co2 & dryice


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, theres been so much talk about co2 and I just wanted to share an alternative method. My plan is to veg for 4 weeks, out of those 4 weeks, I want to feed my babies extra co2 for one of those weeks, purely as an experiment. My hopes, based on what I learned last grow, is that one weeks worth of co2 will help with tighter internode spacing and a really strong stem and root system. Than I won't use co2 again til I hit the flowering stage. Cost for the dryice that I picked up today was $13.00, I expect it to last 5-6 days. It gives off ALOT of co2, when you open the door, you need a mask. You can see a small pc fan, blowing the co2 over my babies.
If you look closely in the 1st pic, you can actuallly see the constant flow of co2, as it spills out over the box and going through the fan.

An additional note, all plants were watered this morning, and when I placed the dryice in the room this after noon, all the plants had wet soil, within 2 hours of having the dryice in the room, 4 plants needed to be watered again.....already.
There getting foxfarm grow big right now.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a very good idea since dry ice is frozen co2 hahahaa.. where would i get dry ice from tho ???


Well-Known Member
You can locate an outlet here:
Dry Ice Directory - Where to buy Dry Ice
If they ask why you need it, tell then yr shipping some steaks, than say, I'm probaly gonna need some on a regular basis, as I ship fairly often....that is if we can agree on a fair price, (which should be anywhere from $12.00 to $20.00 is fair), imo.
Alot of dryice places will play hard ball on the price, you just gotta let em know your not new to the business and you always pay the wholesale price. If they want your money, they'll lower the price. Of course look for a manufacturer, not a middle man.
Makse sure you get blocks and not cubes. one block will last much longer than cubes.


Active Member
do you let that sit there day and night? cause I thought you weren't supposed to when the lights were off.


Well-Known Member
do you let that sit there day and night? cause I thought you weren't supposed to when the lights were off.
aaar, as he explained it to me few days ago he has it sit in a styrofoam cooler and at night times he puts the lid on to lower the evaporation rate of the dry ice;) it won't stop all CO2 leaking into the grow but most:roll:


Active Member
how about one of those Coleman-like coolers with a drain spout? If I just shut the lid and cap the spout, it should be pretty airtight, no?


Well-Known Member
Actually what he suggests, might be a good way to control the dryice, and make it last alot longer, if you crack that spout open, andd placed it above your plants....the dryice melts back into co2 but you havent lost it, its still in the cooler, until it works its way out the spout. I may try this next time, I bet it'll double the usable life of the dryice.
I would not advice keeping it in an air tight container, as was said earlier, that would make a nice bomb. lol. It ill blow the lid off, very easily, as it evaporates.

how about one of those Coleman-like coolers with a drain spout? If I just shut the lid and cap the spout, it should be pretty airtight, no?


Well-Known Member
An additional note, all plants were watered this morning, and when I placed the dryice in the room this after noon, all the plants had wet soil, within 2 hours of having the dryice in the room, 4 plants needed to be watered again.....already.
I must confess I'm not a great fan of co2 supplementation - it doesn't sit happily with my own growing philosophy which is to allow the plants to grow as naturally as possible with as little aritficial interference as possible. I beleive this allows the plants to best fulfill their natural 'genetic potential' and allows them to grow happilly and healthily and stress free. I beleive this produces the very best results at the end of the day. This is why I use organic soil and organic nutrients with simple tap water and no articifically man made chemical fertilisers or accelerator agents or co2 supplementation.

I appreciate that not everyone follows the same growing philosophy that I do, so each to their own.


Well-Known Member
Okay, fair enough opinion babygro, except that when the earth was younger, and pot was still around the co2 content was much higher, and is what pot likes/is use to. My point being is if you want to grow as close to a natural grow, than co2 would be the way to go. a co2 level of 200 or 300 is not normal for a pot plant.

I must confess I'm not a great fan of co2 supplementation - it doesn't sit happily with my own growing philosophy which is to allow the plants to grow as naturally as possible with as little aritficial interference as possible. I beleive this allows the plants to best fulfill their natural 'genetic potential' and allows them to grow happilly and healthily and stress free. I beleive this produces the very best results at the end of the day. This is why I use organic soil and organic nutrients with simple tap water and no articifically man made chemical fertilisers or accelerator agents or co2 supplementation.

I appreciate that not everyone follows the same growing philosophy that I do, so each to their own.


Well-Known Member
Not to argue with you Mr. Video but debate because i do respect your advice. I disagree with the statement that back when the earth was younger the co2 content was higher. This may be true but evolution has a role in this also. Those seeds that we grow these days have evolved from the same genetics that came from back when. I would only assume that a seed from todays environment would adjust to the decreased amounts of co2 in the air. With that said growing indoors is not natural but we do our best to immitate nature indoors. Adding co2 is more that likely (without researching it too much) is the way to go. But just as with nutrients too much co2 is probably unnecessary. Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
Not to argue with you Mr. Video but debate because i do respect your advice. I disagree with the statement that back when the earth was younger the co2 content was higher. This may be true but evolution has a role in this also. Those seeds that we grow these days have evolved from the same genetics that came from back when. I would only assume that a seed from todays environment would adjust to the decreased amounts of co2 in the air.

I rather suspect that V-man is simply trying to justify his own position, which he really doesn't need to do. If he finds that using co2 boosts and accelerates his plants growth and he's happy with what it produces - why try and justify it? It doesn't need to be justified - if it works for him and gives him the results he wants then it's right for what he wants to do - natural or not.

I prefer to follow the 'natural and organic' path as closely as I can, which is why I don't beleive in co2 supplementation in the same way that I don't agree with force feeding geese to fatten up their livers for foie gras - same principle.


Well-Known Member
Again...what is natural about growing indoors?
There's nothing 'natural' about growing indoors under artificial lights.

But because that compromise is forced on most of us who want to grow 'clandestinely' doesn't automatically mean we have to subject the plant to more 'unnatural' occurences than are absolutely necessary. Giving the plant additional artificially made co2 is doing exactly that, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
he's right, there is nothing natural about growing indoors except for the fact that we are trying to copy the outdoors

so what is the point in this debate over co2?? there shouldnt be one because it is just something that people can do WITHOUT harming there trees, so why not?? If it could injure or harm them it would be a different story right??



Well-Known Member
But to the same fact that growing indoors decreases the amount of c02 in the supplementing it has legitamacy to it.....You can continue to say all natural...ya di ya di's not natural unless it's outside and in full view of "mr. sun". And BTW c02 is c02 whether it is in dry ice form or in the air. It is no more or less natural than the same "organics" that you use to grow your stash indoors.