The Irish Growers Thread!

fr3d12:9274183 said:
I've 2 LSD hempys going, they're about 4 weeks old, also have 3 autos, 2 WW and a 2 regular wild thailand just after popping, the autos were for outside but may have to rethink that one.
Could ye hide the autos somewere in your garden little stealth grow
So I mentioned before that I do be on instagram posting pics of my grow, its a totally grow account as in all you see is my grow no pictures of me or anything personal, anyways I also have a kik for growing for instagram as I do chat to other growers from all over general chat

Anyways I got a kik today off some1 saying he lives in the states he's coming to Dublin could i hook him up with some weed when he got here How dodgy is that I just ignored him as if like!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
So I mentioned before that I do be on instagram posting pics of my grow, its a totally grow account as in all you see is my grow no pictures of me or anything personal, anyways I also have a kik for growing for instagram as I do chat to other growers from all over general chat

Anyways I got a kik today off some1 saying he lives in the states he's coming to Dublin could i hook him up with some weed when he got here How dodgy is that I just ignored him as if like!

could set him up with a dump and sale, doesn`t need to know its you he`s meeting, just tell him its a friend/dealer etc, hardly like he`s after kilos... probably a bit of percy, so sort an old sim and before you meet him drop the weed in a bag or box and after he`s paid point it out to him and its his problem after that, walk away like you haven`t a clue who he is...

or you could ignore him...;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
zero dark thirty is a real good film ae u should enjoy that mate, gangster squad is worth a watch too.

downloaded deadman down lastnight, i`ll get that gangster squad later aswell, been looking for that doc mdjenks linked awhile back, one about the soilders in iraq not found it yet but give me time...


Well-Known Member
downloaded deadman down lastnight, i`ll get that gangster squad later aswell, been looking for that doc mdjenks linked awhile back, one about the soilders in iraq not found it yet but give me time...
Was that pararescue warriors?

No idea what happened the plants, I didn't hang around to look for clues but unless a fucking cow was lost and someone stumbled on them it's highly unlikely someone would be out walking that way, I'll be up there by sun up and see if there's cow shit or whatever near them.Also have the check the others.
There was a smell off them but if more than a coupl of feet away it wouldn't be noticable.


Well-Known Member
hello everyone, like usual I've been busy working but it has started to slow down and me and the wife are taking a trip to seattle for a friend reunion. Sense mj is legal there now we are taking some of the great chernobyl for our good friend and friends that live there as well as some fresh made caramels.

So how has everyone been.....good I hope!

@dublingrower: did you ever get anything? And the new will be on its way soon I will get it out early next week.

@fr3d: thanks for the concern I am doing good and am thankful for this thread it seems to be the most friendly and honest helpful one I have come across, I have abandoned the other one from the seed depot to many ego's and treating newbies like shit and I am tired of its negativity so this is my only social outlet on the web from here on out.

To everyone stay friendly and helpful as I know you will and lets not tolerate people coming in this thread and spreading negativity and treating newbies like lesser people. This thread has gone a long way and I think we all owe it to ourselves to keep it the best thread on the internet about this subject and good luck to everyone and their grows and thanks for all the kind advice to me and everyone else.


Well-Known Member
hello everyone, like usual I've been busy working but it has started slow down and me and the wife are taking a trip to seattle for a friend reunion. Sense mj is legal there now we are taking some of the great chernobyl for our good friend and friends that live there as well as some fresh made caramels.

So how has everyone been.....good I hope!

@dublingrower: did you ever get anything? And the new will be on its way soon I will get it out early next week.
Nice of you to stop by md, hope all goes well with you.


Well-Known Member
irish threads gonna be jacked now mdjenks is back lol the normous nobjockey wont be happy ''whats this thread about'' well not just your spidermite ya mug...


Well-Known Member
whats a vpn? to download i click get the torrent and it then launches a magnetic thing !!! computer speak i really not up on fred, hahahaha might as well be japaneese...
When you're online you're assigned an IP address by your provider , it identifies your general location and your service provider, what a VPN does is changes that to make it appear like you are in a different location,like the US, Canada or anywhere really.So when downloading new releases etc there's no way of being caught.


Well-Known Member
When you're online you're assigned an IP address by your provider , it identifies your general location and your service provider, what a VPN does is changes that to make it appear like you are in a different location,like the US, Canada or anywhere really.So when downloading new releases etc there's no way of being caught.
You can also download a proxy server that will hide your IP from everyone.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you meant about that newuserlol.
wasnt aimed at you at all jenks old argument u had no part with, although the thread has been busy with your name last week or so, people you have issues with have jacked the thread recently with whatever problems you all have from other sites?

lots have had you back in here tho, your respected by many in this thread.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
nice to have you back md, your hh had a 50% germ rate so got 6 fems, there in there final pots not and in re-veg... the og are flowering good too, there streching like mad now but bushy to go with it so not too bad, and i`m letting them get as big as they like, well within reason like...

as sambo said, you been the topic of much debate recently, think you should read back a few pages...
ae86 grower:9274396 said:
So I mentioned before that I do be on instagram posting pics of my grow, its a totally grow account as in all you see is my grow no pictures of me or anything personal, anyways I also have a kik for growing for instagram as I do chat to other growers from all over general chat

Anyways I got a kik today off some1 saying he lives in the states he's coming to Dublin could i hook him up with some weed when he got here How dodgy is that I just ignored him as if like!

could set him up with a dump and sale, doesn`t need to know its you he`s meeting, just tell him its a friend/dealer etc, hardly like he`s after kilos... probably a bit of percy, so sort an old sim and before you meet him drop the weed in a bag or box and after he`s paid point it out to him and its his problem after that, walk away like you haven`t a clue who he is...

or you could ignore him...;)
Na man feck that, haven't even talked to this fella once be diff if I know the fella or some sort of communication


Well-Known Member
I looked back at the threads and "karmasabitch" is one the main one when I first got on this site to talk smack to me when I was a newbie and I was immature about the situation I admit that, I should have been the bigger man. Now he is trolling the only thread I give a shit about trying to put down my reputation. The pics I posted on the seed depot were not from anybody else but me and the two others involved in the co-op! I posted some pics back in the day that were not mine but my friend was growing some, I think white widow or what not, and he had no pics so I put some up that looked like his almost identical.

He is the one that is a wolf in sheeps clothing trying to persuade all of you to change your minds about me. I respect everyone of you on this thread but he is not welcome here just like he says I am not welcome on his thread. What I wrote a minute ago was before I even looked at past posts and I decided to stay off the thread he is always on and have no plans to go back as it always comes out to drama. I thank you all for standing up for me and I would do the very same for you. Every pic I have ever posted on here is mine!!!!!!!!!! I don't give a shit what he says he has no kind of proof that any pic on this thread isn't mine, my grow buddies don't do the thread thing or else they would back me up on this. sorry for bringing drama to this thread that was not my intention!
mdjenks:9274520 said:
hello everyone, like usual I've been busy working but it has started to slow down and me and the wife are taking a trip to seattle for a friend reunion. Sense mj is legal there now we are taking some of the great chernobyl for our good friend and friends that live there as well as some fresh made caramels.

So how has everyone been.....good I hope!

@dublingrower: did you ever get anything? And the new will be on its way soon I will get it out early next week.

@fr3d: thanks for the concern I am doing good and am thankful for this thread it seems to be the most friendly and honest helpful one I have come across, I have abandoned the other one from the seed depot to many ego's and treating newbies like shit and I am tired of its negativity so this is my only social outlet on the web from here on out.

To everyone stay friendly and helpful as I know you will and lets not tolerate people coming in this thread and spreading negativity and treating newbies like lesser people. This thread has gone a long way and I think we all owe it to ourselves to keep it the best thread on the internet about this subject and good luck to everyone and their grows and thanks for all the kind advice to me and everyone else.
Welcome back man, no man no mail no worries been some dram up in hurr lol hope all is well


Well-Known Member
In fact when the seed collectors thread was on RIU I was respected by a few enough for one fellow to gift me some of the legendary bodhi goji go. I received them and still have yet to run them as it is male and I like fems which the "seed collectors" look down on as well as auto's and like I said a lot of them are not kind to new people that come on that thread. I returned the gifting favor to a lot of you just for the sake of returning the favor to others and I expect nothing in return but for you to enjoy, I hope, and have new genetics in your area.


Well-Known Member
well even tho ive only ever wound u up bout being american and im more unwelcome in this thread than herpes lmao ive always found your posts polite and respectful even when im being a drunken twat, im glad your back jenks.....