Pepe le skunk
Well-Known Member
looked like i was in week 2 of flowering by the end of week one. The flowering spots were all over rather than just at the nodes themselves and had mature pistils rather than developing ones in the same amount of time. I'm just going by observation and that was the only change i made to my system which resulted in a larger yield with denser buds.
There is an interesting book by Tom Flowers called Marijuana flower forcing concerning the critical night length that would explain some of the results people are having. Critical night length is the exact number of hours strains need to start producing flowers and it is not the same for every variety. It is not always 12 hours of darkness to start flowering. Here is a quick guide to show the critical night length for different varieties. Hope that helps.

So an afghani only needs 11:30 of dark time to start flowering were a tropical sativa from thailand needs 12 hours and 40 minutes of darkness to really flower heavily. That is why with sativas when people cut the light hours to 10 hours on and 14 of darkness the plants start to flower heavily in the end to ripen. It is because they didn't give enough darkness to begin with for heavy flowering. They should or could have given it more dark and it might have finished faster. Also posted times for outdoors and locations so it might help some people if outdoors. You could try using light blockers to flower faster outdoors.