Club 600

Time to load up the trusty 22 marlin LR ;-)

EDIT: You know what, my burn barrel needs more holes in it and Im actually out of ammo. Just on my way out so thanks for reminding me :eyesmoke: Maybe a cold one as well! A cold one some target practice then back to work that sounds like a plan :bongsmilie:

Ya I thought of that but it was midnight and I have neighbors and didn't want to have the cops called

And I have a place that test soil 1 mile from me never tested my stuff before but know a farmer who.did it there
Skunks are far from endangered. Look at removing that one
as cleaning the gene pool of a less intelligent member.

This sounds great. You have some very nice tilth to work with.

Good luck,


P.S. The testing process interests me....I would have assumed that
the price was prohibitive. Please post what you can about who you
used, how it is done, the cost, and the results. I would likely do this
as well in the future. THX!

I agree but its wildlife and I dnt mind killing one if it harming my animals but I dnt know if its dead or alive ime preety shure it ran off and died ime preety shure I nailed it.square in the head cause his nose and face were bloody and dragging his head that's how the smear mark of blood happened then hit it with another rock and it ran off kinda stumbling and falling then slipped thru the fence and now its the neighbors problem
where i live there are more animals than people so we encounter them almost daily, yesterday i ran over 3 bunnies, they were running in circles in the path of my right front tire, it was too late for any maneuvers so they bought it, i always try not to harm but i just feel that nature never leaves anything to waste and some other critters will have an easy meal. coons can be a real pesty varmint and i have a slingshot and a pile of rocks for them and the deer. deer are cool but they eat up all the birdseed in the feeders so i encourage them to look elsewhere.not sure if i had a point there haha i just got ripped with my rhino and you know how that goes. :)
I will have to ask some So Cali people...there must be a local lab.


Google is your best friend... almost.

Played baseball as a pitcher for years went to.sac state baseball camp for like 5 years

I was raised on playing baseball too,,, it stopped when I dropped out.
Fuck that MM sounds like you just need a bucket of balls and some time lol the critters will learn soon enough haha. much respecto.

where i live there are more animals than people so we encounter them almost daily, yesterday i ran over 3 bunnies, they were running in circles in the path of my right front tire, it was too late for any maneuvers so they bought it, i always try not to harm but i just feel that nature never leaves anything to waste and some other critters will have an easy meal. coons can be a real pesty varmint and i have a slingshot and a pile of rocks for them and the deer. deer are cool but they eat up all the birdseed in the feeders so i encourage them to look elsewhere.not sure if i had a point there haha i just got ripped with my rhino and you know how that goes. :)
That is a great way to look at it.... I love animals and never harm them on purpose if they arn't fukin with me or my shit. But like you said in nature nothing goes to waste.... You should see this bbc timelaps/program on this hippo carcass,,, insane how many animals that one big fuk fed.... then the bugs too and so on.
Btw you can plant all kinds of stuff for feeding deer, local feed stores carry seasonal seed mixes mainly for hunters to grow in hot spots but from all my reading those mixes contain a lot of plants that are considered compost crops or cover crops... Thats why I'll be using it. The fall mix for here should come out in september.

No ammo :-( lady said all these end of the world crazy fuks are buyng it all up... Assholes. I got me a six pack of tall boys though :-)
where i live there are more animals than people so we encounter them almost daily, .............i just got ripped with my rhino and you know how that goes. :)
rhinoceros in the US, and ones that like to get stoned? life amazes me everyday!:) I always wondered why rhino's were practically blind!:joint:
What's up 6er's? I went and did laundry. While there I picked up a 6er of corona and a 6er of stella artois. Time to start celebrating the 4th or just celebrating life. Now I'm waiting for this little piece of paper that slipped into my mouth to kick in. I have to get prepared for my first festy this year. My friends are a little crazy and like to puddle people if you know what I mean. I don't want that to happen when I'm totally clean in that aspect if you know what I mean.

James where I live is the same way with animals. Just today I went outside and seen 2 bucks running out of my yard. Last year we had black bear raiding garbage around where I live.

And D I have to give you props. Earlier while complaining of my seed starting skills I went and checked the ones I started 3 days ago and 4 of 5 had already showed. It's going to be a long 4 months waiting.
I agree but its wildlife and I dnt mind killing one if it harming my animals but I dnt know if its dead or alive ime preety shure it ran off and died ime preety shure I nailed it.square in the head cause his nose and face were bloody and dragging his head that's how the smear mark of blood happened then hit it with another rock and it ran off kinda stumbling and falling then slipped thru the fence and now its the neighbors problem

I understand. When I can, I use the approved method of "sudden cervical disconnection",
but when this is not possible, then I start off with what is possible, and move in for the
coup-de-grace later.

How I ever ended up with a live-catch trap, I'll never know. One is not allowed to release
animals away from the home. So, it turns into a quick head-shot with the air pistol. It
sounds harsh, but it is probably nicer than either bleeding out from anti-coagulant poisons
or getting whacked by a bar.

Take care,

hey whodat...yeah one winter it was really rough on the deer and elk round here and a truck came by dropped bales of hay at the gas station here so people would take them home and spread out for the critters. we bought a 50 lb bag of alfalfa cubes and the deer almost used em like jawbreakers so we bought pellets....but they walk by all that shit and scarf up the black oil sunflower seeds in the feeders and that shit is gold.
damn elk were in my carport once, those things are not graceful and they are massive creatures.

jd yep......a quick dispatch is always an act of mercy
good to hear, not sure what it is but a lot of people go through seedling failure periods, for a while I was popping them like M&Ms and nadda, I think it was just my eager vibes not doing it for them....
some s33ds just seem to need different attention (longer periods in the soil, more soaking, different temps I guess, rh)

What's up 6er's? I went and did laundry. While there I picked up a 6er of corona and a 6er of stella artois. Time to start celebrating the 4th or just celebrating life. Now I'm waiting for this little piece of paper that slipped into my mouth to kick in. I have to get prepared for my first festy this year. My friends are a little crazy and like to puddle people if you know what I mean. I don't want that to happen when I'm totally clean in that aspect if you know what I mean.

James where I live is the same way with animals. Just today I went outside and seen 2 bucks running out of my yard. Last year we had black bear raiding garbage around where I live.

And D I have to give you props. Earlier while complaining of my seed starting skills I went and checked the ones I started 3 days ago and 4 of 5 had already showed. It's going to be a long 4 months waiting.
hey whodat...yeah one winter it was really rough on the deer and elk round here and a truck came by dropped bales of hay at the gas station here so people would take them home and spread out for the critters. we bought a 50 lb bag of alfalfa cubes and the deer almost used em like jawbreakers so we bought pellets....but they walk by all that shit and scarf up the black oil sunflower seeds in the feeders and that shit is gold.
damn elk were in my carport once, those things are not graceful and they are massive creatures.

jd yep......a quick dispatch is always an act of mercy
I use to hunt elk in the eastern tip of Oregon and yes they are massive creatures. Specially a big bull sounds like thunder when a herd of them are running thru the Forrest just crashing shit
Love all the wildlife talk. It's fitting that just today a squirell showed up in our front tree. We used to have the little fuckers everywhere. All day they would scurry around the roof barking at eachother. Flying from limb to limb... then they got a disease. Overpopulation. Totally wiped out the entire lot of them. Didn't see a single one in the mountains for at least two years. 4 years on and we have our first seeming resident. I hope they come back... they are fun to watch, even if they disturb the peace a bit.

Skunk family lived under my next door neighbors house. We are friendly with each other.

Racoons suck. :(

And our bear is about. I haven't seen him/her, but they took a shit about 30 feet from my yard. I hope they come by one day when I'm out. By the looks of the poop it looks like a big one.

I seen birds flirting lately too. The boys go around grabbing gifts for the ladies. Singing songs and dancing about.
Love all the wildlife talk. It's fitting that just today a squirell showed up in our front tree. We used to have the little fuckers everywhere. All day they would scurry around the roof barking at eachother. Flying from limb to limb... then they got a disease. Overpopulation. Totally wiped out the entire lot of them. Didn't see a single one in the mountains for at least two years. 4 years on and we have our first seeming resident. I hope they come back... they are fun to watch, even if they disturb the peace a bit.

Skunk family lived under my next door neighbors house. We are friendly with each other.

Racoons suck. :(

And our bear is about. I haven't seen him/her, but they took a shit about 30 feet from my yard. I hope they come by one day when I'm out. By the looks of the poop it looks like a big one.

I seen birds flirting lately too. The boys go around grabbing gifts for the ladies. Singing songs and dancing about.

I love the wildlife. I put 33 windows and 1 6x6 slider in a 1600sq ft house. My bedroom is lined with almost solid windows. It makes for awesome viewing but the sun has me up way early because we haven't got blinds because of no reason for privacy out here. I love smoking and hiking in the woods behind and beside me. It's 4 miles straight out my backyard to the nearest road. We have a sweat lodge about 1 mile in. It's a rigged up thing but works wonderfully, especially in the early winter months when you can still get there. I can listen to the woodpeckers all day. Mother Nature makes the best music ever known to man IMo.

Whodat I figured it out again. Some stoner music.