30 2-3 oz plants under 2000 watts 1 months flower


Active Member
Hey I haven't been here in a while thought i'd show everybody what you can do with the right spacing,pruning,and nutrients with just 2000 watts some co2 and white walls.people say you can only get good light coverage with 4 or less pplants per 1000 wat light. I call bullshit. im getting about 4 pounds out of this room and I only vegged them 1 week from clone. warning you probably won't believe I'm doing this well.IMG_20130624_200131_667.jpgIMG_20130624_200415_673.jpgIMG_20130624_200302_461.jpgIMG_20130624_200509_328.jpgIMG_20130624_200327_576.jpgIMG_20130624_200346_499.jpg. 1. lavender .2 grow room..4 blackwater. 3 ,5 and 6 are sage


Well-Known Member
a 1000 hps will extra properly illuminate a 4x4 area,,, but also do a decent job with a 5x5 area.. and that's has big has u wanna stretch it.... how man plants u got under there is entirely dependent on how many of them fuckers u can fit under there u follow.... u got like one or 2 2 oz plants.. i don't see any 3 oz indoor plants there... and in the bigger pic of ur entire grow i don't even see many 2 ouncers... sage is a good yielding strain.... lavender is a mediumish yielding strain... and cali connects blackwater don't yield for shit... u should have topped and trained better and grown a few less plants... but judgeing by the strains ur growing and ur method and pics i see ur not pulling 3 ounces off any of those plants.. i been growing a long time now.... i know how big my 4-5 ounce indoor plants look like 1 month into bloom {and i can never yield that much from one week veg from clone even if in d.w.c. with a super high yielding strain} and my indoor plants that yield 4-5 zips manicured and dry are waaaaaay fucking bigger and bushier then pics ur showing.. but not hating nice grow though...


Well-Known Member
and please don't confuse what i said has u thinking im saying u cant pull 2 ps per light cuzz i have before... all im saying from what ive seen of ur grow UR NOT!


Well-Known Member
Seems like a sog, Might not get as much as 4lbs but still gonna be a awsome harvest.
Why no type of training, lst or scroging couldve almost doubled ur yeild.


Well-Known Member
a 1000 hps will extra properly illuminate a 4x4 area,,, but also do a decent job with a 5x5 area.. and that's has big has u wanna stretch it.... how man plants u got under there is entirely dependent on how many of them fuckers u can fit under there u follow.... u got like one or 2 2 oz plants.. i don't see any 3 oz indoor plants there... and in the bigger pic of ur entire grow i don't even see many 2 ouncers... sage is a good yielding strain.... lavender is a mediumish yielding strain... and cali connects blackwater don't yield for shit... u should have topped and trained better and grown a few less plants... but judgeing by the strains ur growing and ur method and pics i see ur not pulling 3 ounces off any of those plants.. i been growing a long time now.... i know how big my 4-5 ounce indoor plants look like 1 month into bloom {and i can never yield that much from one week veg from clone even if in d.w.c. with a super high yielding strain} and my indoor plants that yield 4-5 zips manicured and dry are waaaaaay fucking bigger and bushier then pics ur showing.. but not hating nice grow though...
Got aquestion for ya. What's the max distance of travel you would use with a 600 on a light mover?


Active Member
The pic s arnt the best.. u can only see half my room. Ive got 40 plants all together. 30 of them have over 2 ozs on them which is where i got the 2-3. Plants werent topped at all. Grown from bushy 10 inch clones. 10 of my plants are just some long stretchy cataractkush i threw in cuz i had room


Well-Known Member
cataract kush huh..... also another slow vegging, low yielding strain... there supposed to be shorter more indica that flowers in 8 weeks.... u think there stretching because u have waaaaay too fucking many plants under there and there having to compeat for light??? i sure do.... what light footprint are you following?


Active Member
My last grow was over 4 lbs. Im not trying to impress anybody on the internet. Im just sharing what I did. Those pics are of plants the are 3.5 weeks into flower. They will look alot bigger in a month


Well-Known Member
here a more accurate look of what 3-4 oz indoor plants look like... these also weren't topped like urs.... 6 weeks into a 8 week bloom cycle..


Active Member
Okay, soo? Yea that looks bigger then mine. I never claimed to be growing super bushy 5 zip plants so that pic is kinda irrelevant. Im lollipoping a bunch of 2-2.5 may be zip plants. We have different teks. Get over yourself


Active Member
here a more accurate look of what 3-4 oz indoor plants look like... these also weren't topped like urs.... 6 weeks into a 8 week bloom cycle..
I see alot of bush but not alotta nugs. I donnt grow like that because of moisture issues and all the popcorn thats bard to trim/ not very heavy


Well-Known Member
there were nuggs.... and they were bigger and fatter then what uve shown us today... my own creation behold the s.k. the 2 plants on the left of the first pic ive shown u