Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
You know, its had me wondering its entire life cycle bro! Ones darker then the other! Ones light green, other is darker green! Both getting same food,etc'. Both beans looked them same! I just don't get it.. lol
But 1 good note, there both females.. ;)
It seemed a little diff, but I know you are aware of her needs, so I was just giving you shit.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well guys, its been real! And I've enjoyed speaking with all of you, but Danks ass has to get atleast a few hr's of sleep or I won't be worth shit 2mar! Lol

Going to pack a samll bowl pop in One flew over the cookoo's nest & watch alittle and pass out! Haha.. ;)
You guys have a great night & I will hoolar at you 2mar.. ;)



Well-Known Member
It seemed a little diff, but I know you are aware of her needs, so I was just giving you shit.:mrgreen:

Haha! Its all good buddy.. ;) Thanks. You must have been checking her needs out huh :??: hahah..
Hell, I really didn't even check into it! Lmao.. ;)
I just popped um in the ground & let them do there thing..


Well-Known Member
Omg bak, that picture of the dog with the uss enterprise on it should say win not fail! That things awsome!! Seriously, that picture made my day right there. That dog should have its own tv show, awsomest thing evaaar......oh ya, im stoned :):):)

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Omg bak, that picture of the dog with the uss enterprise on it should say win not fail! That things awsome!! Seriously, that picture made my day right there. That dog should have its own tv show, awsomest thing evaaar......oh ya, im stoned :):):)
Could've spray painted it silver or white at least.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
I promise i will rep you if you do this^^ walmart is probably still open.....just sayin. I sooo want to see a green dog before i die. I cant wait to see these pics :):):)
I got two Chihuahuas. One all black chihuahua terrier mix one all black pit bull. Gonna paint my pit like a white tiger. The terrier mix I'm gonna paint like a zebra. The smallest Chihuahua gonna paint purple. And the larger Chihuahua I'm gonna paint green. Just waiting til the old lady leaves the house to go shopping. She'll so bug out !!
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