The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yeah i remember the pic of that cavier, the vendor cancelled your order didnt he? said too much for postage or some shit.

thats a fucker mg, fifty pills might make them look into it a little further? i would be carefull or mate at least, u never no tho selective scam? send a few good orders the a rip?
Not my place m8 nor no one I care about, that's the way it'll be from now on. Guys are willing to use ther place for very little, plus they'd be too scared to fuck us over I think. Don't think it was a selective scam either tho cos it was him that opted for a reship, he also says to use another place. Something arrived today, dunno what yet, think it was a sampl of md but could be them ones that was meant to come lol, but I doubt it, it took too long. Ill find out in the next hour anyway

after that scare I got m8 I'm tryin to be very careful, any wer round me is just a no go for post from now on


Well-Known Member
art noon, fucked again , started ripen tonight,just hope i got some bud left b4 the thrips fuck it !, hope all are good. Indi, that ,bud rolled in some shizz sounds dreamy !, at least i think thats what you wrote, im so fucked !


Well-Known Member
Tell me this indi, whenever you've just made ur bubble, it's still a bit wet aye? How does it work puttin it in the fridge, does it dry out and just leave like a sandy texture then or what?
im fuked an im drinkin ....
sounds mad dryin summin in a fridge but this is why; the fridge has very lo rh so drying is just that...not heating and dryin, heating in the presence of oxygen degrades tha bub...also for thc to be fully active and to really hammer home into the receptors in yer body/brain it needs to be really dry (decarboxylation) it need to be really dry and really cold to get tha best bub, tha fridge is perfect

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
So I'm in the loft tent and I've forgotten the time, 8:00pm and 1000w pops into life in front of my eyes.
Startled I stepped back and nearly fell through the loft hatch, caught the edge with my toe end and managed to grab a supporting beam before I went completely

Tighter than a mouses ear hole!


Well-Known Member
im fuked an im drinkin ....
sounds mad dryin summin in a fridge but this is why; the fridge has very lo rh so drying is just that...not heating and dryin, heating in the presence of oxygen degrades tha bub...also for thc to be fully active and to really hammer home into the receptors in yer body/brain it needs to be really dry (decarboxylation) it need to be really dry and really cold to get tha best bub, tha fridge is perfect
So once you've made the stuff, scrap it of the bubble bag and straight in the fridge aye? How long roughly till its ok for putting in a j?
what about when u make it the gumby way, once you've got the stuff at the end that u let dry can u do the same and put that in the fridge?, will it go sandy do u think? Lol loads of q's m8 but I gotta ask or I won't know lol


Well-Known Member
So I'm in the loft tent and I've forgotten the time, 8:00pm and 1000w pops into life in front of my eyes.
Startled I stepped back and nearly fell through the loft hatch, caught the edge with my toe end and managed to grab a supporting beam before I went completely

Tighter than a mouses ear hole!
An how many Kurwa`s did you get thru in the first 30seconds after it happened ?? lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
'Two Toke Killer' @ 8 weeks 12/12.

The smaller one has gone stupid saggy and I've been too lazy to stake it up as it's pretty much done, I'll do it tomorrow for the last week so this bottom row of popcorn doesn't all end up in the hash pile.


And the batteries in my camera died before I could get a birds eye and profile shot of the big one.
I'll get some macro bud porn up for Friday, no bother.


Chop in a week.


Well-Known Member
So once you've made the stuff, scrap it of the bubble bag and straight in the fridge aye? How long roughly till its ok for putting in a j?
what about when u make it the gumby way, once you've got the stuff at the end that u let dry can u do the same and put that in the fridge?, will it go sandy do u think? Lol loads of q's m8 but I gotta ask or I won't know lol
no probs ask away, yes I scrape it onto writing paper that goes in tha fridge mebbe few hours later it is like damp very fine sand, this goes into a cold glass jar lid off, in tha fridge. get a pokey bit (steel lock tool etc) and scratch up the bub into rough sand...fridge..few days to a month (omfg) depending how strong u like it bung it in a spliff....if u give it to sumone it will never be the sand texture if its full melt..(.that why its not really kief) unless it is refridgerated transport ...yeah rite, I never keep bud in tha fridge but always bubble


Well-Known Member
Baz u lurkin m8ws things u smoking anyfin nice tonite I am drinkin a nice wine me mrs brung an vapin whatever me mrs is givvin me an shes fukin cookin me steak as I rite whaaa my life used to be so shit I cant tell ya...happy days....til tha knock


Well-Known Member
no probs ask away, yes I scrape it onto writing paper that goes in tha fridge mebbe few hours later it is like damp very fine sand, this goes into a cold glass jar lid off, in tha fridge. get a pokey bit (steel lock tool etc) and scratch up the bub into rough sand...fridge..few days to a month (omfg) depending how strong u like it bung it in a spliff....if u give it to sumone it will never be the sand texture if its full melt..(.that why its not really kief) unless it is refridgerated transport ...yeah rite, I never keep bud in tha fridge but always bubble
Sounds good that, ill have to give it a go when I get round to doin a run lol, still got the sugar leaf trim form the last lot ffs, I work 12 hrs a day 7 days a week sometimes but when I get home I turn into a right lazy cunt


Well-Known Member
ive been quite blessed with samples recently, vice sent me some of the nicest weed i smoked in a long time, then wk or so later i get some of the nicest hash ive had from indi, must be cause im such a wanker lolol


Well-Known Member
indis mg bubble, and some dirty kief i done.

some of the nicest bubble i ever had.

aye looks good, totally different than mine, mine turns rock hard outside but always seems to stay a little damp inside, I just don't like mine anymore, it's always the exact same now so time to try a different way. I've got bubble bags I used once and thot they wer shit but I'm goina get them back out and have another go with them


Well-Known Member
ive been quite blessed with samples recently, vice sent me some of the nicest weed i smoked in a long time, then wk or so later i get some of the nicest hash ive had from indi, must be cause im such a wanker lolol
I reckon they probly tried to poison u to get rid of ye but you've taken that much shit thru ur body it's like tryin to kill a horse and it never worked lol


Well-Known Member
I reckon they probly tried to poison u to get rid of ye but you've taken that much shit thru ur body it's like tryin to kill a horse and it never worked lol
lmfao you wanker

no seriously both where top notch and you no what im like if it wasnt i would say lol