Thrips are tiny and fast.


Active Member
Just thought I'd let people know what a thrip looks like. And give a little info that I didn't realize. Black tar drops on leaves thrip shit. Looks like Ca or Mg deficiency thrip possible. Mold/fungus good chance thrip. The bug in pictures thrip, what it looks like.IMG_20130627_231949_222-2.jpg
Horrible pic but its my point,small blob to left of pen tip isn't one, the smaller blob directly in front is. I lost 3 on a white plate before using rosemary oil to cage it.

They are vectors for mold/fungus and can ruin a garden if unchecked. These are really small pirate bugs eating them try to see the smaller thrips in it. This plant had a lot more than me and most pics show massive infestation.


Well-Known Member
Thrips are a serious threat in a garden that doesn't know they're there.

Any insecticide that contains SPINOSAD is your friend in the fight against these.



Well-Known Member
Just won the fight with these little bastards, they spread like wildfire.

I wiped them out with monterey garden spray with Spinosad, 2 treatments and they are pretty much gone. I'll probably hit them once or twice more just to be safe.


Well-Known Member
Just won the fight with these little bastards, they spread like wildfire.

I wiped them out with monterey garden spray with Spinosad, 2 treatments and they are pretty much gone. I'll probably hit them once or twice more just to be safe.
Don't forget to hit you medium with the MONTERAY.

Part of thrips life cycle is within the medium.

I am in the UK and I get a 32oz bottle of MONTERAY for £12. But it costs me in total £32 to get it to me from the USA.

That's how much I trust this product.

Its better than anything you can find on the market in the UK.

The bacteria contained within SPINOSAD can keep working in your medium if moist for up to 6weeks.
