Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Just had his booster shots and the vet says he's in good shape and if we ever get rid of Dozer he wanted him. Yea right LOL he's my bestest friend..


Sector 5 Moderator
DONNYS (FAB) is like our very own Larry the Cable Guy here. Entertaining so long as he's not drinking, but he brings out the inner grammar Nazi in me - continuously, but I bet he's the kinda guy you'd love having on your side in a bar fight.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Just had his booster shots and the vet says he's in good shape and if we ever get rid of Dozer he wanted him. Yea right LOL he's my bestest friend..
He was so lucky you found him. He is a cutie. Oh and mine would wash dishes for me if I let him but he has a pesky pancreatitis issue. So he's on a fat restricted diet (poor guy).


Well-Known Member
I just found a local garden supply center that sells Jack's Classic for $10 per 1.5lb container. I'm going to go with Jack's on my next run as opposed to my organic method I've been using. Now the question is going to be if I can hold off on getting the cut from a friend until after summer like I planned. :weed:


New Member
DONNYS (FAB) is like our very own Larry the Cable Guy here. Entertaining so long as he's not drinking, but he brings out the inner grammar Nazi in me - continuously, but I bet he's the kinda guy you'd love having on your side in a bar fight.
i did get kind of stupid last night
hope im cool with everyone


Well-Known Member
i did get kind of stupid last night
hope im cool with everyone
So when you stormed off a few months ago and said how the other site you belong to is sooooo much better than riu you were just lying. Or did you get banned from what ever site that was, or did you realize riu is the best mj forum site on the net? Just asking.


Well-Known Member
i did get kind of stupid last night
hope im cool with everyone
I take it this is an attempt at an appology...if you drink and turn into someone you dont like, dont drink. Thats what those 12 step classes and meetings are for. People who have no control over the drink. I teater on the edge myself but i at least can hold my tongue when im drunk as fek ;)


Well-Known Member
i would like to motorboat sunni... that is all~
Well thank you capitain obvious. I could spend all day doing that.....just kidding, well not that i wouldnt cause she is smokin, and not that i would cause were friends, but not that...aww hell, whyd i even start replying to thIs? Oh ya, random jibber jabber and thats what that was yup :):):)


Well-Known Member
Well thank you capitain obvious. I could spend all day doing that.....just kidding, well not that i wouldnt cause she is smokin, and not that i would cause were friends, but not that...aww hell, whyd i even start replying to thIs? Oh ya, random jibber jabber and thats what that was yup :):):)
don't resist the motorboat, be one with the motorboat.. :)