NEWB WITH SOME GREAT QUESTIONS!! veterans answers only please!


Active Member
HEY WHATS GOING ON! i have a few good questions i would like to ask the veterans on here!

1. if i get a 600w cool tube for a 4x4 tent do i need to go 8" or 6" for apropriate cooling.

2.okay i know this is debated alot but what is the best way to get your seeds to pop. like what method has the highst pop percentage. when i say pop i mean the seed pops out of the soil or whatever and begins to grow. i use soil... sooo... but im willing to do whatever to have a high success rate at getting my meds to grow!

3.buying a huge vortex fan and turning it down alot to reduce noise, is that gonna be enough to cool my light? i really cant have that much noise...

4.would it be nessacary to build two grow areas if i grow 6 plants in a 4x4 room. im proably gonna veg for no longer than three-five months. i need a constannt supply thats the whole point to me doing my own meds but if decide to do another grow area that means more money and im on a budget im no baller. i know this has alot to do with strain and etc but just wana general what can i expect from a 4x4 grow wih a 600 watt HID growing 6 plants vegged around 3 months.

5.royal queen seeds? anybody seen that royal highness strain it looks like it has good medical potetial? pro growing friend says autoflowering starins are all bs but the afgan kush ryder on attitude is saying the strain is 21% thc thats hella fine with me! whats so bs about them i know the yeild low but it cant be that bad right?

7.cooltube or cooled hood?

thats it for now... thanks for reading my retardedness and i hope u reply with something not retarded!!


Active Member
I gotta agree with sohighifly on this one. Your best option is always to accept all input, and filter out what doesn't fit... To make a long post really short...

1 - either
2 - any
3 - most likely
4 - question's not very clear... yields vary drastically
5 - never tried em
6 - see answer #5
7 - whichever is cheaper

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Quit being modest SOHIGH, you know and I know for sure that you are a veteran. Thanks for all the help you've provided to me. Hell, I could answer these questions being a 5 year tent grower, but I guess I'm not a vetern. BTW, what...who is a veteran on this subjuect? Rock on... :weed:


Well-Known Member
Well I am not sure what a veteran is. All I know is I am just a guy with a pail full of dirt,some artificial sunshine and a lot of love for my little green buddies.But what I do know is a grower with only 10 days in the tent can certainly give advice based on his experience and be right on the money.


Well-Known Member
well lets see here sonny you wants a veterans advice .. don't believe what you read on these fuckin threads they only have young unacknowledged people bullshitting around with there computer things.. so just take a seed and throw it on the ground and take that 600 watt light thing and toss it in the trash. as far as yield your not going to get nothing but homegrown.. take this from a veteran


Well-Known Member
well lets see here sonny you wants a veterans advice .. don't believe what you read on these fuckin threads they only have young unacknowledged people bullshitting around with there computer things.. so just take a seed and throw it on the ground and take that 600 watt light thing and toss it in the trash. as far as yield your not going to get nothing but homegrown.. take this from a veteran
Are you not on here as well??


Well-Known Member
HEY WHATS GOING ON! i have a few good questions i would like to ask the veterans on here!

1. if i get a 600w cool tube for a 4x4 tent do i need to go 8" or 6" for apropriate cooling.

2.okay i know this is debated alot but what is the best way to get your seeds to pop. like what method has the highst pop percentage. when i say pop i mean the seed pops out of the soil or whatever and begins to grow. i use soil... sooo... but im willing to do whatever to have a high success rate at getting my meds to grow!

3.buying a huge vortex fan and turning it down alot to reduce noise, is that gonna be enough to cool my light? i really cant have that much noise...

4.would it be nessacary to build two grow areas if i grow 6 plants in a 4x4 room. im proably gonna veg for no longer than three-five months. i need a constannt supply thats the whole point to me doing my own meds but if decide to do another grow area that means more money and im on a budget im no baller. i know this has alot to do with strain and etc but just wana general what can i expect from a 4x4 grow wih a 600 watt HID growing 6 plants vegged around 3 months.

5.royal queen seeds? anybody seen that royal highness strain it looks like it has good medical potetial? pro growing friend says autoflowering starins are all bs but the afgan kush ryder on attitude is saying the strain is 21% thc thats hella fine with me! whats so bs about them i know the yeild low but it cant be that bad right?

7.cooltube or cooled hood?

thats it for now... thanks for reading my retardedness and i hope u reply with something not retarded!!
1) Depends on ambient temp and air flow.
2) I do mine straight in the Solo cups in soil.
3) Depends on distance and ambient temp.
4) In a 4x4 room, if you anticipate your plants are going to grow well and produce, I would not try and grow more than 4, especially with just the one light.
5) Check reviews.
6) An auto will not usually give the yield a plant with 2 month veg will. (common sense)
7) Personal preference.
8) How old are you, does Mommy know you're trying to grow?


Well-Known Member
ok touche .. that was sarcasm to ibob not to RIU.. or to any of the VETERANS or moderators.. if anyone was offended by the sarcastic bullshit answer to ibob fire up a doobie and read on.. and if that dont work then to bad... :finger:
Are you not on here as well??


Well-Known Member
ok touche .. that was sarcasm to ibob not to RIU.. or to any of the VETERANS or moderators.. if anyone was offended by the sarcastic bullshit answer to ibob fire up a doobie and read on.. and if that dont work then to bad... :finger:
I was so stoned,and after writing that I started thinking that I was wrong in my perception of it. Peace -SOHIGH-


Well-Known Member
OP, I'm going to assume you've realized at this point that you may have inadvertently insulted some people who could have been really helpful to you.

I'm going to address a couple of your questions -- the issue of cooling, for example. That really depends on the ambient temperature of the intake air. 8" or 6" will be less important (thought 8" means air moves faster) than making sure that cool air is being pulled into the tent. My 6" vents did crap until I made sure the air that was being into pulled into the tent was 72 degrees or cooler.

Let's see, what else -- germination -- I use rockwool and have had 100% germ rates. Any of the techniques commonly used will serve you well.

6 plants in a 4x4 might be tight when they get bushy.

Your comment about a 3-5 month veg confuses me. 8 weeks veg will be sufficient to get the highest yield possible, unless you're growing real sativas, in which case your tent won't hold them. Depending on height, even 8 weeks might be long. I have to flip my sativa-dom plants at around 5 or 6 weeks to keep them from outgrowing a 7" tent.

Good luck on the rest!


Well-Known Member
no worries SOHIGH.. it's all good in da hood.. guess i should of stated in the beginning i was talkin to ibob. :joint::joint: one for me one for you, cheers..
I was so stoned,and after writing that I started thinking that I was wrong in my perception of it. Peace -SOHIGH-


Well-Known Member
with the room available, i'd only veg a MAX of 45 days, really though, after cloning or germination it'll only need a month of veg time. Unless its a huge viatnamese sativa or Hawaiian. For seed germination I use a bowl of water kept to about 85 degrees farenheit. The viable ones will sink after soaking. Usually pop within 2-3 days depending on their freshness and strain. Ventilation is CRUCIAL, never skimp on airflow and cooling.


Well-Known Member
There's a million different answers to all your questions. Best bet is to dive into the threads that are what you are interested in and do some reading andexperimenting. Personally when it comes to seeds I keep it fairly simple. Let them soak in a shot glass or whatever over night. They should sink but may take 24hrs. Put them in the dirt- rock wool -peat pellets whatever -bout a 1/4 in deep. Keep them moist and warm and give them a few days. Not sure what sense buying a 8" fan and turning the power down makes. Save some money and buy a 6". I have a 4x4 tent I use as a drying room an lemme tell you space is limited and to keep you veg times around a month past seedling stage ~ 6 weeks from popping. Specially if you are gonna top, lst, fim. Sorry, forgot your other questions !?!