
so is there an all around good fertilizer to use? i was looking at this guide https://www.rollitup.org/organics/510995-organic-feeding-101-a.html and this guys got so many different teas for different times and all that, im really just wanting to use one fertilizer for as long as i can. I know itd be better to use whatever kind of tea when i need to, but i dont really have a clue when it comes to the specifics of these plants. I dont mind making my own teas if someone has a badass recipe, i just dont have the know-how to know what to make and when to use it. The specifics of these plants kind of frustrate me lol i do enjoy the growing side of it tho. my soil is half soil that i bought at some company nearby (its a mix of sand, soil, and compost), and the other half is blood/bone meal, earthworn crap and bcuzz's hydro mix (perlite and kelp i think)
If you're set on using ONLY one from start to finish, I've heard of people using MG Tomato food
i would be fine using multiple fertilizers, but i just dont know which to do lol i do best when someone is just like "alright this is what you need to use, and this is what you need to do" i just dont know what all that shit means when i get into the specifics lol id rather just people tell me whats the best to use for vegetative and whats the best to use with flowering, yno what i mean?


Well-Known Member
There are simple feeding methods out there. I use BC Grow, Micro and Bloom. 3 parts, simple to use and it is about as easy as it gets, you lazy fuck.(only kidding, sort of) Peace


Well-Known Member
i would be fine using multiple fertilizers, but i just dont know which to do lol i do best when someone is just like "alright this is what you need to use, and this is what you need to do" i just dont know what all that shit means when i get into the specifics lol id rather just people tell me whats the best to use for vegetative and whats the best to use with flowering, yno what i mean?
You can pretty much use ANY that's out there, but the most important thing with ANY nutes is to read your plants, and not just take what is printed on the label as how much and when to feed.
thats i problem lol i wont really have a clue wtf my plant is going to be telling me to use, i think the growings fun, but to be honest, i took biology and i kind of hate trees and plants now haha it all just confuses me. So ill probly just have to read up on nutrients and what the plants look like when they need certain nutrients, etc... i was just going to pick a tea on that post that i linked, but they all had certain side effects and what not, i figured each tea just helped it grow in the same way but i read them all thats when i got a tad bit confused on fertilizing and decided to ask here lol


Well-Known Member
I can't tell you how well it works yet, but I've seen quite a few people having good grows with Jack's Classic all purpose 20-20-20. I'm using it, but I've only done a single feeding so far. Basically, it's inexpensive, gives your plants what they need, and a little goes a long way. They make a 10-30-20 for flowering as well that can be used by itself or in conjunction with the 20-20-20.

So what I'm getting at is this...I'm not going to tell you that you should use it, but go the the nutrients sub-forum in general marijuana growing and read some of the threads talking about Jack's and decide for yourself if it sounds like something you'd want to try.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell you how well it works yet, but I've seen quite a few people having good grows with Jack's Classic all purpose 20-20-20. I'm using it, but I've only done a single feeding so far. Basically, it's inexpensive, gives your plants what they need, and a little goes a long way. They make a 10-30-20 for flowering as well that can be used by itself or in conjunction with the 20-20-20.

So what I'm getting at is this...I'm not going to tell you that you should use it, but go the the nutrients sub-forum in general marijuana growing and read some of the threads talking about Jack's and decide for yourself if it sounds like something you'd want to try.
I've never tried it, but I can also say I've never heard a complaint about Jack's.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Maxsea is very popular around here. My plants seem to love it so far.

I also have some Jacks classic, the citrus feed formula. In going to try it on one plant this year for comparison.
I can't tell you how well it works yet, but I've seen quite a few people having good grows with Jack's Classic all purpose 20-20-20. I'm using it, but I've only done a single feeding so far. Basically, it's inexpensive, gives your plants what they need, and a little goes a long way. They make a 10-30-20 for flowering as well that can be used by itself or in conjunction with the 20-20-20.

So what I'm getting at is this...I'm not going to tell you that you should use it, but go the the nutrients sub-forum in general marijuana growing and read some of the threads talking about Jack's and decide for yourself if it sounds like something you'd want to try.
is it possible to find this in local stores or should i just pick it up off of ebay?


Well-Known Member
is it possible to find this in local stores or should i just pick it up off of ebay?
You can probably find it locally.

Go to this link to find a local retailer: http://www.jrpeters.com/Find-A-Retailer.html

If a local can't be found, I'd suggest buying straight from the company rather than eBay, better pricing. Click here: http://www.jrpeters.com/Products/Jack-s-Classic/Buy-Jack-s-Classic.html

I picked up the Dynamic Duo 8 oz tubs for around $20 shipped. The next order will be two 4 lb buckets for about $65 shipped. EBay sellers can't touch that pricing.
ok so what exactly is the best thing that i should get? ive only got 2 plants, so im not really certain how much i should get to last, but i would like the get stuff for both veg and flowering. Random question, but i guess since ive got the bat guano i might as well use it as a top dressing, how do i do this? just sprinkle it on the top of my soil and then water? and what if im using mulch on the top of my soil? thanks :D


Well-Known Member
There's no reason why you can't do a full grow with the 20-20-20. If you head over to Advanced Cultivation, Uncle Ben talks a lot about fertilizers in his gardening tips thread, I think it's well worth reading if you want to educate yourself.


Well-Known Member
ok so what exactly is the best thing that i should get? ive only got 2 plants, so im not really certain how much i should get to last, but i would like the get stuff for both veg and flowering. Random question, but i guess since ive got the bat guano i might as well use it as a top dressing, how do i do this? just sprinkle it on the top of my soil and then water? and what if im using mulch on the top of my soil? thanks :D
Everybody is going to have their own opinion of the "best".


Well-Known Member
Everybody is going to have their own opinion of the "best".

Fullmetal, I don't say this to be rude, but to try and help you. Don't expect to get all the answers from asking the forums without doing any research, you need to figure out what's going to work for you and your situation, everyone's different in that regard. I'm not saying don't ask questions, far from it, I just don't get the impression that you've thought this through and done sufficient research.

Good luck. I hope you find what you're looking for and have a successful grow.
i get wacha mean. I just get confused real easily about this sort of stuff or never find exactly the answers to my questions. And normally if i cant, i resort to here lol


Well-Known Member
I totally understand. I'm new to this myself, and I'm finding my way too.

The absolute best suggestion I can give is to keep things simple, over complicating things leads to more confusion. That's why I suggested Jack's in the first place, you don't have to worry about 17 different bottles, feeding charts, etc.