zimmerman news

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desert dude

Well-Known Member
zimm was read his rights, he chose to open his mouth anyway.

there you go trying to make this a racial thing again.

"al sharpton told me to" never appeared in the affidavit. a borderline case got a second look and a decision was made to pursue the case that they almost pursued much earlier.

too bad for you that the case is not even close to over yet.

nice to see you trying to quit while you believe yourself to be ahead. so much for a full examination of the facts.
There was literally nothing in the affidavit of probable cause, a statement by Sharpton would have made it at least interesting.

At least Trayvon's parents have managed to cash out a bit. I imagine Crump got a nice payday too.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
we get it, you think this is all just "politcal retribution for the black man" (your own words).

you can't take the racial lens off and just admit that this is about a drug addled man with a history of violence and getting too involved who profiled and pursued an innocent child with his gun.
No, I think this is a bunch of politicians shitting their pants and hoping to appease the angry crowds created by Sharpton, Jesss, Obama, and a slanderous media.

What do you mean by "profiled"? Martin certainly fit the profile of a burglar.


Well-Known Member
Based on the witnesses and the physical evidence, the prosecutor should have refused to bring charges.

There is a reason Angela Corey did not put this case before a grand jury. A GJ would have returned no bill.
You can clearly see the Prosecutors body language and lines of questioning, he KNOWS he has no chance. There is no passion behind the prosecutors words, he is empty like a drone going through motions. The three prosecutors handling this know the case is a dead dog. They are under extreme pressure to press the charges. I voted for Obama and would again, but he was under extreme pressure from the NAACP and countless other organizations. Just politics. Racist undertones and extreme politics. NO evidence to suggest anything other than a ambush by Martin.


New Member
There was literally nothing in the affidavit of probable cause, a statement by Sharpton would have made it at least interesting.

At least Trayvon's parents have managed to cash out a bit. I imagine Crump got a nice payday too.
“They killed my son and now they are trying to kill his reputation. [lucky I cashed in early]"


Well-Known Member
we get it, you think this is all just "politcal retribution for the black man" (your own words).

you can't take the racial lens off and just admit that this is about a drug addled man with a history of violence and getting too involved who profiled and pursued an innocent child with his gun.

This is a horrible situation all in all. Zim is a f'in loon who was told by the dispather to leave the kid alone.

TM should have called the police himself when Zim was following and harrassing him, instead of taking matters into his onw hands and attacking Zim. Two wrongs clearly do not make a right. Zim certainly bears some responsibility here.


Well-Known Member
No, I think this is a bunch of politicians shitting their pants and hoping to appease the angry crowds created by Sharpton, Jesss, Obama, and a slanderous media.

What do you mean by "profiled"? Martin certainly fit the profile of a burglar.
how so? was he peeking inside windows? was he walking up to back doors trying to open them? was he looking in through car windows?

or was it that it was a black dude walking in a gated community?....


Well-Known Member
“They killed my son and now they are trying to kill his reputation. [lucky I cashed in early]"
you and desert dud seem to have this (baseless) impression that martin's parents are cashing in on his death.

you're gonna need a citation for that, otherwise you have only discredited yourselves yet again.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
how so? was he peeking inside windows? was he walking up to back doors trying to open them? was he looking in through car windows?

or was it that it was a black dude walking in a gated community?....
When Z called the police he didn't even know TM was black. When asked by the dispatcher, Z said "he looks black", not "he is black". Z has a long history of being the opposite of a racist, he has black relatives. I guess none of that matters when your itching to pike the head of a "white hispanic", huh, R?

Meandering around in the rain in a neighborhood plagued by burglaries means he fit the profile of a burglar. Some of the residents in that "gated community" were black. You sound like you work for NBC with your insinuations.

Simple self defense.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
you and desert dud seem to have this (baseless) impression that martin's parents are cashing in on his death.

you're gonna need a citation for that, otherwise you have only discredited yourselves yet again.
Well, Buckster, they already received a $1M settlement from the HOA. Even in today's free money climate a million bucks is a nice piece of change. Crump probably took a third, though.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
there is no evidence of who attacked who, although we do know that martin ran several times and zimm followed and searched for him.
Was Martin afraid of the creepy ass cracker following him? Why didn't he just go home, he certainly had ample opportunity? The obvious reason is because he decided to mete out a little street justice on the creepy ass cracker. Trayvon should have been satisfied with decking Z and then leaving, it would have been simple assault in that case, but he had to climb aboard to continue the beat down. The problem with being a bad ass is that you might come up against somebody who is a badder ass, or against somebody who is armed and afraid enough to defend his life. That's what happened to TM.


Well-Known Member
zimmerman's tall tale moves in the opposite direction, he goes from getting his head slammed on concrete and yelling at goode for help and manages to inch his way to the grass. goode has him going from grass to concrete.
I don't know how important it will be that Z stated the direction of the struggle differently than the eyewitness, but I do know one thing for sure.

The fact that we have an eyewitness confirming they were fighting on the sidewalk, completely obliterates about 200+ posts from UB stating emphatically that there was no possible way the "ground game" occured on the sidewalk. In true UB fashion, it was repeated endlessly, with undeniable "facts" and "evidence" that anyone arguing to the contrary had to be too stupid to fathom.

Just to keep score from the massive thread on this subject.

1. We now KNOW that Zimmerman was on the bottom being beaten. UB FAIL
2. We now KNOW that it was Zimmerman screaming for help. UB FAIL
3. We now KNOW that the struggle occurred on the sidewalk at some point. UB FAIL

Just a few days into the trial and HUNDREDS of posts claiming those three scenarios were flat-out impossible have been decimated. Zimmerman could still be guilty as hell, if he initiated physical contact. But, many "undeniable" conclusions are dying much deserved deaths.

This is precisely why I didn't jump on the bandwagon and presume he was guilty until the actual facts came to light. The Duke Lacrosse fiasco is still far too fresh in my memory to fall for that shit, of course, I didn't fall for that either. Answer honestly, did you?


Active Member
The only race issue corroborated by witness testimony so far is Trayvon "The Thug" Martin calling Zimmerman a "Crazy Ass Cracker". No wonder Trayvon Martin's parents' lawyer is now trying to backtrack and say the case is not about racism...well, according to him, it was all about race, until Trayvon was shown to be a true racist in the case...

And Rachel Jeantel might as well have been a witness for the defense.

Zimmerman is not completely innocent, but he's nowhere near a 2nd degree murderer...

The prosecution has no chance for a conviction...maybe a hung jury if any of the jurors are racist.

This is why there was no arrest of Zimmerman until the court of public opinion convicted him 6 weeks after he shot in self defense...


Well-Known Member
The fact that we have an eyewitness confirming they were fighting on the sidewalk, completely obliterates about 200+ posts from UB stating emphatically that there was no possible way the "ground game" occured on the sidewalk. In true UB fashion, it was repeated endlessly, with undeniable "facts" and "evidence" that anyone arguing to the contrary had to be too stupid to fathom.

Just to keep score from the massive thread on this subject.

1. We now KNOW that Zimmerman was on the bottom being beaten. UB FAIL
2. We now KNOW that it was Zimmerman screaming for help. UB FAIL
3. We now KNOW that the struggle occurred on the sidewalk at some point. UB FAIL

other eyewitnesses contradict all of that, too.

other eyewitnesses saw zimm on top.
other eyewitnesses say it was martin screaming for help.
other eyewitnesses say it all happened in the grass.

not sure why you're ignoring the multitude of other witnesses who tell the opposite tale. why ignore the testimony from the woman who saw zimmerman get up and then walk toward the sidewalk, indicating that they were far from the sidewalk at the time of the shot?

i'd tell ya why, but you already know, and i know that you know why.

Just a few days into the trial and HUNDREDS of posts claiming those three scenarios were flat-out impossible have been decimated.
only if you ignore what all the other witnesses have to say.


Well-Known Member
Actually, that was only referring to the amount of posts related to the impossibility of the struggle taking place on the sidewalk.
both de la rionda and o'mara asked goode whther he heard any thuds.

de la rionda made loud thuds, goode said clearly he did not hear anything like that.

o'mara made tiny love tap thuds, goode said he clearly did not hear anything like that.

big bloody zimmer head, yet no blood on the sidewalk. none of the other blood evidence just disappeared, either.

but i guess if you guys wanna call this a voctory and move on, just sit out the rest of the trial, aka the interesting part.


Well-Known Member
other eyewitnesses contradict all of that, too.

other eyewitnesses saw zimm on top.
other eyewitnesses say it was martin screaming for help.
other eyewitnesses say it all happened in the grass.

not sure why you're ignoring the multitude of other witnesses who tell the opposite tale. why ignore the testimony from the woman who saw zimmerman get up and then walk toward the sidewalk, indicating that they were far from the sidewalk at the time of the shot?

i'd tell ya why, but you already know, and i know that you know why.

only if you ignore what all the other witnesses have to say.
the 'other' witnesses are UnlceBucks invisible friends
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