24 hour dark????

I would go from 24/0 to 18/6 then 12/12 I would think that would be a good change idk if the change would stress your girls but I am new myself just my oppion hope it helps

That is closer to the natural way which sunlight interacts with plants, the photoperiod gets shorter over a period of time, not instantly. so the question is: Is it good or bad to simply go from the long light period to the short light period so abruptly?
Without knowing almost anything about plants, I would say my self that logically it is good, (good for the grower, and maybe the plant too) because perhaps the process of changing the light artificially, instantly allows the plant to react right away (or much faster)
which saves time, doesn't it?
But also, perhaps doing that puts stress on the plant? or does something undesirable?

Somebody mentioned that when you switch from "lots of light" to "12 hour light", the plant has a burst of vegetative growth? If that is often the case (or always the case) then it makes sense to me to adjust the light slowly, not abruptly. That way the plant can have its growth spurt, while taking advantage of the extra hours of light, rather than just 12 hours of light.


When the plant notices that it is time to begin flowering, and it quickly uses up its vegetative power on growing in veg mode before it switches to flower mode, -> it makes sense to me that it is best to change the light cycles SLOWLY, because that way, after the plant notices that it is time to change to flower mode, there will still be a short period of time where there is more than just 12 hours of light, and that imo sounds like a good thing, (more light = more growth)

So my conclusion? It's probably not good to put your plant into 24 hours of darkness.. that sounds to me like 24 hours wasted.
It is best to simply go from your long light period to a slightly shorter light period. You must shorten the period of light enough so that the plant notices the change and begins to prepare to change into flower mode =)
making the change slowly allows for the plant to expend its power in the veg cycle and to take advantage of the extra hours of light which you will be slowly changing each day. Does the last part make sense to everyone?


Well-Known Member
If slowly changing the light cycle had a noticable effect on yield then growers would not change to 12/12 straight from 24/0 or 20/4 ect. Sure it mimics what happens in nature but once again...if we wanted our plants grown in nature then they would be outdoors where bugs eat them and mold settles in and rain and wind damage branches and buds. In nature a cannabis plant has one mission. That mission is is to pass its genes on and die. Cannabis doesnt care if we smoke it. Cannabis cares about droping enough seed for successful reproduction.

The reason that the cannabis that we grow is so potent and tasty ect is because mankind has been altering the natural cycle of the plant for thousands of years. It is through human intervention that we get the product that WE want and not seed ridden hemp.

I am not saying that im positive that changing lighting cycles closer to nature is pointless. Just that if it were really worthwhile in the long run more of us would do it.

In my opinion and experience...vegetative growth/lighting is where i decide how big i want my plants. I take into account that there is a burst of growth in the first 18 or so days of flowering. Why rely on 15 hours of light for my vegetative growth when i could give them 20? To me the act of slowly changing photoperiod would just increase flowering time and energy bills.

I jave tried the reduction of light hours during the end of flowering before and the only difference i noticed was a reduced yield with about a 5 day early harvest.


New Member
Youre a buffoon. Younflower without timers and let your plants get light leaks then stick em in mold inducing darkness for no reason at the end of flower? a flowering period which by the way had reduced results because you cut your plants potential short by giving less than 12 hours of light for the last month of flowering.

We grow indoors in order to give optimum conditions. Sure plants get less light in the Fall outdoors but they would do better if they received optimal light schedules.
who iz a bafoon, ave been growin for 10 yr now and not some daft newbie, der is no problem with light leaks and solid genetics, you cant hermie a fem's genetics, try it and see as its not possible, i change ma light schedule when need be with out any probs with hermies, if you are thinking light leaks cause hermies then you ar ill informed or just plain stupid, i have proved it over and over again,


New Member
Youre a buffoon. Younflower without timers and let your plants get light leaks then stick em in mold inducing darkness for no reason at the end of flower? a flowering period which by the way had reduced results because you cut your plants potential short by giving less than 12 hours of light for the last month of flowering.

We grow indoors in order to give optimum conditions. Sure plants get less light in the Fall outdoors but they would do better if they received optimal light schedules.
Mr Ganja, lolz, nothing like throwing out bad info,
Im inclined to agree with biza, a true female with be damn hard to hermi, seems like people just don't want to put in the time to find them..


Well-Known Member
am I seeing this correctly you veg 34 weeks???
horses for courses, ave done 24/0 and 18/6 on reg and autos, 24/0 will grow em faster and shorter, 18/6 will let em stretch in dat 6hrs of dark, if am doing reg seedz i do 23 wks on 24/0 then flip down to 18/6 for 3 weeks then when i see preflowers at about 6-8 wks then down to 12/12 but autos i start on 24/0 for 2 week then 18/6 from then on until 4 weeks fore harves and cut the light down by an hour or 2 per week


New Member
horses for courses, ave done 24/0 and 18/6 on reg and autos, 24/0 will grow em faster and shorter, 18/6 will let em stretch in dat 6hrs of dark, if am doing reg seedz i do 2 wks on 24/0 then flip down to 18/6 for 3 weeks then when i see preflowers at about 6-8 wks then down to 12/12 but autos i start on 24/0 for 2 week then 18/6 from then on until 4 weeks fore harves and cut the light down by an hour or 2 per week
who me,,,,,,,

a fucked up ther, 2 weeks not 23 lolo


New Member

  • horses for courses, ave done 24/0 and 18/6 on reg and autos, 24/0 will grow em faster and shorter, 18/6 will let em stretch in dat 6hrs of dark, if am doing reg seedz i do 2 wks on 24/0 then flip down to 18/6 for 3 weeks then when i see preflowers at about 6-8 wks then down to 12/12 but autos i start on 24/0 for 2 week then 18/6 from then on until 4 weeks fore harves and cut the light down by an hour or 2 per week
