There are some tricky parts, you have to pay attention to what you are doing, but we have no problems with them at all. They did make some changes in the underlying rules, such as requiring the condition that results in the pain as noted. Looking at the rules it is very specific that it has to be a 'condition' that produces pain. I don't get worried about them wanting the condition named, they can and always could request it.
But as I was looking at the rules, I found something interesting. It is a 'condition' that either directly causes, OR THE TREATMENT OF THE CONDITION that causes, a symptom like pain, or nausea. This I found interesting. Let's look at anxiety. People get nauseated due to anxiety. The treatment medication for anxiety can cause nausea. If it does in YOU, I can certify you for anxiety. I find this helpful.
Thanks Lara, for causing me to look again and find another way to help my patients.
Dr. Bob