice giggly sativa or a lemon skunk , call me an old fucker but i get all excited over columbian red and thais where everyone i know wants to be face down in a pool of puke shitfaced , this means i tend to grow enough to pay the bills and a little spare while also catering to myself , i also simply like growing , i love to see a plant pop out of soil and have a little chat with it telling it whats what , we then develop a relationship where i watch over and nurture the plant excited even over its little developments , over time it becomes time to say bye bye and i chop it happy as a retard ive got a clone or 2 or disappointed the yield or quality just wasnt there , i also get super bored with growing cheese all the time , sitting with a scope looking at a purple nug is always a nice place to be , sniffing your fingers as you trim trying to suss if theres something special about the bud be it a chocky smell or a hint of toothpaste , so many strains means so many sources of interest , because of this ive tried no end of shit just for the hell of it , this also means i get to remember stuff and fancy trying strains yet again just for the hell of it , as an example ive got G13 thats 92.5 pure and a cross between both clones ( ag13 and pg13 ) so as near as you can really get to the clone , its a given ill get bored and try it out once more ( absolutley fuckin lethal shuff )
but as for outing it , im in a bubble , i live near a town which i tend to service , its a closed shop as in everyone knows everyone who smokes sells or grows , because of this the openings are very small to get your foot in the door , some are completely untrustworthy cunts and others too fucked up to deal with , this leaves just a couple of people i can sell too and sad to say they both know each other and sure as shit the green i create goes through my man to the other , id be stepping on toes , this means theres always a line of strap and at the minute its 900 quid that needs to be got in , however i have another line of outage and i dropped 25 on him the other day and walked away , when i got back in touch he came up with 2g and then fucked off on his holiday , this will now be in and its just a matter of 40 mile round trip to grab the cash and its cleared , i really wish i could clear the other mind as the fucker takes advantage of my good nature , i have other outlets but its about distance and exposure vrs reward , ive got a lad whos crying out for train/w at 180`s and another who doesnt want to pay more than 160 on it , the other being my boy only wants it if theres nothing else and wants time on it , the first is a shaddy cunt who i hardly know , the second a friend of 40 yrs , the third the fucker who owes me enough as it is , thats the sort of shit i have to contend with