The Irish Growers Thread!

seems i owe you an apoligy of sorts karma, at first i tought you were a spammer, but it seems you are the one on the right side of this argument, and even tho jenks has been a stand up guy here so far he still has to rebut your claims which it seems won`t happen as he`s been away since you first posted, this could be coincidence but nah, don`t think so....

hate this shit, really tought he was a straight shooter, always up with the pointers and helpful links, not to mention the beans he sorted half the thread out with, lesson learned the hard way i guess, and again karma if i`ve been a prick i`m sorry mate..

With all due respect ae how do you know the pics posted by this guy are his?
It could be a coincidence that jenks hasn't been on, it may take a lot to get banned on RIU but it's still possible he got a yellow card for a few days and if hypothetically this guy is right I still don't see it as a big deal,jenks is still a stand up guy and I think the hole fucking thing is being blown right out of proportion, with respect to growers everywhere some of them getting upset over a few pics suggests to me they need to make some friends other than their plants.Just my two cents:)
Hello again everyone! I posted a few days ago asking about Foxfarm nutrients. Anyone got any experience with it? I started using Biobizz, but from what I read online it seems that Foxfarm is a better product. Does anyone have experience with Foxfarm?PS Thanks for all the earlier advice from some of the forumers regarding lights for my seedlings!
FF is rare over here from what I can tell but some of the guys on this thread use biobizz and reckon it's great stuff.
There are lots of decents nutrients that are a lot cheaper than FF, like the GH flora series, you can't go wrong with them.
All the nutes in the world won't give you bigger, better plants etc if your conditions and lighting etc are not right but on the other hand if your lighting and everything is good you could grow monsters with any kind of decent nutes.
i can vouch for the wonders of biobizz. either light or all mix. it's top soil.. full of perlite and coir and omnomnomnomy plant juice! even the allmix was fine with my seedlings, even though it's known to be a hot soil. i've had no issues and you won't need to feed for around 4-5weeks from the start..
Fr3d12..... I understand your reluctance to believe me. And im afraid you missed the point. It isn't just the stolen pics that the issue. Thats just the tip of the iceberg. Its the lying and spreading of misinformation. The spamming. The acting like you know what your talking about and steering others down the wrong path......

heres an example for you.....i see you guys are into cars...i think cars are cool too...a bunch of my freinds( in the really real word) are gear heads. But im no gear head. Not even close. But if i came in here spouting off misinformation about to change brakes...someone might take me seriously and it might have a HUGE negative impact on their life.

I also understand your reluctance to accept what you see when the blind fold has been taken off.

You say jenks might have a "yellow" card...did u not the see the thread i put up? About who grows shittier weed? Or the pic that was taken down? You dont think its strange that i wasnt banned? Come on man this is RIU. Its not that easy to be banned here.

As for the pics...they are all mine. One hundred percent. But like i said i have nothing to hide. And unlike jenks. The truth is on my side. I have nothing to gain from lying, I have no reason too. Im freinds with lots of breeders....i test grow unreleased strains for many of's a few links. Check my threads if you'd like.

here we will start with gage green mendodawg...the owners of the company is key play and mk..u can see they posted
they even used my pic and gave me credit at the attitude...look at sold out, As soon as it dropped,I'd like to believe i had a small hand in that...u can see they gave me photo credit at the tude.(my names on the pic).

heres a grow i put up for my good friends at 303 seeds of Bio-diesel.....the owners are Budpatch and Greenpeak..again they are in my thread.
Funny thing is when i put this thread up...all their seeds sold out everywhere too...a coincidence maybe...but i deffo had a a small part. That's part of the issue with lying and pic stealing(which i dont do)...if you're doing it you are wasting others time and money...

heres a grow i did for bodhi seeds..another friend...I've done several tests for him. But most are on a sit you have to be invited to and referred to get onto....maybe that adds a little creditability to me..maybe not?.so i cant link you those. But i can link this for you.

here's one i did for sure fire seeds..shadrack owns them(hes also the head mod there) ....shadracks my freind too..not sure if you guys are cannazon members or not. So u might not be able to sign in as a guest here..jenks trolled me in this thread(under the name lollipopper).

Heres one i did for scarecrow seeds...i wouldnt call scarecrow a freind. We are acquaintances. These seeds were freebies i grew...did the thread as a way to say thank you.
So there you go...I've never even had anyone suggest i might have stolen pics before...see how easy it was for me to provide TRUTH that i was being a straight shooter? Thats across 5 different sites. 5 different breeders. And my names the same on every site. Like i said i have more pics of grows. But look and see if one person says anything about me stealing or anything? Shit in a few of threads i had fuckups with my grow...they were my happens. But i didnt lie and try to blame anyone else..just put the truth out there. I even posted pics of my fuck ups. Ime..that doesn't happen much.
Hi Sunni if me posting those links is an apologies. Im not trying to promote any other spot...just a lil background on me

i dont really give a shit either way im way to busy with spam to really care about all ya'lls bickering , if i see something inappropriate which a few of your posts have been ive just deleted them, and move on with ym day i dont get involved with the whos' whos and whats what and why whys i just delete what is inappropriate and move on. we have over 500,000 members and a lot of them fight LOL
Now as for the get out and get some real freinds jab....i do have real freinds..some of them have little to nothing to do with the herb. However i am an active member of the cannabis most of my friends are growers,breeders,or activists. I go to cannabis cups im active in more ways than just online..

I also have a hot ass girlfriend. Some of these shots im known for as well....i told you guys i had other pics you'd love too!


who? never even herd of the dude, people say a lot of shit, if it has to do with that subject its probably bullshit
Hes talking about a different site he was trolling my friends and i on....we did get him banned...most of us are mods at numerous spots...never tried to get him banned here...
seems i owe you an apoligy of sorts karma, at first i tought you were a spammer, but it seems you are the one on the right side of this argument, and even tho jenks has been a stand up guy here so far he still has to rebut your claims which it seems won`t happen as he`s been away since you first posted, this could be coincidence but nah, don`t think so....

hate this shit, really tought he was a straight shooter, always up with the pointers and helpful links, not to mention the beans he sorted half the thread out with, lesson learned the hard way i guess, and again karma if i`ve been a prick i`m sorry mate..

No worries at all an adult with pretty thick skin. Thank you for the apology non the says a lot about you as a person. Its not easy to admit that you were wrong or had been duped. The thread i hang most in is similar to this one...a good group of fellas that came together and share all kinds of information....most of us are very exp(with ganja)...some not...all are welcome as long as your not being a dbag.

I haven't been on RIU in a while. Im just doing the same thing you are...waiting for ole Jenkers world renowned grower to resurface. He thought it was funny to come to my house and shit on my living rooming floor....i failed to see the humor.

Time for wakey bakey...


thats my girls a manly man lol
How to Irish Gypsies make money? My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding shows these people driving porches and affording huge weddings. What is really going on with irish travelers? And how far can they travel on a Island?
How to Irish Gypsies make money? My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding shows these people driving porches and affording huge weddings. What is really going on with irish travelers? And how far can they travel on a Island?

You should come over and ask them personally, they would be happy to answer you in their own unique way!
With all due respect ae how do you know the pics posted by this guy are his?
It could be a coincidence that jenks hasn't been on, it may take a lot to get banned on RIU but it's still possible he got a yellow card for a few days and if hypothetically this guy is right I still don't see it as a big deal,jenks is still a stand up guy and I think the hole fucking thing is being blown right out of proportion, with respect to growers everywhere some of them getting upset over a few pics suggests to me they need to make some friends other than their plants.Just my two cents:)

I think its a bit odd that u say "hypothetically if this guy is right i still dont see the big deal,jenks is still a stand up guy"

Maybe our definition of a stand up guy is different? I wouldnt call a lying thief a stand up guy at all....

Now the way ae86 grower is acting is more along my lines of a stand up guy...first he had someone he believed to be a buddies back(seems like stand up move to me) but then when confronted with the truth, he admitted that he was incorrect and apologized for any offense he made. And he even had to balls to to admit that hes seeing dude for what he is.
good on u 86 old pal see the thread is flying. lets ev1 increase the peace and get on with helpin 1 another out with problems.
karma they are serious pics very well done amazing wud be the word i think.
jenks was 1 of the 2 reasons i stopped posting all the time,, he arrived and started offering seeds to ev1 got para....... but iv been out a long time and just like reading along
lets ev1 be happy to be above the sod this fine evening.........keep it green lads
Anyone use drying racks or thinking of using them? Seen this today and my instant thought was oh you could dry weed on that it's for storage, the thought would of never entered my mind other wise ha €5 in Ikea the amount of promotion I'm doing for these shower haha


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The last time i dried on a rack like that the buds ended up flat on the side they were touching the netting. kinda ruined the look of otherwise pristine buds.
iamaaror:9270034 said:
The last time i dried on a rack like that the buds ended up flat on the side they were touching the netting. kinda ruined the look of otherwise pristine buds.

Heard it drys the bud quick tho,
Seems like one my girls gonna be a biggie compared to the rest its so much denser than the others, the others seem baldy compared


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