First Grow - Need Advice - Images Included


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An update on my grow!

We're on day 22 of flower. I got some nutrients yesterday and gave my girl her first feeding, very small amounts of what the "recipe" called for. I've got a few bud sites growing, they look small though and very stretched inter-nodes - unsure of this because I just simply don't know what good spaced inter-nodes and good sized buds are supposed to look like on a plant in early flower.

I've been having issues with lots of yellowing fan leaves with brown spots down the center vein of the leaf. I tried to post around and ask for some advice but received none, so I chalked it up to a cal/mag deficiency and gave her some c/m when I fed her. Been pruning every yellowing/brown spot leaf I see. I think I screwed up with that (pruning during early flower or her growth spurt) but I read somewhere growers like it "keep it green" so I've just been removing all of the yellow I see, (once the leaf is mostly yellow).

Noticed today the bud sites where I burned one of the main tops is getting coated with white.. resin? Not sure what it is honestly. It split into 2 tops, I'll post pictures. The other site that got burned is growing pistils but very slowly, I don't think I trimmed enough of the dead material away from that site.

I've started making a DIY reflector for the time being until I can grab everything I need for a HPS lighting system. Thanks to hepzibah for posting a thread showing his DIY reflector, very cheap and solid looking fixture. I had everything I needed laying around to do it, except the bulbs.

So here's some pictures!

This is where I burned a top and it's regrowing into 2 tops, with 2 more underneath it very close, looks like a cluster of 4 buds.

Here's the reflector I'm almost finished with.

Some shots of the plant

Close ups of buds

Here's some pictures of the yellowed/brown spots leaves and some leaves I trimmed


Active Member
Wow! those nutrients really work. Very noticeable growth in the past 48 hours in height and fatness of the buds.


Active Member
Quick update. I think I may have a hermie?

Let's see, we're day 27 of flower. I added a bunch of lights to the grow, I'm now running 292w in CFL's. Spectrums look like this.

6 - 26w 2700k
2 - 23w 6500k
4 - 19w 5000k
1 - 14w 5500k

The tent runs pretty hot, I need to add a fan to the side light. Temps around 83-85, but the lights are well cooled and the tops don't feel hot at all when placing my hand between them and the lights. I added an oscillating fan to help control the heat.

Got a new mechanical timer for my lights because I needed one with a 3 prong, and I didn't understand how the damn thing worked... I woke up and seen the lights on during her off cycle, light was on for probably a solid 3 hours. Hope that doesn't fuck anything up. Got the timer under control now tho.

Here's some pics.

Is that a seed? Could this be a hermie? Looks like a damn ball man, it's only one I can find on the plant

Day 27... no idea how long this plant flowers for, I've noticed a few hairs turning orange

Finished reflector


New setup with side lighting


Active Member
Yesterday I fed her for the 2nd time, slightly stronger dose than the first - also added molasses this time. Significant trich production in the past 24 hours, you can see frostiness all over each flower and leaves now. Noticing a lot more pistils becoming orange, still very much mostly white but there are quite a few orange hairs now. She's starting to stank my room up too. I have a half-assed DIY carbon filter half-made, gotta get that done.

Added fans to the side lighting today, it was making the tent super hot.


The image below is where I burned one of the main flowers after topping the plant, it's growing buds, I think this really hurt the growth of my plant in flower. I think it used alot of energy here because I had it pulled low with copper wire for a long time after the burn. The other day I took off the wire and let it try to grow into the canopy and try to even it out some, this spot has more trichs than any other part of the plant. I think those 2 burnt flowers really stunted the growth.


Active Member
Ahh fuck! Just snapped a nice branch, not completely off, but it snapped at the base. Was trying to get the branch out of the way and let me light get into another area of the plant and the branch just gave out.

I put some cloning gel on some blue painters tape and taped up the branch where it split, also wrapped a zip tie around it to give it some support... When am I gonna learn to just leave the damn thing alone and let it's do it's thing.


Well-Known Member
Snapping branches happens - don't fret. As long as it hasn't snapped clean off, it should recover. You did the right thing by making a splint. Over the next week or so, a knuckle will form where the break was, and you'll be able to remove the splint.

Stylez C

im using the same type of soil. i had all kind of worries. i call it noob grower stress. lol. my baby looked the same too. they are still, way small. for their size. i dealt with deficiencies and stunted growth weeks 2-3 1/2. they seem to be coming along good now. i would suggest you ''fim'' and lst your plant instead of topping it. much less stress. topping seems to be for older plants to me. plus ''fimming and lst'ing ur plants early, will give you a short bushy fucker to blow up during flowering with a gang of tops. if you think about it, you can ''fim and lst to what ever shape you want. youtube search hygrohybrid... this guy is awesome.



New Member
Hey great first grow just got done reading the whole thing. Seems like you need to calm down and stop worrying so much!! Haha the topping seemed to work great.. just make sure to keep trimming off those yellow leaves.. In the future you should stick to 2700s for flower but I understand ur using what you have for now.. all in all looks great and if you continue to grow with not much height in ur room read into doing scrog as its meant for this exact issue and you get plenty of bud sites by Fimming or topping a couple times. Keep it up.. oh and keep the cfls for vegging your next plant instead of grabbing a Mh for $ you could just use on the hps u were looking into.


Active Member
I'm about to pick up a 400w CMH bulb that will allow me to veg and flower with 1 bulb. Think I'll scrog my next grow, still debating the strain and in a 5 gallon air pot. My soil will be organic next grow also.

This bag-seed grow should be done flowering in a couple of weeks, I have a microscope on the way to check out trichs.


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I cut off the zip tie I had supporting that branch I split and it seems to have repaired itself already, the branch sits funny now tho, and I'm to scared to pull it down.

Here's some shots this morning after watering.



New Member
Maphyr. Thank you for introducing me to the 400w cmh as I had nvr heard of it before and have done a lot of research today on it and I'm rly thinking about picking one up I found one with a complete light setup on htgsupply for around 180$.. what have you found.. where are you buying yours from.. they seem awesome for small setups and I'd love to scrog under one forsure nice and simple


Active Member
I was quite pleased when I found CMH's also. I had been dead-set on a HPS/MH setup then I started reading about other options. CMH runs cooler and provides one of the most complete spectrums for the plant. Not to mention you can use 1 bulb thru the entire grow. I think I may end up supplementing some red LED's or something during flower, not sure yet.

I'm buying everything separately. I seen the HTG package and thought about getting it also. I would advise not to get the HTG package because of the bulb they provide. It's a GE and I've read nothing but bad things about it, you could still get the package and just not use the bulb though.

Here's what I'm getting and from where.

400w CMH Bulb - or you can go with the all-starts Both are very good bulbs and this website pre-burns all their lights to make sure they work and to set some sort of seal within the bulb.. or someshit! I've read nothing but good about the 400w MasterColors and I honestly can't find much about the 330w All-Starts, so I'm just going to go ahead and get me a few 400w MasterColor's before they're all gone.

Reflector - I want it open and not closed. I'll probably have heat issues, but I can fix that with some fans I'm hoping. I don't want any glass between my bulb and my plant. -

400w Ballast - Simple magnetic ballast.

It's roughly $200 buying it all separate like this, but the bulb alone is worth it.


Active Member
So I noticed today that branch that split was healed like I thought. I'm not sure what will happen with it. It still looks healthy, but... I'll post a pic to explain it better.

Here's where the snap/break happened

Some shots of the plant, outside of the tent. Day 31 flower.



Stylez C

Effin NICE! i cant wait till i can take some flower pics. the plant in my signature pic is in flower. its only been about a week. how long does it take to show sex??
I cut off the zip tie I had supporting that branch I split and it seems to have repaired itself already, the branch sits funny now tho, and I'm to scared to pull it down.

Here's some shots this morning after watering.

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