quiet around here

is it just the weather thats got everyone away or have they moved on to another forum?? been on tsd but it's dead there too

The bickering has gotten old here, imo. I can't seem to resist the urge to wade in to the shit when it comes up, so I'm just frequenting other sites instead that seem to be more about sharing good grow info, and less about the nonsense.
it does get real old. especially when you are in need of advice or having a question answered you have to endure all the idiotic bs
Yeah - it's Summer in Michigan and it's time to play outside.

I bought a used bicycle and my impulses took over.
So looking for a headlight charger turned into a new set of wheels and dynamo, etc.

I built my first bicycle wheel and Holy Canoles, (Hamtramack joke there), it was both easy and fun.
I started out with an expensive battery in the water bottle carrier thing that weighed more than the dynamo.
By the time I had ordered the dynamo I got paranoid about taking apart my existing wheel.
Was afraid I would screw it up and have no wheel.
So I ended up doing lots of research and picking expensive rims, spokes, nipples, and now I need new tires because the old ones are too wide.

Guess I didn't save any money.
Sure has been a nice diversion though.


That last image is my make-do truing stand setup.
I used a brake shoe to do the lateral measurement and the bic lighter to do the vertical aligning.
My forks have sharp edges on the other side to check dishing, (centering on axel), with a tape measure.
For spoke tension I went by tone after stressing and flexing and realigning brought it all into shape.

There's a lot more goes into building a wheel than sticking spokes in a hub and rim and tightening the nipples.
When you first put it together properly the spokes are all bowed out and it looks real bad.
You work the spokes with your hands to bend them at the hubs and you flex them while watching 4 different variables in the truing.
Still - it's not near as hard as it looks or sounds.

Yeah - it's kind of dead around here lately.
Last time I posted information about changes at Lara for the community it was nothing but personal attacks directed against me. I've pretty much lost interest in RIU. I post useful information elsewhere instead.

Dr. Bob

Then you posted this why? Take the hint B * B.
add to that the ammount of bullshit, usless, misinformed posts and threads. its a wonder how anyone ever gets good true advise on here any more.

and dr bob, LOL. gtfo with your BS. no one cares about you or your "practice". so take your spamming elsewhere.
I stopped coming by here alot because of the trolling. We used to have a good mi forum over here but every post was turnin into a pissing match starring uncle buck. Plus the weather is nice and I've been riding the motorcycle and lounging by the pool.
This place must be taken for what it is worth , entertainment and nothing more . I came here to make one comment and have stuck around since . I used to mod at GreenPassion and there was no games played there or infighting allowed period .

This place is like Romp Room High or a bad alternative high school in other words , there are some good people here learning but the majority of people who join RIU seems to think that there shit does not stink when it happens to be stuck on there own shoes so to say , maybe even on there legs as most are so engulfed in the game here at RIU . Yes it has become a game for many who post here , one big cyber word game .

With that said summertime is here and the internet becomes boring and useless when the sun is shining . Peace , hope your summer rocks , I am enjoying once again another summertime in Northern Michigan and trust me I can show others here what Kid Rock never knew lol
I left my daily GC for RIU, mainly because of the Michigan forum.. but then i realized the community is still stuck in a metaphorical basement
Anything north of m46 ? If u can hunt with a high powered rifle ?

The UP is just the UP. hell over by Glad they are almost eastern Wisconsin. Go packers!!! ;)
What is. Considered northern mi? The up or LP n anything north.

Guess it depends on your location , as to the thumb people it is Grayling and up . Those further down and to the west may consider Newaygo as the beginning of the Northern Woods .. The U.P. tends to be referenced as its own world as it really is just that , another world away from downstate lol

To me it all begins once you leave the farm lands and fields and begin to see the woods signalling the northern areas of Michigan as this is what this great state once was . Nothing but one big forest .
RIU has chose to ban a lot of our regulars here this year and many others have stopped posting out of fear they too will be banned for violating these secret rules enforced by the hidden :eyesmoke:

quoted for the pic...awesome! SMOKE IT UP PAULA its proven to help prevent diabetes gurl.
From those of us who regularly stomped the trout streams, fished the lakes, small and great, who enjoyed warm summer night bonfires with family and friends, drinking too much beer and eating a couple too many hot dogs, snuggled with a friendly squeeze under the moon, but can no longer, please enjoy all the summer has to offer. Stay out of harms way and take care of your bodies, minds, and souls. You have no idea the greatness they are until they have been diminished by age, injury, and disease.

To those who have come to know this the hard way, save what you can, leave the rest, and do not mourn. Patience and fortitude are among your friends.
From those of us who regularly stomped the trout streams, fished the lakes, small and great, who enjoyed warm summer night bonfires with family and friends, drinking too much beer and eating a couple too many hot dogs, snuggled with a friendly squeeze under the moon, but can no longer, please enjoy all the summer has to offer. Stay out of harms way and take care of your bodies, minds, and souls. You have no idea the greatness they are until they have been diminished by age, injury, and disease.

To those who have come to know this the hard way, save what you can, leave the rest, and do not mourn. Patience and fortitude are among your friends.


well spoken-

--patience and fortitude are our friends!

embrace them-