there is zero evidence that martin attacked zimmerman.*
martin ran, zimmerman followed. that suggests self defense, not attack.
So you seem to think that Zimmerman had enough foresight to decide, "I'm gonna go up to this person, invoke him to punch me a few times and then shoot him."
That is an ignorant way for you to think because by your own words Zimmerman kept changing his story, so by your observations Z would have been to stupid to have that foresight.
you sound like nontheist now. dumb as fuck.
Yea, it is so dumb of me to think that having a civil conversation could have saved a life. Yep, so very very stupid.
again, you ASSUME that martin, who ran, attacked zimmerman, who followed that punk asshole who was always getting away.
ya know, zimmerman: the guy with the long history of violence and getting too involved.
you have no evidence of who attacked who, yet you assume it was the little black kid who ran away from the bigger grown man who followed. that makes less than zero sense. that assumption only makes sense if you assign blame based on skin color rather than size and mindset.*
Yea, no evidence what so ever. Not the marks all over Z's face, not the blunt force trauma on the back of his head. Lets also not forget that Z didn't have any marks on hands, which would need to be present for someone to throw the first punch, I've been in many many fights, and every single time I have at least some swollen knuckles at the very least.
Now lets draw our focus to the your last sentence where YOU are the one who brings up color, when I specifically said human decency. Seems to me like you are the one focused on skin color, I however was focused on human decency.
i almost feel certain that "fucking punks" and "these assholes always get away" will work in zimm's favor
my other suspicion is that these remarks show his ill will, especially compared to his earlier, calmer calls.
zimm was pissed that night, and was on a lot of drugs that cause those symptoms.
Only you seem to keep looking at that comment as being racially charged. Only racists are looking at that comment as being toward the color of someones skin, and you keep repeating it so, yea there you go. All his earlier calls show is that he was doing his part as the neighborhood watch leader and reporting ANY suspicious activity. He was told to do it, and he did. Not to mention the burglary report showed why he called about certain individuals.
admit it to evidence then.
the only evidence we have in this case shows a tiny scratch with no bruise or blunt force trauma. a 2 cm scratch.
i've cut myself worse while trimming. no broken nose either, according to zimm's own doctor.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was restricted from being into evidence, just like how it was restricted to be entered in about what kind of person TM really was, but thankfully his friend demonstrated that for us. Also, it is irrelevant if his nose was broken or not, he has the marks, TM only had a bullet hole. (Self defense)
i didn't say it, zimmerman did. zimm said that he was able to exercise full wrist control on martin while at his alleged worst.*
the fact that you doubt this is an illustration of what an uninformed, ignorant asshole you are.
ABORT your attempts here. you are ill informed and exposing your racist sentiments.
So after I looked it up, I found out that you are using "full wrist control" in order to twist this to your own liking. He managed to grab TM wrists during the struggle so he couldn't grab his gun or maybe to try and get him to stop hitting him. You don't know whether or not TM tried to grab the gun so don't try to pretend you do.
And now we come to the part where you capitalized ABORT. This shows me you are completely butt hurt now and it makes me smile.

That little thing about abortion doesn't bother me anymore so you waste your time every time you attempt it, and it just shows me how butt hurt you get when you do it and I love it. So thank you for that.
Here I'll make it even better for you. Everyone, myself and my fiancee had decided to abort our baby during the first 5 weeks and we know that it was the best decision. But hey, maybe our aborted baby is being taken care of by your dead holocaust family members. Ah, what a tangled web we weave.
there is no evidence for the opposite, either. yet you ASSUME that is what happened.
that assumption runs contrary to the evidence of martin running and zimmerman following, to boot.
that assumption is a racist assumption. there is no other way to explain that assumption.
i will provide evidence of your racist assumption by citing the rest of what you say, all race based nonsense:
no one but you and the known racist desert dude are trying to bring race into this.
the fact here is that a grown man with a gun (who was acting agitated) followed an innocent kid who was running away. as neighborhood watch captain and a gun owner, zimm had a greater responsibility to not act so fucking creepy. his creepy actions ended up with him killing an innocent child based on injuries so minor that zimm himself laughed them off.
then zimm told multiple competing versions to the police, and almost all of those versions are demonstrable lies. why lie if you're innocent?
no one but you and fellow racist desert dude bring race into this. thanks for exposing to us why you care about this.
and that is what would need to be proven, and just because he called about suspicious black males doesn't prove ill will, nor does it show that it was racially motivated, simply because there is proof that the burglaries happened by no other than suspicious black males. Even the woman who is black might I add, said that Zimmerman seemed "meek" to her, and he was always respectful and offered him a position with the citizen police to which Zimmerman declined. Another witness for the prosecution that spoke highly of Zimmerman.<<(my quote)
And finally we come to this part. My quote simply shows what you and other people trying to turn this into race seem to think simply because he called about suspicious black males, even though I gave the burglary report showing no other than suspicious black males burglarizing the neighborhood, and yet you try and call me racist for it. I love how ignorant you are. You are like the smartest kid with down syndrome.
I also see how you used what that illiterate, uneducated halfwit of a star witness said about Z acting creepy. You have serious issues even attempting to bring anything that girl said into any of this.
And yes, it does appear that your reading comprehension has completely failed you.