funny or ridiculous grow stories


Well-Known Member
I come home a day or so later and the blinds had been torn down and I see a dog standing on my antique furniture...:lol:


Ursus marijanus
Well I can do you one better. I had a 'friend', whose dad attempted to stuff his devil plant down the garbage disposal. Much hilarity ensued for everyone but dad as the plant merely did the hula in the disposer. It takes a chipper or a mower...... no puny garbage disposal is gonna take down super plant eh?
Oh my; I can barely imagine. I yield. cn



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cannabineer again.

ROFLMAO Somehow I bet you did not see that coming LOL


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cannabineer again.

ROFLMAO Somehow I bet you did not see that coming LOL
Now I realize this dog story isn't all that amusing to the poor OP, but damn I wish he had taken a video of the arrival scene and uploaded it.

I have this comical vision of that dog sitting on an ottoman holding a plants in it's mouth, posing like that painting of the dogs playing poker.


Well-Known Member
I did like the skittles story someone tried to convince others to use skittles to flavor their grow..

I also lol'd at someone's post yesterday where a newbie asked what type of strain they had and someone flat out tells em "anyone can tell just by looking at it.. it's durbin posion"


Well-Known Member
while my mother still lived in my current house she was against mj, so i timed it that i did a final trim when she was not around... of course she comes walking right in with like twenty fully mature plants and me with scissors in my hand.

after a wtf look, i lifted scissors up to her.. she just sat down next to me "so what are we doing here exactly?", "just trimming plants and being nominated for mom of the year, that's all..."

and that was her introduction to me growing/smoking


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Now I realize this dog story isn't all that amusing to the poor OP, but damn I wish he had taken a video of the arrival scene and uploaded it.

I have this comical vision of that dog sitting on an ottoman holding a plants in it's mouth, posing like that painting of the dogs playing poker.
Oh YES and the dog was a German Shepherd. So I'm visualizing this police dog just destroyed from pot :) further I imagine much of the damage was the search for munchies LOL


Well-Known Member
hate to laugh at your misfortune but roflmao, hopefully not your dog, how fast did he run when ya let him out ?
No, my dogs did discover how fun it was to pluck leaves off of plants when they were puppies. I was transplanting them and heard rip... rip... rip and looked up and they were both pulling leaves off. I screamed! Then they like to dig up whatever I plant in my garden. I suspect it was one of them that dug up one of my outdoor blue dreams, but it could have been a coyote... I get so pissed at all the things that go wrong and when it's your own lovable puppies that are sabotaging you... what can you do?

But the neighbors dog was terrified and wouldn't get out of the room. I opened the door to see if she would run out, but she just hid under the desk. I felt bad, but I had to yell and shake stuff in the room to get her to leave. I think she bolted once she got out of the room. I didn't think about it till after but my neighbors were out one night with flashlights... I bet they were looking for their dog. I can't believe it went in my house. It comes over to play with my dogs which is fine and she never gets too close to the house, so I was very surprised that that happened.


Active Member
Rabbits ate $70 worth of seeds cuz I left them on the floor in the garage under a bunch of cfl lights till they were big enough to transplant outside when they were about 7 inches tall a rabbit came in one morning and ate me out of herb and home :( was very ridiculous!


Undercover Mod
I was walking to my grow site to take part of last my last plant. It was late in the fall around 6pm just starting to get dark. I had made the mistake of creating a pretty regular path to my plants. Which were deep in the woods off of a regular trail.

I came through the woods approaching my plot on the side of a field. I noticed a strange color out of the corner of my eye about 20 feet away.
I stopped.
And turned my head to find a bow hunter sitting against a tree staring right at me with his bow drawn.
I shit my pants. Awkward silence for about 30 seconds.

I say "How's it going?" I was semi-terrified I almost ran. But for lack of being suspicious I tried to start a conversation.

He just looks at me and laughs. His face is completely covered except an old grey beard.

I just awkwardly turned in the opposite direction and walked away.

Came back later that night with my buddy and ripped my huge half finished Sativa out of the ground. Ran through the woods with a huge root ball attached to 9ft tall plant.

I failed to realize bow season had opened two weeks early.


Well-Known Member
My first time growing I knew about what you'd expect...which is to say not shit. I grew 2 plants, each under their own 150W incandescent bulb. Didn't actually turn out too bad, they were small and fluffy and the yield was very small but they did grow. By then I had been further educated in the arts, and had gotten a 400W HPS and a tent all set up...didn't have the tent vented properly and proceeded to cook the plants at around 110-115 degrees F. Poor things, I felt pretty bad about that one.

But hey, mistakes are how we learn, aye?


Well-Known Member
guy not far from me, thinks he will flower his babies in a, get this, towl surrounded dark room. bath towls to hold out light so it will flower.


Well-Known Member
Best I can do is not really a grow story, but rather a pot stealing squirrel.

Back in the 80's I was still buying seeded bud, and using those old 35mm black film containers to store small amounts. One sunny day I was out in the backyard working on my tan, and left a film container on the back deck. About an hour later, it comes up missing...and I spend a good 15 minutes searching to no avail. 3 hours later I notice a partially chewed film container top laying by the side door, along with a few buds scattered about.

It took me a few minutes to figure it out, the squirrel was of course going after the seeds. When I told all my friends, nobody believed me. So I set the squirrel up with another container using only seeds, and sure enough the squirrel took it about 50 feet up into the nearest elm tree...then I took photos.

I wound up naming this squirrel, who eventually became somewhat of a pet after eating peanuts out of my hand.


My friend has a good one: a reflecter dismounted on one end and swung down barely missing him making him jump backwards stepping on his dogs tail who ran out of the room like a psycho path knocking a fan over and also a tv tray-like table that had 10 seedlings on it, " it was a massacre, there were stems and dirt everywhere " -jbird

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i crept up on a baby deer that was munching on a vegging momma i had outdoors last year, the thing seemed to be separated from its mom and was munching away, it didn't notice me and since it was maybe a few months old(2-3) it only weighed about 20-30 lbs, i picked it up by its sides and it started to squeal and try to run away, i turned it to face me holding it like a baby but a baby choke-hold lol, and looked right in its eyes and said something in the deepest angriest voice i could to the effect of "i see you eating here again and i'll kill you", and tossed the fucker over a hedge of bushes. never had any problems again with that plant.


New Member
It was the summer of 1989 and I was utilizing my 3 wheeler for a little outdoor growing . At this point in the game I was learning and very proud of my growing skills . I actually had healthy lush girls and they were growing fast so I decided to show a well trusted friend . We both hopped on the 3 wheeler rode off behind the house into the woods and as we finally approached my little grow spot there was nothing but chewed up weed and stumps . We both got off the bike and stood there stumped ourselves over the situation . I saw no tracks and could not understand what had really happened . I again went to look for tracks and my friend too , while looking at the ground the culprit let out a cry lmao , there was a woodchuck high in the tree and it appeared to really be laughing at us . We had the last laugh though as that damn woodchuck was fucked up and stuck in that tree for a few days .