Decepticons Outdoor Grow V2.0


Well-Known Member
oh lol depending some plants ill get half a lb and some ill get 1 lb so counting the females i got im hoping 10 + lbs


Well-Known Member
Ok cool, I'm just trying to gauge the yield on these guys, my two biggest, hoping for a half pound each atleast


Well-Known Member
so no real major updates only 2 or 3 that i can think of 1. the 2 infront of the greenhouse arnt doing the best i hope to fix that problem tomorrow tho, and 2 its starting to get skunky smelling since its starting to get hotter out and the scrog is doing pretty good and jtr is taking pretty good to the lst



Well-Known Member
so everything is really starting to grow now since i got back on the watering every other day i can tell a big diff from lookin at the pics i posted on the 10th and lookin at the plants now tomorrow or the next day i will post pictures


Well-Known Member
so here is where i am, i am gonna just let the blueberry bud bush out now since the branches are starting to get new branches and they all gotta hole to go to

jtr is growing like crazy it really took off when i did a little lst to it im sure if i pull the main branches back down a little bit the inner branches would probably be even with em

everything in the greenhouse seems to be doing okay

the ones in the woods are almost as tall as me and doing really good


Well-Known Member
the plants out in the woods are monsters they are the same size as me and im almost 6ft and the leaves are the same size as my head! the male plant is really starting to show its nuts imma have to keep an eye on him so i can collect the pollen

i gotta caterpillar problem in the greenhouse they are flocking to the bluehash.white widow. blueberry bud but mostly the blue hash

the chronic has thc crystals all over it like its flowering but i only see a few preflowers goin on it probably wont even yeild and ounce cause its not growing at all its been the same size forever, however i might hit it with some pollen and see how the offsprings look next season,

to everyone what you think about if i hit everything in the greenhouse and jtr and the blueberry buds lower branch for seeds production and make new hybrids for next year?


Well-Known Member
so in other news i planted the poppies i had in the greenhouse lastnight, and in a little bit ill be pickin my first cucumber of the season :D Also first time ever growing em


Well-Known Member
Thanks :p
interesting lil garden :)

just so everyone knows the cucumber tasted so good!

i think my male is bout to start releasing its pollen i gotta find a way to collect it incase i miss it when it opens

also is it IBL when you breed it with itsself of another plant that came from the same mother


Well-Known Member
Thanks :p

just so everyone knows the cucumber tasted so good!

i think my male is bout to start releasing its pollen i gotta find a way to collect it incase i miss it when it opens

also is it IBL when you breed it with itsself of another plant that came from the same mother
a strain becomes IBL when you have back crossed it sufficiently to harden out the pheontypes and genotypes that are produced in each consecutive seed batch.

In other words, there is a less likely chance you will get variations of certain attributes of the plants once its IBL.

But yes, back crossing, and typically using the same stable mother is ideal for IBL projects, it ensures a more synchronized genome reaction.


Well-Known Member
the leaves on a few plants are making me worrisome they are smaller than they should be and kinda discolored i am kinda thinking its my water


Well-Known Member
been kinda busy since it was the holiday and such but everything is doing really good i will get pictures within the next few days for everyone but ive already started to collect pollen nuts before they open since i havent been able to make a pollen trap yet