Lurking for a while, me and my soon to be setup

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
some point soon im gonna take down the reflective sheeting in the box and replace it using spray adhesive as someone suggested earlier once thats done ill make a more permanent light fixture and then attach a 4" filter and fan with acoustic ducting then im going to make a fan silencer and after it should just be sit back and watchem grow! Might also get some ONA products just in case

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
Did giving them a spray work?
the one which is dying kept loosing the green of her leaves but shes growing new ones. I'm misting all my seedlings now and have one goin strong, one dying retard blue cheese, and one BC that hasn't broke soil

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
Right so the blue 3rd blue cheese seed has died, its taproot turned to mush and it smells like the bud which is weird but at least i get a cool smell now. Upon trying to get another BC seed one of them broke and the last one is sitting in water now i have no expectation for it to work so i have auto amnesia in water too. as for barney's farm (where i gt the BC) I probablywont't be buying their genetics for awhile. some time over summer if i get a stealth pc case i may veg another BC probably from big buddha. although alot of seeds and seedlings have died it has not affected my determination to finish this, it is annoying how my first harvest won't be BC but life ain't fair so i make do


Well-Known Member
That sucks man, my BC was from Barney's Farms. I hope you have better luck this time.

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
That sucks man, my BC was from Barney's Farms. I hope you have better luck this time.
cheers man i'll probably try again with the BF when i'm more experienced, but i'm having good luck with some of the freebies i got off Sea of seeds so hopefully this time will work out


cheers man i'll probably try again with the BF when i'm more experienced, but i'm having good luck with some of the freebies i got off Sea of seeds so hopefully this time will work out
Have you figured out why they are dying? You said you left for a few days and came back to find one dead? How long do you usually go before you check on them?

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
Have you figured out why they are dying? You said you left for a few days and came back to find one dead? How long do you usually go before you check on them?
I went out for most of a day and the seed died, i think it got too hot in the cab. I usually check on them every couple of hours when im in and I don't go out for more than 6-8 hours often

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
haven't posted pics in awhile so here to go first is somango and the one in the small pot is tardi the retarded blue cheese, she looks greener off camera 20130630_152758.jpg20130630_152807.jpg20130630_152821.jpg20130630_152845.jpg20130630_152853.jpg

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
On a completely off topic note, I had previously named the last blue cheese "Dater red" being an anagram for retarded and have just now decided it was disrespectful and undeserved for her t be called that as 1 its probably my fault for her condition and two i dont know but as of now her name shall be "Virtu Shevor" virtu meaning the achievement of great things shevor being broken up into two words, she of course as in our business girls being priority and vor a norse goddess or "the careful one" as I should have been earlier in her life to prevent any incidents this goddess is also rarely mentioned again sharing similarities with this plant as it is also now a rarity as it is the last surviving blue cheese I have which brings me to the last point the name is an anagram for "the survivor" I have never given such meaning or thought to naming something in my whole life which just goes to show how much I want her to do well

This is what happens when I have no sleep at night, it's 4:30am and I decide to wait five minutes in the dark just to see the lights come on to get that first glimpse of those little girls. And of course I took a picture which is also the first group photo of all the little lady's I have20130704_041548.jpg I hope you all can appreciate the meaning this holds to me in my half conscious delusional state and I hope you don't question my sanity from now on :grin:

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
Little virtu the blue cheese has died :( in the past few days she was slowly losing her green until earlier today when I realised there was no hope for her, upon autopsy the only cause of death I could find was root damage most likely from the overheating incident a couple weeks back, I shall try again with BC some time over summer when I have the money for more beans. This time I'll go with big buddha and will use a pc case if my current girls are still living, both of which right now are autos, auto somango and amnesia and from what I can tell they're healthy but growing slowly, not sure why but I'm just gonna go on autopilot and not fuck with anything except water when they're dry.

I may setup another box while I wait and make a new thread but money's kinda low right now so I don't know what to do with myself with all this waiting, i'll post pics soon :peace:


Seems like you're having some trouble getting them started. What soil are you using? What are your standard temps?