need advice

stoned sardine

New Member
Hey my seed has sprouted been growing for about 5 days seems to be doing well looking healthy. I was just wondering when would you guys advise moving this baby outside? In other words when will it be "strong" enough? I live in england so thw weathers pretty unpredictable, im growing lowryder #2.pretry interesting strain. Been growing on my windowsill so first grow thanks dudes


Active Member
My opinion is if its a outside plant I start it from seed outdoors.
I don't baby any of my plants if the don't get pounded by rain and blown around by the wind from the start.
IMO it just takes them longer to strengthen up and adjust later.
I wouldn't think you're gonna have much luck outdoors mate, this is the coldest summer I can remember in my 32 years. But fingers crossed we will get some better weather soon. It's pretty cold here in London. Good luck

stoned sardine

New Member
I see I should have said from start, they have been outside from start even germinated using soil like literally just planted straight from seed and only put inside at bad. Im not so sure dudes coz this strain can grow outside in finland! Look it up seems like a pretty dam hardy strain and perfek for a first time grower, but as expected its not great weed. ..mainly ruderalis.good for a work toke


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't know therefore I cant give advice but I do want to say good luck in any grow you attempt :)!!