Journal #2 - Back After 5 yrs ! - Mystery Seeds


Well-Known Member
Thank you both very much DB and b.real .... I don't even want to start thinking about waiting on just pistols...if it's a male I'll be quite pissy but hey that's the gamble with mystery seeds !!!

Day 29

Not much to say really...lots of developing undergrowth and minor vertical growth is happening overnight. Still waiting another day or two to do my last feed/watering of Veg then it's on to Flowering !

Have a great day !!



Well-Known Member
Day 30 - The end of my veg phase

Well good morning ppl all 1000 views but my 2 main supporters DB and b.real get shout outs LOL

Well as has been common the past 4 - 5 days, I've woken up to quite a nice surprise !! Not only did it pop up another 1/2 - 3/4" overnight but the undergrowth I keep blabbing on about... It's broken free. You'll see in the pictures today that it looks like the side branches have shot way out and infact it's almost kind of messy with how many leaves and branches are now poking around. I'll be heading out to get my last 3 bulbs for my 12/12 switch, I intend to run the following; 7 bulbs.. 1 x 42W 6500K, 1 x 13W 2700K + 5 x 26W 2700K. Unlike my last grow where i tried to give the plant 24hrs of dark prior to 12/12 to try and "jump start" flowering....Not going to entertain that idea this time as I've been attempting to stay some what like mother nature at least with the lighting cycles. No matter how I try to cut the times if I want to have the 12 hrs of dark when i do, the first night will most certainly end up being a bit of a shock to the plant either way. So I'm thinking that tonight at 7pm est will be the beginning of 12/12, I'm also going to give it a bit more rain water with a 1/4 strength feed of my veg nutes to take with it till I get my flower nutes in a few days. I think I've got all my bases covered for now, but as growing goes, you just never know and always go with the flow.

Minor Update on future considerations: Yesterday morning, I put 5 more seeds into paper towel to begin germinating. I do believe that once they sprout a tap, I'm going to be putting them into 8oz party cups filled with pro-mix and then straight into the 12/12 lighting with my current plant. Figure I'll give a strictly 12/12 grow a shot too with my setup and see how it fairs, for all i know it could turn into a constant 12/12 seed cycle.... Going with the flow :D

Have a great day ! And if anyone feels I'm missing something before I hit flowering tonight, by all means LET ME KNOW !!


Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
Hey farming, thanks for the shout out.

Have you ever thought of stepping down an hour at a time? It takes 6 days to get to 12/12 (at least with my cycle) but it just seems to me to be less stressful Like a lot of folks, this is what i "feel" is correct based on my limited observation, i have nothing to reference to back it upbut i have done it once and had good results LOL. It just one of those things that seems to make sense to me. Like plants need sleep, but apparently that is bunk too..



Well-Known Member
Hey farming, thanks for the shout out.

Have you ever thought of stepping down an hour at a time? It takes 6 days to get to 12/12 (at least with my cycle) but it just seems to me to be less stressful Like a lot of folks, this is what i "feel" is correct based on my limited observation, i have nothing to reference to back it upbut i have done it once and had good results LOL. It just one of those things that seems to make sense to me. Like plants need sleep, but apparently that is bunk too..

You know something man, without sounding to stupid I've been trying to wrap my head around a nice smooth transition to 12/12 but I just can never get it right lol My lights are presently at 18/6 so lights off is Midnight and on 6 am... I'd like to have it so they're off 7pm till 7am ... If you can figure out a nice step down solution, I'm all ears. My last grow I did the whole 24 of dark into my 12/12 so I guess 36 hr of dark and ended up with 1 male 1 female not that I think it really made a difference though, but who knows. I may have been under the impression that the whole shock from the 12/12 switch is what then in the end forces the plant into flowering, granted that's far from natural I just think that's my understanding. Whether I'm right or wrong, I don't know lol

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
So step up first to 7am:

day 1, on at 7am, this gives them 7 hours of darkness. Off at 11pm, this gives 16 hours of light.
day 2 off at 10pm, they got 8 hours dark overnight, they will get 15 hours of light
day 3 off at 9pm, they got 9 hours of dark, they will get 13 hours of light
day 5 off at 8pm, they got 10 hours of dark, they will get 12 hours of light
day 6 off at 7pm. first day of 12 hours of dark.

Right? am i missing something?


Well-Known Member

A day 4 is missing, but nothing I can't fill in. Why I couldn't figure that out is beyond me but thank you. Thank you very much !! I probably should have started that about half a week ago, had I been thinking ahead about this part really. I guess 5 more days of veg won't really hurt too much just so long as the vertical growth doesn't go too high, I've still got the flowering stretch to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Since I'm going to be slowing my roll into 12/12 I won't be giving my plant the planned for watering w/nutes today. I've got my rain water in a bucket inside and will wait till the plant needs it before just adding extra nutes.

I had another random thought perhaps someone (DB looking at you, lol) could throw in their opinion. Since I'm now easing the plant into a more natural way into 12/12 Wouldn't it also be some what beneficial or at the least not harmful to start putting in perhaps 1 or maybe 2 2700's in during the transition. That way I'd be stopping a tiny bit of the extra vertical growth over the next 5 days ? Just a thought.


New Member
most if not all cfls burn at the same color temp (full spectrum) and the coating changes the hue of the lighting.

in nature, where these plants orginated from, there is 14-15 hrs of sun during the summer solstice.

even if you tried reducing the light to match the natural cycle, it wouldnt work since we run 18/6 when no where in the world gets 18 hours of sun (besides alaska i think). we get better results jumping to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Well then....

Plenty to think about over the course of my day, 2 varying opinions neither or which are "more" correct than the other as well as my own thoughts on the matter. It's now down to whatever I end up doing. The impatient part of me wants to flip the lights tonight or tomorrow, the more patient part wants to follow the slower light schedule. I've also got my seeds germinating and when they pop I want them to be in 12/12 no real "veg" to speak of.

Worst case scenario.... I'll flip a coin ;)

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
most if not all cfls burn at the same color temp (full spectrum) and the coating changes the hue of the lighting.

in nature, where these plants orginated from, there is 14-15 hrs of sun during the summer solstice.

even if you tried reducing the light to match the natural cycle, it wouldnt work since we run 18/6 when no where in the world gets 18 hours of sun (besides alaska i think). we get better results jumping to 12/12.
I hadnt though of there not being 18hrs of sun anywhere, to tell you the truth. But really i think we are talking about not shocking the plant too much. In nature a light change would happen over a season right? We are just talking about gradually changing the light like it would from summer to fall.

That being said, i wont be doing this anymore. I have decided im going SOG style and going right from when i see roots outta the peat pellet to 12/12 hempy.

Oh and FT, I never though of the light spectrum change as hurting the plant, but i have no idea. I would say couldnt hurt. A lot of folks mix spectrums through the whole grow.



New Member
i run 12/12 with high success, almost 1 gpw. i run a 150 watt hid with 4 plants, thats 150/4= 37.5 and im pulling 30-35 grams per plant.

if you run 12/12 from seed, youll get sex at the 3 week mark. males will show a couple days before females. make sure theyre as healthy as they can be during the stretch for the highest yield!

jumping from 18 hours to 12 is not that stressful, the plant is probably happy that its ready to mate so quickly, after all thats its main goal.

running 20+ hours or less than 10 hours IS known to be stressful.

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
i run 12/12 with high success, almost 1 gpw. i run a 150 watt hid with 4 plants, thats 150/4= 37.5 and im pulling 30-35 grams per plant.

if you run 12/12 from seed, youll get sex at the 3 week mark. males will show a couple days before females. make sure theyre as healthy as they can be during the stretch for the highest yield!

jumping from 18 hours to 12 is not that stressful, the plant is probably happy that its ready to mate so quickly, after all thats its main goal.

running 20+ hours or less than 10 hours IS known to be stressful.
Your kung fu is WAAAAAYYY better then mine dude! props on those plants they look TASTY.



Well-Known Member
You guys are BOTH awesome !!! +rep to you both. Thank you for both blessing me and the thread with your knowledge and opinions through-out

Those last few posts have really sort of put me right back where I was this morning !! lol I'm going to give the plant a few small sips of some rain water and super thrive and then set my timer for lights out at 7pm est.... Let the fun begin !!

As for the 12/12 from seed/clone we'll all be on that setup moving forward and info sharing will be much easier not to mention my questions answered within your threads as well (talking DB & b.real)

Thanks guys


New Member
Your kung fu is WAAAAAYYY better then mine dude! props on those plants they look TASTY.

idk about that, but thank you. your plants are kept better than mine. mine look abused compared to yours LOL, but my flowers always get big so i cant complain. the real time you dont want an issue is during the stretch, especially if you dont veg for long or at all, or else youll end up with a short ass plant like my damn thc bomb.

farmingtoronto, no problem and good luck! well be here with you if you need any help


Well-Known Member
Just a minor minor update, the switch has been done !! I was a bit worried about whether my timer would work or not (it's kinda sketchy or used too be at least) and I was out when 7pm came around. So having just got home, I turned out all the lights in the adjacent room and then opened up the room with my cabinet in it to make sure that it was indeed pitch black in the entire room, not just the cabinet. So far success the room is "I can't see my own hand" dark !! I'm trying to think up an easier way to raise my lights, since I know the stretch is now officially on it's way ! I can't really do anything till 7am anyway so plenty of time to think this thru. I'm feeling rather Macgyver like tonight, I've got some tape, empty bottles, and hangers... and a bowl of bud.

From now on, I intend to write 3 days on all my updates, probably colour coat them too cause I'm a nerd. I'll have my original day count, my days since the switch, and then from pistils showing or so I hope for !!

Have a good night !!


Well-Known Member
Day 31
Day 1

**From this point on there will be 2 then *fingers crossed* 3 dates at the top of my updates. Black will remain my days "alive", Red will be days of 12/12 and then when required Blue will be days since sex was shown.**

Ok so good Morning !! Welcome to my now 12/12 journal ! This grow is now turning into a 12/12 machine, I intend to keep 3 - 5 small plants rocking it out in various stages to create some perpetual growth. It's not going to yield a ton, but I'm not doing this for anything other than some personal smoke but more the experience and enjoyment involved in seeing something through from start to finish !

There's not toooo much to talk about this morning, still a little soon for the stretch to begin, however I do remember from my last go around that within about 4 days of switching my lights my plant shot up immediately 3 inches, was like nothing I had seen before. So far this morning it was only a minor grow the same inch or so the past few days. The branching and undergrowth as mentioned daily is really just a shocker too me, my lights are not as close as I've seen some but I'm clearly getting solid light penetration for the type of growth I've got going on. I've gotta go out today and get maybe 2 more 26W 2700k's, I thought I had them but I don't so right now the light ratio is a bit too even for my liking. I'm going to be leaving just the 1 x 42W 6500k in there from now on as the only 6500k source.

I'm going to post a few extra pictures today, 2 of which are a macro app on my phone that I'm putting up to get an opinion of whether I'll be able to use it for sex signs or not. The very last picture will also be taken with that same app but I took a pic of something I don't normally see or haven't paid attention too. Have a look at how at the nodes and tell me the lil "blob" at the shoots from the stem aren't a bit weird ??? Could just be me !

Have a great day !!



New Member
perfect colors, she could use a light feeding soon. rain water has enough nitrogen and other minerals in it to carry her through, if you can collect some.


Well-Known Member
perfect colors, she could use a light feeding soon. rain water has enough nitrogen and other minerals in it to carry her through, if you can collect some.
Thanks man, yeah actually the past 2 watering's have been rain water, one had a drop of ST the other just rain water. I've only got a tiny bit more in the bucket from the other day which I'm going to bottle up and then put the bucket, cleaned out back outside. The weathers been super humid this past week so it's been raining plenty ! Since I don't have my flowering nutes yet, it's good to know the rain water will at least hold it thru.