The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yer man just lernt I shld be phing at 5.8 not 6.3 in coco....dang.....
don't worry m8 u jus learnt that plants need a lot more feeding in wiv newuserlol re biobizz...I jus eyeball the nutes...wouldn't rec it but point being they are quite forgiving re overfert. interesting to find others who like Gro but much stronger than rec...btw I am running over 90w per sq ft so the plants need lots of nuts


Well-Known Member
he must be in good mood....tbh lads even b4 I started growing ect...ive had ppl tell me this and ppl say doing I just went with the flow tbh.....didn't kno what to bel.....but cheers guys......much app
your lucky I seen yorkie send peeps off to noob corner for less


Well-Known Member
I've just been tidying under the canopy & I inadvertently clipped off a branch that had bud on it above the screen , oops ! , suffice to say its now drying in paper on the rad , 5 weeks in , I must have had my rapist hands on !


Well-Known Member
Nice, I've been eyeing up spots for weeks. lol

What flavour are they? I remember you saying you had a couple.
a mixture

you will get 2 easy to see phenos , some will be slightly smaller and bright bright purple , there good in that they finish a little earlier although they dont bulk up loads , these are the purple ryder dom plants , fruity doncha know , the others will be alot taller and yeild more , they will also frost like crazy including half the fans and all stems ( very good for hash ), do watch for size as some in the past have gone a little mental , there much more kush in dominace and have an almost sweet smell , its also kick ass strong and tends to fuck mogs up , the high isnt long lasting but is deep thats for sure , good stuff

sorry for a lack of a decent description , im fuckin hopless at the idea of hints of coffee or oak , mine tend to go stinky as fuck , smells like shit , fucks you up , beyond this im normally way to fucked to work out how to use a remote no matter report subtle flavours


Well-Known Member
why may i ask tho mogs with the space,equipment u have that u dont just grow 1 selllable strain? i no for fact i certainly wouldnt be ticking or owed near 4k with my weed people carnt buy it quick enough i wouldnt even entertain tick, top weed sells its self, maybe stick with them auto n tick lmao


Well-Known Member
why may i ask tho mogs with the space,equipment u have that u dont just grow 1 selllable strain? i no for fact i certainly wouldnt be ticking or owed near 4k with my weed people carnt buy it quick enough i wouldnt even entertain tick, top weed sells its self, maybe stick with them auto n tick lmao
I wouldn't put 4k's worth out on tick fuck that ! , that's abit too much trust, saying that , now I'm buying , I need a bit a leeway on payment , geting paid 4 weekly is pain in the arse !, but I'm talking oz's not lbs .


Well-Known Member
Nah. They'll be waiting at home. There is no place for weed where I work. We are pushing to get a chef fired next week because it turns out he has been bring weed to work every day. We all thought something was up, but we finally found out for sure today. Explained why he as such a useless fucking cunt. Don't care what people say, but chefs smoking weed is a no no, I don't want someone mellow and relaxed, I want someone who is worked up and ready to work his arose off with a clear head.
fuck me, now that IS harsh.... I've driven all over Europe let alone the U.K. with work and I've been stoned most of the time. If he's a useless cunt, it's got fuck all to do with him being stoned.


Well-Known Member
that's what they told me too lol . gro, bloom and explode..... it all went in the back garden m8 and I went back to canna before then switching to my current ones, advanced nutrients.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
So I got one of those clip on fans for the loft to blow directly onto my bare 400w bulb, 2 speed job £8 Ebay.
It works a treat, I can blast all 1000w for the last 3 weeks with the temp difference!

The bigger 'Two Toke Killer' has been staked up, it's putting some good weight on.